Health/Food Posts Tagged as 'Pregnancy'
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To stop climate disaster, make ecocide an international crime. It's the only way
The science is clear: without drastic action to limit temperature rise below 1.5C, the Earth, and all life on it, including all human beings, will suffer devastating consequences.
To stop climate disaster, make ecocide an international crime. It's the only way
Scientists fear Earth may have gone past the point of no return with climate change
Three Americans create enough carbon emissions to kill one person, study finds
Reforestation hopes threaten global food security, Oxfam warns
Patient in Guinea is killed by disease that causes 88% of sufferers to bleed to death is considered a breach for a mother to throw her daughter a shower...
Why climate change activists have failed to score public support
US abortion numbers have risen
Gender reveal parties are harmful in so many ways – why do we treat them as quirky?
Gender reveal parties are a form of domestic terrorism
One dead grandmother-to-be. A downed plane. An incinerated car. Several terrifying explosions. An altercation at Applebee’s. A massive wildfire that burned 47,000 acres of Arizona forest and resulted in an estimated $8m worth of damage.
All that’s just a small snapshot of the manslaughter and mayhem unleashed by gender reveal parties over the last couple of years. And that’s before you factor in the latest nightmare ignited by the terrible trend: the El Dorado fire in California. The fire, which was caused by a “smoke-generating pyrotechnic device” set off at a gender reveal party, has burned more than 13,000 acres of forest so far and prompted the evacuation of 3,000 residents.
It’s worth pausing here for a moment to fully absorb the fact that, as well as resulting in a woman’s death, gender reveal parties have destroyed at least 60,000 acres of land in the last three years. (To put this in perspective, the area of Manhattan is around 14,600 acres.) We all know that the police are fond of a bit of profiling; based on these statistics alone they ought to be implementing stop-and-frisk tactics on all heterosexual couples who come within five miles of a heavily wooded area. If the woman’s got a baby bump and the man’s got a dad bod then law enforcement should search them for explosives, stat.
Gender reveal parties are harmful in so many ways – why do we treat them as quirky?
Flurry of evacuations after Northern California wildfire explodes in size
Congenital Syphilis Rates Are the Highest They've Been in More Than 20 Years
After years of decline, rates of congenital syphilis are once again on the rise in the US. According to an analysis published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on June 5, cases of congenital syphilis—or a syphilis infection passed from mother to baby during pregnancy—rose 261% from 2013-2018, from 362 cases to 1,306 cases. Of those 1,306 cases in 2018, the CDC reported 94 resulted in stillbirths or early infant deaths.
“This is the highest number of congenital syphilis cases reported in the US since 1995,” Anne Kimball, MD, MPH, who works in the CDC's Division of Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention, tells Health. “The rise in congenital syphilis parallels an increase in syphilis among women overall, so the increase is largely because more women of reproductive age (15-44) are getting syphilis. In fact, the US rate of primary and secondary syphilis has increased almost every year for nearly 20 years.”
Congenital Syphilis Rates Are the Highest...
CDC deploys team to investigate NY polio outbreak
STDs spike across the US as syphilis goes up by a QUARTER and HIV rockets by 16%
Gay men are twice as likely than straight men to have this painful disease
13 Doctor's office workers get herpes from janitor
Gender-neutral lavatories ‘have more germs than single-sex ones’
Men can get pregnant
A third of British schoolkids have been taught that a woman can have a penis, it was claimed today.
A survey of more than 1,000 kids aged 16-18 also revealed one in five were told men can get pregnant — even though it is biologically impossible.
Two-thirds were taught that biological sex was 'assigned' by medical professionals at birth. This meant, by their logic, that it could be changed later in life.
Men can get pregnant
Gay man piled-on after sharing pics of his newborn
...‘rise’ in transgenderism shows it’s a fad
Celebrities Who Were Totally Honest About Why They Chose a Child-Free Life
A few years ago, the actor and singer revealed that he just wasn’t ready for fatherhood, acknowledging that becoming a dad is a big responsibility that he wouldn’t be able to fully commit to at the moment. He admitted, “I think it’s really important to be present if you have children. I have a lot of...things to take care of.”
Celebrities Who Were Totally Honest
Couple accused of branding, strangling, shooting pellet gun at 5 nieces and nephews
Mother beaten by daughter's bullies
Woman Supported for Kicking Nieces and Nephews Out
Woman Not Allowing 'Bully' Niece on Vacation
Demand For Abortion Rises
‘This Is Not My Dad’
Teen Stabbed Her Newborn Baby to Death
Tossed Her Head in Dumpster
Meet The Parents That Wish They Were Child-Free
Did a Woman Open Fire at McDonald’s for Forgetting Bacon on Her Burgers?
A Michigan woman was sentenced to three to seven years in prison after opening fire in 2014 at a McDonald’s restaurant where workers twice forgot to put bacon on her burgers during one visit.
Did a Woman Open Fire at McDonald’s for Forgetting Bacon on Her Burgers?
Wendy's Manager Pours Hot Oil Over Customer After Cold Food Complaint
Woman yells at Arby’s worker about root beer float proportions
Subway worker WALKING through food, putting food on bathroom floor and drinking out of bottles
‘No one gets paid enough for this shit’
Pregnant Long John Silver's Worker Kicked in Stomach
Crazed Florida woman hurls food through McDonald's drive-thru window
Huge female brawl erupts at seafood restaurant
Woman at McDonald's flips out
Angry McDonald's customer BLOCKADES the drive-through for two hours
Should I Abort My Pregnancy and Tell My Husband I Miscarried?
I am happily married, financially stable, and a mom of a beautiful, feral toddler. On a drunken night I convinced myself that I did, in fact, want a sibling for my toddler—quite the 180 from my staunch stance of being “one and done!” I’m now 10 weeks pregnant with my second child and plagued with nausea, vomiting, and most of all regret. Should I terminate this pregnancy and tell all (including my husband) that I miscarried? He, his parents, and my parents are all excited about baby No. 2. I, however, am completely disappointed in myself for having a lapse in judgment and thinking I would be OK with getting pregnant again.
Should I Abort My Pregnancy and Tell My Husband I Miscarried?
Your Cat Is Making Your Kids Stupid, Says Science
For years, scientific studies have warned pregnant women about the possible effects of toxoplasmosis (a disease found in kitty litter) on their unborn child.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention says that toxoplasmosis can lead to serious illnesses such as blindness, hearing loss, mental disabilities, and psychosis.
Most children do not show symptoms of toxoplasmosis. If they show any symptoms, they usually include swollen lymph glands, fatigue, and muscle aches.
In teens, it can cause chorioretinitis, which is a rare symptom that consists of blurred vision and dark spots floating in front of your child's eyes.
Your Cat Is Making Your Kids Stupid, Says Science
Dog Food Recalled Over Possible Salmonella Contamination
Indonesian official says sperm can impregnate women in pools
An Indonesian official has been ridiculed after she warned women that they could get pregnant from swimming in the same pool where men with “very strong” sperm ejaculate, according to reports.
Sitti Hikmawatty, a senior child protection official, made the unscientific claim in an interview last week with the local, according to Agence France-Presse.
“In a swimming pool, there’s a certain kind of sperm that is very strong,” Sitti told the news outlet during a video interview about teen pregnancies.
“If a person is aroused and ejaculates (in the pool) a pregnancy can happen even though there is no sexual penetration,” she said.
NY Post
Would you give up having children to save the planet?
When people ask her if she has children, Münter, who is 44, has a prepared answer: “No, my husband and I are child-free by choice.” Saying child-free, she argues, doesn’t imply you are deprived, as the more standard “childless” might. And by letting them know it isn’t a sad topic to be avoided, she says, “it opens up the door for them to ask: ‘Oh, that’s interesting, why did you choose not to?’” Münter wants to move the awkward topic of overpopulation into the mainstream. “The more we talk about it, the more comfortable people will feel talking about it and then, maybe, things will change.”
For too long, she feels, the issue has been swept under the rug. “We can talk about emissions and climate change, but talking about population gets such an emotional reaction.”
The last thing she wants to do is make parents feel guilty, or to shut them out of the conversation. Procreation, after all, is natural. And if you have two children, you are only replacing their parents, rather than adding extras. But if you’re not yet a parent and can’t suppress your parental instincts, says Münter, “my ask is that you consider adopting one of the 153m orphan children that are already on the planet and need a home. Or, if you are dead set on having your own, my hope would be that you just have one and then if you want more, adopt.” Ultimately, she says, “your kids and your kid’s kids will be the ones who benefit from humans deciding to slow down our rate of growth. It will slow down climate change, ocean acidification, cutting down the wild places.”
Would you give up having children to save the planet?