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Assisted dying: Campaigners renewed hope for change in the law 


David Peace has motor neurone disease, a terminal illness which gradually affects the brain and nerves.

David, who lives in central London, is one of a number of people behind renewed calls to update England and Wales assisted dying laws to allow terminally ill people, with six months to live, the right to end their life, subject to strict criteria.
A second reading of the assisted dying bill is due to take place in the House of Lords this autumn.

Assisted dying: Campaigners renewed hope for change in the law

Jaime Osorio Márquez, dies by assisted suicide at 46

Inside the first Sarco pod suicide

Kenya court rules that criminalising attempted suicide is unconstitutional

Tags: Celebrity, Choices, Disease, Health, Laws, Life, Medical, Mental Health, Respect, Seniors, Suicide, Support, Tired, World

Filed under: Health/Food



La Palma (2024) Arf

I was invested until the end. The characters had depth and appeal but made little sense. In what world do children overreact because their parents are arguing? Teens don't give a fuck. I didn't understand the rift between mom and dad. He promised to acquiesce to her regiment but chose happiness instead. She dreams of a proper dick that can soothe her needs and hubby acknowledges that by drinking 3 vase beers every night. What's wrong with that? Autism should never be utilized as a gimmick. No regular person would ever figure out those coordinates. They would die. Fake comebacks are exhausting and disrespectful to artists who actually wring emotions out of concept. A disaster movie without climate deaths is like Godzilla with no breath. The parting of the ocean was only seconds. You can't be edgy or effective if the description is it's like Swiss Family Robinson without a budget...or deaths...except that guy in the back. 24-Dec-2024

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Daddy Squish, Disaster, Drama, Fatigue, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Juvenile, Predictable, Preposterous, Relationships, Sentimental, Star Watt, Suspense, Timid, Tired, Vague, Warbly, Words Spoke, Writ Thin

Filed under: TV



Love Island UK (2019-) BitesUpgrade

Women are pursuing these motherfuckers because there is a cash prize at the end, correct? I don't remember Reuben. There was nothing to latch onto. Josh must choose to be blacker or whiter. Yes, I had a doll that looked like Blade. Hugo combs his hair in reverse. I bet Konnor is a fantastic one nighter. Will must be hung. Joey is a doll. Sean is Jimmy Oleson. Ayo, we pray for you. I would have barbecued Trey like he was a lobster. Moziah reeks of beauty and nature. Ciaran has too many identities going on. 11-Jul-2024

Tags: 2010s, Best In Horror, By the Numbers, Camp, Cliche, Drama, Enthusiastic, Fantasy, Foreign, From Another Planet, Fun Acting, Funny, Game Show, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Hilarious, Hot Swatch, Incomprehensible, Juvenile, Lifestyle, Manipulation, NSFW, Over the Top, Overcooked, Preachy, Predictable, Questionable, Reality, Relationships, Repetitive, Safety, Scary, Sexist, Shrill Act, Silly, Slow, Static, Stupid Funny, Suspense, Tacky, Tedium, Timid, Tired, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Basic, Writ Funny

Filed under: TV



Love Island (2019-) BitesUpgrade

Gays undercover have no idea how to deal with female toxicity. 06-Aug-2021
Gays undercover are still saving women. Men with sexual dysfunctions agreed to remain in their original coupling. Men think women are stupider than them because they believe everything they say. 30-Jul-2021
S3E9. The men are playing football, faking the women into doing behind the scenes porn in front of the team, their family and friends. Gay boys are undercover to make sure the rejected puppies don't get tackled. It's cheating but the show has an image to uphold. May the best cock win! 26-Jul-2021

Tags: 2010s, Best In Horror, By the Numbers, Camp, Cliche, Juvenile, NSFW, Predictable, Reality, Repetitive, Sexist, Static, Tacky, Tedium, Timid, Tired

Filed under: TV



Bear, The (2022-) WhimperEarly Exit

The pacing was slow but I was patient. The cast were trying to create authentic characters and the lead was stalkable. That helps because you have to follow them and little Nic Cage a lot. It veered seldom from work, concentrated on personalities and the history that made them toxic. I wished the repairs had finished. Bonds seem stronger at work because they are constantly there. Creation flows when your personal life loses its seeds. S2E6 changed everything. I couldn't bear it. The episode was a spectacle of questionable art. I woke up from my coma to ask myself if I was being fooled. Did the jar spill beans instead of pearls? Was the lead hot or just in need of a bath? The same problems kept arising. Repetition with an artsy flair. I couldn't finish the episode, the show or the dinner. 11-Sep-2023

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Almost, Chemistry, Daddy Squish, Disappointment, Drama, Early Exit, Good Acting, Grating, Overcooked, Psychological, Relationships, Repetitive, Showy, Slow, Talk, Tedium, Tired, Warbly, Words Spoke, Writ Funny

Filed under: TV



Why I quit using my students’ preferred pronouns 


I used to use my middle-school students’ preferred pronouns.

It seemed polite.

The largest teachers union in the nation encourages it.

What harm could it do?

Why I quit using my students’ preferred pronouns

Demi Lovato ‘got tired’ of using ‘they/them’ pronouns

Tags: Anguish, Celebrity, Children, Confusion, Education, Etiquette, Exclusivity, Music, Opinion, Parental Burden, Portrait, Suicide, Teacher, Tired

Filed under: Gay+



Superman & Lois (2021-) Woof

Invisible sister jumped off the screen, again. I couldn't see her, at all. The Amazing Valdez returned. Him and Lana found the cure for teenage angst... slave wages. Clark giving Valdez a super flick was everything. I'm sure his ass tightened instantaneously. Peia's dilemma kept us interested, the cast blended more and Superman is a dick for allowing anyone to cut Lois' tits off. I thought about his explanation for not using alien tech to save his wife. It's a privilege of consequences. He shouldn't save anyone, then. Ever. It's the same type of interference. I think I fucked up the mythology for myself. 07-Jun-2023
A magic spell not concocted with superpowers. Lana Lang and Sam Lane hooking up. Yay! 10-May-2023
The episode where I lost respect for Superman. Bruno one upped Clark's manhood by giving a million fucks for his dying wife while the Supe has technology that can save his but wont. The boys care enough to do everything to save their mom but she's waiting for Superman to become one. Clark Kent has become background wallpaper. Is Sarah's first lesbian affair going to happen with that Beppo woman? Ack! I actually felt sorry for Lana. The Amazing Valdez was missing and the invisible sister went invisible again. 05-May-2023
S3E6. It wrung emotions that overwhelmed the mythology. It's a well liked family drama with hillbilly charm. Like an aunt. Superman has no concerns about Superboy except teaching him how to hide for safety. A teen with superpowers of mixed cosmic race has no sexual malfunctions, ever? The Kents just want to be part of the team (earth). The boring part. They finally gave Lois a good excuse to not put food in her mouth. Lana's invisible child is given an abandonment storyline so a Kent can inspire her quest to save the world in the future and because the writers couldn't write another male fucking thing. Why does someone always know where the missing kid might have gone? That rose faced lady bothers me. Erik Valdez is auditioning for Jimmy Oleson, undercover. Wow, he has massles. He's hyped as fuck. What an adorable prick. He's fucking the town crier and the person Lana and the kids are most likely to bump into and he doesn't give a shit. Out of respect, he should try finding his steady fucks out of town. Why didn't they shave Chad Coleman and make him Lex? Why does Clark act like he's getting fired at a button's notice? Dude, kill it. I know they're not as cute as those wolf fuckers but fuck that, go wild. Touch Lana's ex latin prick's ass and make them pop. Laser the buttons off the snitch's blouse as she sits by the prick and have Lana and the kids show up. If the Kents start wearing cowboy hats and line dancing we know the button has been pushed. What's ok for the Ewings on Dallas is off base for comic book heroes. We devoured the comic adventures because it allowed entry into a world where fantasy science could inspire the gifted to take on the fight, leave real life misery behind and take our imagination to justice. We watched Dallas because they were fun, conniving, evil, drunk, violent, cheating, thieving, dreaming and killing assholes, like our families without the luxury, class or survival skills. The show is homebound. 29-Apr-2023
S3E6. Clark goes to death therapy to support Lois. Clark summarizes that his chances of death are kryptonite based and the threat of it doesn't happen often. He doesn't understand why his super sperm didn't save her. It helped Lana and she became mayor of Toontown. 27-Apr-2023
Oh, no. Are they going to change the name to "The Women and Clark"? 23-Mar-2023
I smell a Lana & Lois season. They already found a way to have daddy Supe lapse into comas. Lana banned all Kent men from her lesbian daughter and herself. They are toxic. She would have banned her ex-husband too but he needs to pay her rent. Sometimes daddy Supe appears to be the same height as Lana. 10-Jun-2022
Jonathan didn't need to fashion a leather jacket and lace gloves to make us accept his coolness. A close up touch, a pre-alopecia treatment, a tattered t-shirt and some skinny jeans would have kept us onboard. Lois starves in both dimensions, Superman's crotch measures the same in every universe, Lana doesn't burst any bubbles in either, Lang's daughter pontificates lesbianism against a boy that fails in both dimensions. Old bitches are making it difficult for male heroes to survive. 07-May-2022

Tags: 2020s, Action, Amiable, Chemistry, Comic Book, Daddy Squish, Director's Slice, Drama, Elegance, Fantasy, Fun, Heart Writ, Hilarious, Hot Swatch, Mystery, Nostalgic, Relationships, Sci-Fi, Sentimental, Star Watt, Sweet, Timid, Tired, Words Spoke, Writ Tight, Writ w/Possibilities

Filed under: TV



Activist blasts male comics 


'I think it's time we protect jokes from men in pants,' the 31-year-old said.

Activist blasts male comics

HS defends trans teacher who wore enormous breasts

Strip Search by Trans Guard Violated Inmate's Religious Beliefs

Trans teacher with Z-cup breasts sneaks into children's dance recital

Is Hooters closing because millennials aren’t ‘into boobs’?

Ex-UFC champion’s idea of hiring female fat asses and calling it Shitters

Trans teacher with Z-size prosthetic breasts dresses as man outside of school

Multiple bomb threats over teacher with Z-size prosthetic breasts

Z breasts Kayla Lemieux claims they ‘are real’

Z-cup breasts is FINALLY put on leave

Tags: All Rights, Cancellation, Comics, Communication, Complaint, Court, Education, Enforcement, Entertainment, Fraud, Fun Killer, History, Hypocrisy, LGBTQ, Loophole, Men In Charge, Misconduct, Politics, Preference, Priorities, Prison, Protection, Religion, Representation, Restaurant, Sex, Shutdown, Sports, Study, Teacher, Threat, Tired, Weak, World

Filed under: Gay+



Ekin Sue & Davide (2022-) Bites

Ekin Sue acts like any of the Love Island win votes were for her. I'd believe they had something if she didn't look so sexually frustrated. They hardly kiss, have gogo time and he's only interested in her getting pasta right. Daddy is whom he got the gaul from and mama+ is where he obtained his insecurities and sexual disabilities. TG they're both stoopid for money. 31-Dec-2022

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Fake, Fantasy, Manipulation, Preposterous, Reality, Relationships, Shrill Act, Silly, Stupid Funny, Tedium, Timid, Tired

Filed under: TV



They won’t be home for the holidays 


“The biggest lesson learned from the pandemic is you don’t need to settle, and if people aren’t giving you the energy that you deserve, and even if they’re family, you don’t need to participate,” Sarah says.

“They really are just saying yes to themselves. They’re saying no to travel. They’re saying no to the hustle and bustle of getting somewhere … They’re not saying no to their family. They’re saying no to the process,” she says. “And what they’re saying yes to is, I just need some down time for me.”

“Is the decision to go home and spend time with family based on a desire to be with them, or based on guilt about being ‘the one who doesn’t go home’? Are you willing to sacrifice some of your own peace of mind in order to not feel guilty or [be] labeled as selfish?”

They won’t be home for the holidays

Man busted for public sex with dog

Masks creep back into daily life

One question you should never ask a single person at Christmas

Gay and single during the holidays

Tags: Animals, Burden, Cancellation, Choices, Disease, Enforcement, Etiquette, Family, Fun, Health, Interference, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Misconduct, Nature, Parental Burden, Pets, Politics, Punishment, Rape, Revenge, Sex, Single, Tired, Travel, Treatment, Vulnerable, Youth

Filed under: Health/Food



Andor (2022-) WhimperEarly Exit

Why is Diego Luna the only person in the Star Wars universe with a spanish accent? Where is he from, ToTo Rico? 10-Dec-2022
S1E1. They've contained the preach and amped the celebration of woman as a man. I don't understand how a boy finds hope or gains imagination by watching women fake what daddy used to do. The series looks pristine and familiar but the force is no longer a man's home. 09-Dec-2022

Tags: 2020s, Action, By the Numbers, Comic Book, Early Exit, Repetitive, Tired

Filed under: TV



Sandman, The (2022-) Whimper

9-10. The showdown was anti-climactic because the Sandman's only defense is throwing sand in people's faces. 18-Aug-2022
S1E8. Raising Dion marks a return with a silly superhero suit, man nips and an unengaging sister. Lucienne hits dictation hard because she does not believe a word she says. Dream is making me laugh with how serious he is but the show is not. Corinthian grows wearisome and the raven and pumpkin feel out of place. Gault flickered economically. Good for her! 17-Aug-2022
Episodes 1-4 were a gliding introduction on skates but 5-7 cracked the ice. There is nothing in Patton Oswalt's voice that I would confuse for a mythological bird. The actors are best prior to the sixth episode with 5 being unbearable, 6 boring and 7 incapable of easing the many sexes and cultures gracefully. When the beautifully pale Morpheus with the tiniest lips and waist returns from episode hiatus, the interest is renewed. All else is Dr. Who/DC Christmas Special. 16-Aug-2022

Tags: 2020s, Camp, Comic Book, Daddy Squish, Director's Touch, Fantasy, Fatigue, Gay, LGBTQ, Magic, Overcooked, Pitchy, Repetitive, Shrill Act, Silly, Static, Stupid Funny, Tedium, Timid, Tired, Warbly, Writ w/Possibilities

Filed under: TV



Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022-) Bites

S1E4. I bought a box of Depends so I could put up with the rest of the season. 13-Jun-2022
S1E1. The disease that made Hayden Christensen sink Darth Vader may have been borne from Star Wars speak not Hayden Christensen. The acting is horrible. The originals are the only ones that understood that nerdy language. The series recreates a legend whose ending has already been written but doesn't push it any further. To 2022? It's so corny I shit my pants backwards. 02-Jun-2022

Tags: 2020s, Bad Acting, Bad Chemistry, Brutal, By the Numbers, Cliche, Drama, Egotistical, Fantasy, No Chemistry, Over the Top, Overcooked, Sci-Fi, Silly, Timid, Tired, Wit Crack

Filed under: TV



Stranger Things (2016 -) Full MoonDowngrade

If this were an enjoyable season I wouldn't have talked about their hair. The retro lab visit was every mythological idea the auteurs and their fan pages dreamed up during video chats. It met everywhere but the middle. Russian prison was an excuse to keep actors that can't stand each other apart. (The audience likes them together.) The prison chapter peaked when daddy shaved his hair. He won Best Hair. The extra stuff put me to sleep. Too much. 01-Jun-2022
S4E5. I was surprised how much I had forgotten and remembered. Old people don't have time to look back. There isn't much time. The hair is horrendous. A guaranteed 80's do is brushing it forwards, teasing it, spraying it and letting it go. Instant throwback art. El is a super dork with boy crushes, the token of leftwing communist bullying and delicate. She's a dehumanized weapon. Comicbook El would have found gifts of other strength to make her cope and conquer. Why would she become Carrie? Some of the characters were hard to bear. It zooms away from sense, piles for representation and exemplifies fandom exhaustion. The hair. Worst ever! 30-May-2022
PS: I spent most of the season wanting to comb everybody's messy hair. 08-Aug-2019
The magic dissipated in #3 but unity, bromance, and a pulverizing ending held it up. 06-Aug-2019
#2 gratified every sense with throb and tenderness. 29-Nov-2017
There can't be much to disconcert when with every dedication and homage you are dealt original cards with likeable imprinted players and a perplexing with soul reflexing game.

Wynona is unwavering in motherhood vs sanity as David Harbour is papa Bear strength. The kids are inherent, funny and affecting. Millie Bobbi Brown is tasked with conveyance of eye speak and she handles it beautifully.

Success is achieved through inspiration not impersonation. 29-Aug-2016

Tags: 2010s, Action, Beautiful, Classic, Comic Book, Conspiracy Theory, Cute, Daddy Squish, Decent FX, Director's Slice, Drama, Fantasy, Funny, Good Acting, Horror, Overcooked, Sci-Fi, Special, Star Watt, Suspense, Sweet, Tedium, Tired, Touching, Twisty, Weird, Wig Crack, Writer's Peak

Filed under: TV




Suicide Rate Is Spiking in Preadolescent Children

I'd want to kill myself like your stupid ass babies! 14-Apr-2022
I don't want to be you! 13-Apr-2022
Being raped more than a few times gives me the tribal right to slap anyone that deserves it but I don't. I wasn't brought up that way. Thank you, mother. 13-Apr-2022
Oh, I get it! You want me to be you. Well, why didn't you just say so! It is a little confusing, your message. 13-Apr-2022
I survived my whole life being myself and all I got was no respect, love or money. 13-Apr-2022
Be yourself except funny! 13-Apr-2022

Tags: Cancellation, Comedy, Enforcement, Environment, Etiquette, Freedom, Hollywood, Hypocrisy, Idiocy, Insensitivity, Neglect, Neighbor, Overpopulation, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Parental Responsibility, Reality, Rich, Safety, Selfish, Tired, Women In Charge

Filed under: Gay+



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