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'They look like linebackers with boobs.' 

An ex-inmate of a California women's prison has spoken of the terror of being locked up with 'big, burly and aggressive' male-to-female transgender detainees thanks to a recent state law.

'They look like linebackers with boobs.'

Lesbian Dating App Uses Facial Recognition to Exclude Trans Women

Trans detainee 'lives in fear' of reprisals now he's back in an all-male lockup

Bachelorette Star Accused Of Faking Gender Transition For Attention

Hulking transgender athletes take gold, silver and bronze spots on female podium

Black trans nonprofit leader allegedly stole $99K for a Mercedes & luxury goods

Almost two thirds of transgender women in prisons are serving sentences for sex offences

Trans child molester held in women's prison 'sexually assaulted cellmate

Tangled web of 'Zizian cult' duo who planned to marry and were both netted for separate murders

Tags: $, ?, App, Ban, Burden, Charity, Children, Confusion, Crime, Dating, Differences, Employment, Equality, Fear, Greed, Hostility, Humiliation, Interference, LGBTQ, Men, Murder, Opportunity, Preference, Prison, Punishment, Rape, Safety, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Sports, Terror, Theft, Threat, Trans, Vegan, Violence, Woman's Rights, Women

Filed under: Gay+




The Fast Food Fried Chicken Anthony Bourdain Thought Was Finger-Licking Good

The Chain Restaurant With The Actual Best Biscuits In The Biz

This Iconic Fried Chicken Chain Is Expanding Fast

Reparations! For every Taco Bell there needs to be a Popeye's Chicken around the corner. I've suffered enough. 22-Jun-2021

Tags: Celebrity, Charity, Chef, Cultural, Experience, Food, Old Man Dying Wish, Poverty, Preference, Reparations

Filed under: Wisps



Education advocate calls for criminal charges against NYC staff who took own kids to Disney World 


As first reported by The Post, Linda M. Wilson, a Queens manager of “students in temporary housing,” and five employees she supervised used “forged permission slips” to take their daughters, sons and grandkids to the Magic Kingdom in Orlando, Washington, D.C., New Orleans, and upstate Rocking Horse Ranch Resort, among multiple locales.

“What happens here stays with us,” Wilson allegedly told her colleagues in what investigators called a cover-up.

Education advocate calls for criminal charges

Utter humiliation for famed female chef

Council accepts resignations of mayor and town recorder

NYC judge shuts door on Post reporter when questioned over ruling

America's worst mayor frantically tried to cover up how much money she blew on glam sessions and parties

Tags: $, Boundaries, Cancellation, Charity, Chef, Children, Complaint, Etiquette, Greed, Homeless, Interference, Investigation, Misconduct, Parental Crime, Resignation, Theft, Travel, Women In Charge

Filed under: Health/Food



At least 5 killed, fire hydrants running dry in Southern California wildfires 


At least 5 killed...

James Woods rips LA Fire Chief Kristin Crowley

A-listers who have just done the most egregious thing imaginable amid the LA fires

LA officials warn of price gouging as those displaced by fire seek housing

LA may have to get rid of its most iconic feature to protect against future wildfires

Tags: Celebrity, Charity, Daddy Squish, Death, Destruction, Environment, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Rescue, Respect, Safety, Self Interest, Support, Survival, Unity, Victims, Video, Warning, Weather, Women In Charge

Filed under: Gay+



Nightclub denies claim they were grabbed and pushed 


The south Florida club that allegedly 'shoved' and kicked a transgender woman off its premise says it will remove anyone who makes guests 'uncomfortable' but that it was misrepresented in the media by the woman.

Nightclub denies claim they were grabbed and pushed

LGBTQ+ Nonprofit, Beset by Scandal

Trans woman faces murder charges in killing of cis man

Trans pedophile caged 32 months

City puts $10,000 bounty on trans people’s heads if they use a public restroom

Imane Khelif is a biological man

Las Vegas woman 'kills roommate with fentanyl-laced cocaine'

Trans athlete admits she would have an advantage if she competed against biological women

OnlyFans star who had sex with 250 high school students is transgender

Trans woman was caught having consensual sex with another woman...

Tags: $, Accusation, Ban, Bar/Club, Charity, Cheating, Disruption, Employment, Enforcement, Fraud, Funding, LGBTQ, Murder, Policy, Politics, Prison, Rape, Safety, Security, Sex, Sports, Trans, Treatment

Filed under: Gay+



Tampa Bay Rays players refused to wear a Pride rainbow 


Can you imagine the club that would allow a player to opt out of wearing a 42 on his jersey for Jackie Robinson Day? Or refuse to wear some camo for a Military Appreciation Day? Complete disaster.

Unfortunately, the Rays management approached this differently, allowing homophobia amongst a handful of 20-somethings to drive the uniforms that some of the players wore.

Tampa Bay Rays players refused to wear a Pride rainbow

Most Americans oppose biological men competing in women's sports

Twitter debates banning Libs of TikTok

Gay pride jersey sparks player boycott

MLB more pro-gay than Target

A gay manager was fired by the Chicago Blackhawks

NFL again allows a player to fund the most anti-gay organization in sports

Tags: Accusation, Activism, All Rights, Americans, Ban, Charity, Choices, Competition, Court, Employment, Gay, Interference, LGBTQ, Men In Charge, NSFW, Opinion, Politics, Protest, Rejection, Religion, Representation, Sex Identity, Sports, Termination, World

Filed under: Gay+



Dyslexic Gay Man Not Accepted By Tampa Bay Community 


Some people thought he was trying to be funny and got mad about it. Then we found out he’s dyslexic but it’s still weird.

Dyslexic Gay Man Not Accepted

Italy not signing LGBTQ+ rights bill

Pronouns, tribal affiliations now forbidden in SD public univ. employee emails

Minnesota bans Gay & Trans Panic Defense

Hundreds of gay men evicted from Dallas hotel after AKA Sorority members complained about their attire

GLAAD’s Sarah Kate Ellis Under Fire

Ford exits LGBTQ+ index

This anti-DEI activist is targeting LGBTQ rights

I Have Tourette’s, and I’m Gay

Tags: $, Ban, Bullying, Business, Cancellation, Charity, Club/Bar, Community, Court, Disease, Disruption, Employment, Etiquette, Gay, Greed, Hostility, Hypocrisy, Laws, LGBTQ, Neglect, Parties, Policy, Politics, Priorities, Protections, Punishment, Rejection, Respect, Sad, Society, Support, Survival, Travel, Women In Charge, World

Filed under: Gay+



Daniel Penny’s defense fund over $1M after manslaughter charge 


Thousands of donors raced to the aid of Marine Daniel Penny Saturday as a fund for his legal defense surpassed $1 million – a tsunami of support so massive it swamped the hosting website and disabled it for more than an hour.

Daniel Penny’s defense fund

Legal fund for Daniel Penny tops $2M

Jordan Neely's uncle ARRESTED

Video blows up left’s narrative around Daniel Penny and Jordan Neely

Tags: $, Arrest, Charity, Court, Death, Environment, Family, Heroism, Opinion, Parental Crime, Self Defense, Support, Theft, Violence

Filed under: Gay+



Governor Gavin Newsom does NOT endorse $1.2 million reparations checks 


The scheme approved by the nine-member reparations task force on Saturday would cost the state around $800 billion - more than twice the state's annual budget.

Newsom said dealing with the legacy of slavery and discrimination is 'about much more than cash payments.'

Newsom does NOT endorse $1.2 million reparations checks

More than 70 migrants dumped on VP Kamala Harris' doorstep

'Build the wall, make a border'

'It's upsetting how they're treating Americans'

'We need to be taken care of first!'

Lawmaker sparks furious backlash after warning black residents

Peddling children for sex is a serious crime

Stop telling Springfield residents we're not allowed to be frustrated

Tags: $, Cancellation, Charity, Children, Community, Consequences, Court, Cultural, Environment, Exploitation, Greed, Interference, Leaders, Overpopulation, Policy, Priorities, Reckless, Rejection, Reparations, Safety, Sex, Sex Worker, Sexual Abuse, Slavery, Threat, Violence

Filed under: Gay+



LGBTQ+ Senator Proposes Ban on 'Religious Indoctrination' of Kids 


“There is a well-documented history of indoctrination and sexual abuse perpetrated by religious leaders and clergy people upon children,” according to the amendment. “Abusers within churches and other religious institutions often use events like church or youth-group-sponsored camps and retreats to earn children’s trust and gain unsupervised access to such children in order to commit such abuse.”

LGBTQ+ Senator Proposes Ban

LGBTQ-Affirming School Closing After Churches Stop Funding

Gay fathers confronted at Arizona religious school


How a vicious gay-bashing ring unfolded in Christchurch

Pope Francis says Italian seminaries should reject gay applicants

Catholic Diocese refuses to host concert over performance by Gay Men’s Chorus

Florida gets ‘F’ rating for treatment of LGBTQ community

Lifeguard files lawsuit because he was offended by the Pride flags

Pope Francis allegedly repeats gay slur

Tags: $, Activism, All Rights, Ban, Books, Celebrity, Charity, Children, Church, Court, Criticism, Education, Employment, Environment, Etiquette, Fail, Family, Flag, Funding, Gay, Interview, LGBTQ, Misrepresentation, Neglect, Opinion, Parental Confusion, Parental Crime, Parenting 101, Policy, Politics, Priorities, Religion, Shutdown, Treatment, Violence, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



First Affordable Housing Complex For LGBT Seniors Opens 


History was made on Long Island when the nation’s first suburban LGBT senior housing center opened its doors Friday.

First Affordable Housing

LGBTQ-Inclusive Affordable Housing for Young Adults

LGBTQ senior housing project vandalized with hate speech

LGBTQ seniors can struggle to find affordable housing

SF LGBTQ senior housing awaits funding

Tags: $, Aging, Charity, Future, Home, Homeless, LGBTQ, Poverty, Real Estate, Rent, Seniors, Survival, Threat, Vandalism, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Dolly Parton's mission to help kids read 


Dolly Parton's mission to help kids read

...exhibit aims to promote a love of reading

Tags: Books, Celebrity, Charity, Children, Dedication, Education, Environment, Instructional, Intelligence, Interview, Investment, Music, Parenting, Pride, Support, Sweet, Trending, Video

Filed under: Health/Food



Hawaii Kids Could Lose Access To Free Meals At School...


The opportunity for all Hawaii public school students to get free meals at school during the pandemic could end at the close of the school year, potentially cutting off thousands of kids from access to nutritious meals.

Hawaii Kids Could Lose Access To Free Meals At School...

Public school inspecting children's lunches and confiscating 'excessive' chips, soda, candy

Walmart and Kroger Are Banning Baby Formulas

Free school lunches for all set to end

CA To Give Free School Lunches To Students

Millions of Americans Might Lose Internet Access Today

What the pic is saying:

Front boy with green shirt talking to a teacher. Kid: you mean there's no food? Teacher: Yes, but you can still say gay. Girl With Kitten Shirt: They are dissecting a frog. Blonde Girl Next To Her: Oooooh, can I eat it? Polka Dot Girl: It looks yummy. Boy in Black Shirt & Combat Shorts: Will it jump in my stomach? Boy In Green Behind Shocked Blonde Girl: I'm going to cook it first. I brought a lighter. Teacher In The Blue: I said no more whining! Blonde Girl: I only asked if you had a mint. Teacher With Blue Necklace: I told you already. We can't go shopping at Walmart! 23-Mar-2022

Tags: $, Awareness, Ban, Charity, Children, Education, Food, Hate, Health, Hunger, Parental Burden, Politics, Priorities, Privacy, Privilege, Program, Support, Survival, Termination

Filed under: Health/Food



'Toxic femininity' is not just fake-tanned bullies on Love Island 


ManKind Initiative, a domestic violence charity, has called on the programme’s producers to ensure male contestants were treated as they would female islanders. But the truth is that the entire set-up of Love Island is toxically feminine, with covert power games cloaked under smiles and ‘support’. Watching Love Island is like being trapped in the subconscious of a sixth-former from the movie Mean Girls, whose characters are constantly engaged in psychological warfare with each other.

Women are still as competitive as men. It’s just that women don’t (usually) compete directly. Instead, a more typical female strategy is to cut down a rival by insisting on ‘equality’, or get friends to gang up on her.

'Toxic femininity'

'It is disrespectful and insults women'

Girl got mad because parents bought her a Tesla instead of a Mercedes-Benz

Jennifer Gries lied about rapes to get revenge on coworker

Jenna Ortega’s rude comments should kill her career

Johnny Depp Had a Major Downfall in His Career Due to His Ex-Wife

Youth shelter employee arrested, more victims identified in sexual assault, cover-up

Mom of YouTube star is sued for $22m by 11 kids

Sentenced to 21 years for poisoning her friend with laced cheesecake

Accused stepson killer’s...

Tags: $, Celebrity, Charity, Children, Consequences, Criticism, Education, Environment, Etiquette, Exclusivity, Fraud, Hate, Hostility, Investigation, Marriage, Medical, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Parody, Sexual Abuse, Supremacy, Termination, Training, TV, Woman's Rights, Women In Charge, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Man turned away from giving blood for refusing pregnancy test 


Leslie Sinclair, a retired driver for an engineering company, was turned away from a blood drive at the Albert Halls clinic in Scotland. The Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS) organized the drive and were responsible for rejecting Sinclair because, as the Telegraph reports, they are dedicated to inclusivity.

Man turned away from giving blood

...husband of TEN MONTHS is actually a WOMAN

Trans skateboarder, 29, who beat 13-year-old girl to first prize is a REJECTED Olympic qualifier with too much testosterone

60% of Americans say people can’t switch genders

The Money behind the Transgender Movement

Every trans child treated on NHS will have medical records scrutinised

Those who detransition avoid medical help

Detransitioner was prescribed testosterone after 30-minute call

‘Dangerous’ comments about suicidal trans kids

Tags: Charity, Children, Choices, Competition, Complaint, Detransition, Health, Investigation, Medical, Neglect, Privacy, Punishment, Regret, Service, Sports, Study, Suicide, Trans, Treatment, Weird, World

Filed under: Health/Food



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