All Posts Tagged as 'Masturbation'
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Overcoming Ejaculation Problems
Google Search: "So what about the much more common problem of premature ejaculation? In this case, masturbation can be just the ticket. Having repeated orgasms will bring on delayed ejaculation in almost any guy. Some believe that the best premature ejaculation tip is to double the number of orgasms a man has per week."
Overcoming Ejaculation Problems
Newly Proposed Bill Would Ban Male Autonomy
I’ve Suddenly Noticed My Husband Doesn’t Measure Up
I have a recurring thought that might turn into a problem. I’m married to a man I adore, and we have an incredible sex life that I wouldn’t change for the world. Passionate, fun, multiple orgasms per session. However, while my body is overjoyed, my mind is struggling. My husband is slightly shorter than average, and his dick is slightly smaller than average as well. This is something I’ve always known and has never impacted our sex life. But I had a friend complaining about a below-average-sized lover, and it got me all in my head. Now when I look at my husband in bed, I can’t not notice that he’s smaller than what society says he should be. I never thought about it before, but it’s making me feel less attracted to him now. I find myself less inclined to give him hand jobs or blow jobs because I don’t want to think about his size. Why am I obsessing over this when I find sex with him so pleasurable? How do I get over this?
—Little Problem
I’ve Suddenly Noticed My Husband Doesn’t Measure Up
Is it true ejaculating 21 times a month will drastically lower my husband’s risk of getting prostate cancer?
What Is the Average Penis Size
Record Number Of People Are Self-Soothing With Porn
As part of this trend, lots more people are watching porn: 78% of Brits say they watch porn alone, according to research by Hims. Among that number 48% have watched more porn solo in the past year compared to their entire lifetime (30%).
Record Number Of People
Jacking Off Has Evolutionary Benefits
If you've spent much time online, you've probably heard of the "NoFap" movement, which encourages (mostly) men to stop watching porn and masturbating in order to "reset" their sex drives.
...mental health problems
There's A Depressing Reason For The "Orgasm Gap"
Gym Tells Guests to Stop Having Sex
“So just have sex in the women’s locker room,” another commenter helpfully observed.
Gym Tells Guests to Stop Having Sex
Gay man loses seven-year battle against Belfast bakery
Palm Springs Is Going To Have A Homophobic Congressman?
Shelter for LGBTQ adults is 'a nightmare
Preacher says he hopes “every single homosexual dies”
School board member’s child got a scary death threat over trans student policy
Virginia house passes first bill to roll back LGBTQ rights
Ban GSA, kids should just go to church instead
How to Tell Your Partner You Want to Be Sexually Degraded
“The repression industrial complex is strong,” Lil Government added. “Many of us grow up being told that discussing sex openly is inappropriate, all porn is bad, dressing a certain way invites harassment, etc. Views like this shut off healthy communication about sexuality, in society and in our own bedrooms, allowing puritanical shame to flourish. With your partners, the fear may be rejection or being seen as weird or fucked up. These fears are valid, and we all must weigh the risks of derision or judgment to find a deeper sense of ourselves and our community.”
...You Want to Be Sexually Degraded
Am I Addicted?
I had sex with 18 men and my husband handed out condoms
Woman says she breastfeeds her boyfriend
Lyft recorded more than 4,000 sexual assaults including 360 rapes
61-Year-Old Groom And His 18-Year-Old Bride Defend Their Marriage
My husband said sex was only for making children
Paul Scholes appears to bite toenails in daughter's bizarre Insta video
Man 'had six-month sex affair with dolphin'
Man allegedly exposes self almost everyday for 6 months
Men who ejaculate at least 21 times a month slash their risk of prostate cancer by A THIRD
Men who ejaculate more often have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer, a new study finds.
Men who ejaculate at least 21 times a month...
Masturbating Can Help You Cope With Anxiety — Seriously
Rita M., a 20-year-old social work student living in Seattle, Washington, used to masturbate three to five times a week. But as with everything else, during a global pandemic, self-pleasure has been hard to come by. She's not alone in finding it more difficult to engage in this form of self-care. And yet, the benefits of masturbation may actually come in more handy than ever. Tending to ourselves is one step in navigating a new normal.
“It has been more difficult to be ‘in the mood’ because, in my head, I ask myself, ‘Why is masturbation something I’m thinking about when there’s a pandemic happening in my backyard?’’ Rita tells InStyle. Witnessing enormous struggles and injustices by vulnerable populations dominates my mind. Masturbation gets brushed aside and distress consumes me.”
There's no doubt that coronavirus and it’s ripple-out effects — the obvious fear and worry, the restricted human interaction — have had negative impacts on people’s mental health. Back in March, 45% of Americans reported the virus had taken a toll on their emotional wellbeing, and according to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll, the number of people who are experiencing anxiety and depression has spiked as a result of the pandemic.
I Masturbate Every Morning & It Does Wonders For My Anxiety
By 7am, I’ve already had two orgasms.
I have to get up if I want to get a shower in before work, but I can’t resist going for one more. In the end, I rush for the bus in a haphazard outfit, my self-induced bedhead neatly packed away in a bun.
The lack of shower aside, it’s a regular scenario – getting myself off is part of my morning routine. It’s about more than sexual satisfaction; I use it as a form of relaxation.
My stress levels are generally quite high. I work in a fast-paced environment where tight deadlines come as part of the package and my mind is constantly 'on'. I also suffer from anxiety, which adds another layer of tension to my already overworked brain. Switching off is difficult – as a natural workaholic, my evenings and weekends are frequently filled with more work.
Exercise is better than a pay rise for your mental health, study finds
Police officers suffering PTSD on 'alarming' scale, study finds
Should life be this stressful?
Man cured his stuffy nose by MASTURBATING - and doctors explain it DOES work
A man claimed that masturbating cleared his sinuses - and doctors said he was right.
Skyler, a husband from Arizona, said that when he couldn't fall asleep due to his stuffy nose, he decided to take matters into his own hands.
He appeared on the show The Doctors where the professionals broke down the science behind his X-rated trick. They explained that during an orgasm the muscles contract around the body, including inside the nose, which can temporarily relieve sinus pressure for both men and women.
Research has shown orgasms can also help with the immune system, insomnia, stress, pain and overall help live longer.
Man cured his stuffy nose