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'They look like linebackers with boobs.'
An ex-inmate of a California women's prison has spoken of the terror of being locked up with 'big, burly and aggressive' male-to-female transgender detainees thanks to a recent state law.
'They look like linebackers with boobs.'
Lesbian Dating App Uses Facial Recognition to Exclude Trans Women
Trans detainee 'lives in fear' of reprisals now he's back in an all-male lockup
Bachelorette Star Accused Of Faking Gender Transition For Attention
Hulking transgender athletes take gold, silver and bronze spots on female podium
Black trans nonprofit leader allegedly stole $99K for a Mercedes & luxury goods
Almost two thirds of transgender women in prisons are serving sentences for sex offences
Trans child molester held in women's prison 'sexually assaulted cellmate
Tangled web of 'Zizian cult' duo who planned to marry and were both netted for separate murders
Has it ever occurred to anyone that the reason that our history is bombarded with white folk tales is because our cultures didn't write anything down? 16-Dec-2024
James Marsters on 'Buffy,' Joss Whedon, and John Barrowman's Penis
... he didn’t work with Joss Whedon that often after the second season because, by the time he was made a series regular on Buffy, Whedon had moved to Angel, and by the time he’d moved to Angel, Whedon had moved on to Firefly. Moreover, he said, the episodes that Whedon chose to direct rarely included much of Spike because Spike was not in Whedon’s original vision of the series. In fact, Marsters said, Whedon was incredibly unhappy that Marsters’ character had gotten so popular that Whedon couldn’t kill him off, as he had originally planned. It led to an altercation between Whedon and Marsters that he’s detailed before.
“This is my experience,” Marsters said, adding that he couldn’t speak for anyone else’s experiences. “What I experienced was a man who was so sweet, and so supportive, and so loving and so giving that nothing about his behavior — and I’ve seen his penis — made anyone feel uncomfortable.
James Marsters on 'Buffy
John Barrowman says flashing allegations were ‘exaggerated’
...why has the man Alice Sebold helped convict just been exonerated?
Daughter: mommy, if God makes everyone as perfect as himself why do people change? 03-May-2021
A gay man and his straight, female friend can be in a “conjugal relationship” that is legally recognised by Canadian courts thanks to a groundbreaking new ruling.
The decision, which involves a gay refugee to Canada and a straight woman he met at university overseas, expands the legal definition of what a loving couple can look like.
The two close friends, identified as AP and AM, had unprotected sex on a trip and the woman became pregnant. When the baby was born they decided to commit to each other and raise their child as a family unit, in spite of their sexualities.
However, when the gay man tried to sponsor the woman and their child to join him in Canada, their case was blocked by immigration officials who said their bond didn’t meet the definition of a conjugal relationship.
Gay man and straight woman
What kills cultural appropriation for me is that if you are in their country, tradition and religion dictates that we honor them by wearing it. In America (the land of free choice) it is taboo. I'm confused. 31-Aug-2020
If the truth sets us free, why are we hurt by it? 11-Feb-2020