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Rupert Everett complains that the transgender rights movement has ‘completely overshadowed’ gay issues 


He criticised what he sees as an overly reproachful outlook among young people, and spoke of his fears of being “cancelled” for speaking about transgender issues.

“This might be the first time that the older generation has felt that they have to tiptoe around the younger generation and turn everything off,” he said.

While Everett claimed to support “wokeness” because “everything it stands for is, essentially, great,” he regretted that gay rights appear to have taken a backseat to trans issues, citing Russia’s recent move to ban same-sex marriage.

Rupert Everett complains

Majority of elite female athletes favor categorization by biological sex

Trans population is not as high as the 'totally unreliable' census figures suggest

Gay Catholic Flight Attendant Fired By United Airlines After Telling a Coworker That People Can’t Change Their Sex

Tags: All Rights, Celebrity, Choices, Court, Employment, Environment, Equality, Gay, LGBTQ, Misrepresentation, Perception, Preference, Sports, Study, Termination, Trans, Travel, World

Filed under: Gay+



'They look like linebackers with boobs.' 

An ex-inmate of a California women's prison has spoken of the terror of being locked up with 'big, burly and aggressive' male-to-female transgender detainees thanks to a recent state law.

'They look like linebackers with boobs.'

Lesbian Dating App Uses Facial Recognition to Exclude Trans Women

Trans detainee 'lives in fear' of reprisals now he's back in an all-male lockup

Bachelorette Star Accused Of Faking Gender Transition For Attention

Hulking transgender athletes take gold, silver and bronze spots on female podium

Black trans nonprofit leader allegedly stole $99K for a Mercedes & luxury goods

Almost two thirds of transgender women in prisons are serving sentences for sex offences

Trans child molester held in women's prison 'sexually assaulted cellmate

Tangled web of 'Zizian cult' duo who planned to marry and were both netted for separate murders

Tags: $, ?, App, Ban, Burden, Charity, Children, Confusion, Crime, Dating, Differences, Employment, Equality, Fear, Greed, Hostility, Humiliation, Interference, LGBTQ, Men, Murder, Opportunity, Preference, Prison, Punishment, Rape, Safety, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Sports, Terror, Theft, Threat, Trans, Vegan, Violence, Woman's Rights, Women

Filed under: Gay+



McDonald’s is ending some of its DEI practices 


The company said its new position was driven by a recent Supreme Court ruling against affirmative action and other corporations reevaluating their diversity initiatives. Online pressure, legal threats and customer opposition have led many companies, including Walmart, Ford, Harley-Davidson, John Deere and others to make changes to their DEI initiatives.

McDonald’s is ending some of its DEI practices

Amazon removes section on LGBTQ+ rights from its policy page

Trump administration ‘tells embassies to stop flying Black Lives Matter and Pride flags’

Jeff Bezos erases LGBTQ+ rights support and ‘equity for Black people’

State Department to suspend passport applications seeking sex-marker changes

Target rolls back DEI initiatives, the latest big company to retreat

Tags: Awareness, Business, Change, Equality, Evolution, Laws, Policy, Politics, Trans, World

Filed under: Health/Food



Church depicts Jesus as genderqueer with breasts, a beard and make-up so ‘everyone sees themselves in Christ’ 


The national church of Iceland has apologised for circulating a children’s Sunday school advertisement that depicted Jesus Christ as genderqueer.

The cartoon poster from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland shows a rosy-cheeked Christ with breasts, beard and make-up jumping in front of a rainbow.

Church depicts Jesus as genderqueer with breasts

These parents say LGBTQ+ lessons violate their religions

Tags: Advertising, All Rights, Apology, Art, Backlash, Children, Church, Equality, Fear, LGBTQ, Parental Burden, Religion, Support, Sweet

Filed under: Gay+



5 Reasons Men Don't Ask You Out 


You probably wonder why you should even continue with online dating or go out to mingle when it never results in your getting asked on dates.

You don’t know what you could be doing wrong, and wonder if perhaps all of the good men really are taken. From where you sit, it seems as though other women don’t have this same problem.

5 Reasons Men Don't Ask You Out

Mom hires 'deprogrammer' for daughter

Dana White’s Slap-Fighting League


School ignored teen’s sickness complaints before she died

George Santos accused of sexual harassment

‘Grabbed my bacon’

Sam Brinton is a cautionary tale

Vogue model arrested for shockingly violent murder of man

Gay man keeps getting ditched by his friends for Sniffies hookups

Tags: Advice, Choices, Cruelty, Dating, Death, Employment, Equality, Etiquette, Exclusivity, Female Toxicity, Friendship, Gay, Illness, LGBTQ, Marriage, Medical, Men In Charge, Mental Health, Murder, Neglect, Offensive, Parental Crime, Politics, Preference, Rejection, Relationships, Revenge, Sad, Sex, Sexual Harassment, Sports, Theft, Tragedy, Travel, Video, Violence

Filed under: Health/Food



Does Gentle Parenting Work for Black Folks? 


“Some of it makes sense to me, and some of it doesn’t,” Rowland told Martinez during their conversation. “I respect it though, because what general parenting is trying to do is break the generational curse of talking at your kids and making them feel seen and respected.” The singer added that she’s using trial and error to find the parenting approach that works best. “I’m unlearning things that happened to me in my childhood with my son,” she said.

Does Gentle Parenting Work for Black Folks?

Ben Gordon 'punched his son in the face MULTIPLE times

“His Son Is Ugly”

George Floyd's daughter announces $250M lawsuit against Kanye West

18-year-old charged after 2 students killed, 1 injured after shooting

The Government Is Uprooting Children From Loving Homes

T.I.'s son King Harris, 19, arrested

Trio stuffed 6-year-old in dryer spin cycle

Dad tortured his 4-year-old daughter into a ‘vegetative state’

Mother killed her 2 toddler boys ‘by placing them in an oven

Tags: $, Abuse, Celebrity, Celebrity Children, Children, Court, Culture, Equality, Family, Greed, Murder, Neglect, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Parenting, Performance, Sad, Sports, Supremacy, Training, Travel, Treatment, Unruly Child, Violence, Youth

Filed under: Health/Food



Woke teacher turns white pupils into SLAVES 


In the clips posted to social media, the educator is seen forcing white students in his classroom to serve as servants to their black classmates by taking their coats and feeding them snacks.

Woke teacher turns white pupils into SLAVES

Man, 52, sues his local bar for banning him

Ben Affleck's hometown labels him a 'white liberal'

Censorship news is a reminder your eBooks aren’t safe

Black kids attacked white students and forced them to say 'Black Lives Matter'

HS accused of barring white student actors from production

Extremists TORCH future cop training center

3,000 Asians in Texas had their driver’s licenses sent to a criminal group

'This is unrealistic and disgusting'

Tags: $, Ban, Books, Bullying, Celebrity, Change, Chaos, Child Abuse, Children, Crime, Cruelty, Cultural, Education, Enforcement, Equality, Etiquette, Greed, History, It Does Not Compute, Men Not In Charge, Parental Burden, Parental Confusion, Parental Crime, Police, Politics, Questionable, Racial Tension, Slavery, Supremacy, Takedown, Teacher, Toxic, Unruly Child, Vandalism, Video, War, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Gay Boys Are Smarter Than Everyone! 


Using adult college completion rates and new data from 2009's High School Longitudinal Survey, Mittleman found that gay boys outpace their straight and bisexual male peers with respect to grade point averages and college degree attainment, and that women's rising academic advantages are largely exclusive to straight women, while lesbian women see a penalty.

Gay Boys Are Smarter Than Everyone

“Gay men are awesome. Lesbians, not so much”

‘Encanto’s’ Luisa Is Way Too Beefy For A Woman

Dad accidentally sends gay porn video of himself to his daughter

Peter Thiel steps down from social media to back GOP candidates

She punches another girl 30 TIMES in the head while others in class laugh

Thug whines about pet store’s pride flag

The 'lesbian breakup curse'

Why do the gays love Pokémon so much?

Judge Transfers Lesbian Woman’s Parental Rights to Sperm Donor

Tags: Animation, Argument, Business, Celebration, Celebrity, Entertainment, Equality, Etiquette, Fail, Family, Film, Flag, Games, Gay, Inspired, Intelligence, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Opinion, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Parental Responsibility, Politics, Privacy, Relationships, Representation, Rich, Sex, Sex Identity, Sports, Study, Treatment, Video, Violence, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Man arrested for clarifying what gender means 


It is sickening that you have caved to the cultural Marxist, anti-science tranny [sic] agenda and altered the definition of 'female' as part of the Left's efforts to corrupt and degrade the English language and deny reality.

Man arrested for clarifying what gender means

Transgender pronoun bill advances in Tennessee

ExxonMobil Bans Pride Flag and Others From Company Flagpoles

Teacher fired after discussing sexuality with students

A school book blames racism on white people

Uganda suspends prominent LGBTQ rights group

School newspaper shut down after LGBT-focused issue

School Must Reinstate Anti-LGBTQ+ Religious Club

Yeshiva University petitions to prohibit official LGBTQ club

BYU Removes LGBTQ+ Resource Pamphlet For Incoming Freshmen

Tags: Activism, Arrest, Ban, Business, Cancellation, Court, Education, Equality, Fear, Flag, Funny, Journalism, Judgment, LGBTQ, Policy, Pride, Privacy, Religion, Revenge, Science, Support, Termination, World

Filed under: Gay+




If you do not allow people to vent they will hurt you. 10-Jun-2022

Tags: Danger!, Equality, Experience, Politics, World Peace

Filed under: Wisps



Joy Reid blasts focus on Gabby Petito case as 'missing whitex woman syndrome' 


Reid credited the term to the 'late and great' journalist Gwen Ifill, and said the phenomenon outlines 'the media and public fascination with missing white women.'

She cited other high-profile coverage of searches for white women who were later found dead like Laci Peterson or Natalie Holloway - 'while ignoring cases involving missing people of color.'

The host then brought on two panelists - Derrica Wilson of the Black and Missing Foundation, and Lynette Grey Bull of the Not Our Native Daughters Foundation - to discuss people of color who went missing but the media ignored because they were not white.

Joy Reid blasts

I Wish White People Would Stop Thinking Black People Need Saving

'Simply not true'

Zac Stacy claims girlfriend STAGED video of him brutally beating her

Father, 44, shoots ex-wife dead then kills himself after murdering his ex-girlfriend

NFL Player Murdered Six People in S.C.

...‘sexual encounter’ as motive in 5-year-old girl's slaying,...

Black women will get no-strings-attached monthly checks

Activist slams school board pushing to give extra pay based on skin color

Jack Brewer threatens to SUE Joy Reid

Tags: $, Argument, Celebration, Celebrity, Charity, Children, Court, Crime, Cultural, Education, Employment, Equality, Fetish, Journalism, Judgment, Lifestyle, Marriage, Minors, Murder, Music, News, Opinion, Preference, Rape, Sex, Society, Sports, Suspension, Trafficking, TV, Video, Voyeur, Women, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Supreme Court is being asked to rule if it is unconstitutional to require men to register for the draft at 18 but not women 


The Supreme Court is being asked to decide whether it is discrimination for the government to require only men to register for the draft when they turn 18.

The question of whether it is unconstitutional to require men but not women to register could be viewed as one with little practical impact.

The last time there was a draft was during the Vietnam War, and the military has been all-volunteer since.

Supreme Court is being asked to rule if it is unconstitutional to require men to register for the draft at 18 but not women

Tags: Court, Enforcement, Equality, Inclusion, Military, War, Women

Filed under: Gay+



Levitate - Imagine Dragons 

The Walk Home

Tags: Action, Animation, Dedication, Drama, Environment, Equality, History, Inspired, Portrait, Reimagined, Reinterpreted, Respect, Re-tooled, Study, Tribute, Video, Violence, War, World

Filed under: Music



Former ‘Doctors’ co-host calls out ‘toxic’ conditions at show 


Racism allegations have rocked “The Doctors.” Insiders and a former host tell Page Six the environment at the syndicated daytime talk show has been so hostile, it makes working at “Ellen” look like a walk in the park.”

“The whole culture is toxic. The executive producer [Patricia Ciano] constantly yells at people. She even cussed me out once. There was also always something about my hair. They were constantly making comments, and harassing me about my hair,” Dr. Rachael Ross, who co-hosted the show for three seasons, told us.

“And diversity on screen was not encouraged unless there was a weight loss story,” she added.

Multiple sources claim she often shot down pitches involving African Americans and would berate producers for pitching non-white experts.

Former ‘Doctors’ co-host calls out ‘toxic’ conditions at show

Tags: Alleged, Business, Celebrity, Complaint, Cultural, Employment, Environment, Equality, Etiquette, Experience, Fraud, Hate, Humiliation, Offensive, Portrait, Power, Preference, Profiling, Propoganda, Questionable, Reality, Reckless, Toxic, Treatment, TV, TV Gay Swatch?, Weird

Filed under: Gay+



The idea of having a baby fills me with an absolute, vice-like dread... because I'm a feminist 


Throughout my life, ever since my earliest memory, I have never even spared a single, solitary thought on the idea that I was in any way unequal to a man. It never crossed my mind that I would not have my own career, be in any way financially dependent on a wallet with testicles. It never occurred to me that a woman could not run the country (I was born under Thatcher), that a woman could not be a boss (my mum was one) that a woman could not shoot, ride and fight like a man (yes, I may have watched a lot of Calamity Jane and Buffy growing up).

Gender inequality? It was a systemic issue to be toppled, sure, but not a lived reality for me.

And yet now, at 31, I find myself wrestling with a belated and thoroughly unpleasant notion.

We are not equal.

Why? Because I’m in that decade, the one where marriage and babies becomes, not a ‘one day’ concern, but an approaching reality. And yet- should I be lucky enough to have a baby- the idea of having one fills me with an absolute, vicelike dread. Because it may take two to bonk that baby into existence, but after the fun part’s over; it’s all on me.

The idea of having a baby fills me with an absolute, vice-like dread... because I'm a feminist

Tags: Children, Choices, Environment, Equality, Family, Fear, Life Expectancy, Nobody Cares, Overpopulation, Parental Burden, Political, Safety

Filed under: Health/Food



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