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Penguin, The (2024) ArfUpgrade

OK, the finale gave me a little something. 11-Nov-2024
Let's employ some costumers! 10-Nov-2024
S1E7. The performers were never less than perfect. Cristin Milioti is a Talia Shire find. Rhenzy's light turned off for a minute. Theo needs to make more angry nude scenes. Daddy Penguin is fantastic but the subject is anti-comic and judgmental. The gangster bit is a familiar take on nothing. An artist should be able to distinguish Gotham City from The Bronx. Perfectionism is abundant but the point is lost. Villains need heroes to stop them, lest we all become villains. I admired much but I cared very little. It's guise threw me off.

By the way, costumes are part of reality. What's up with a lack of that? 10-Nov-2024
S1E1. Colin delivers a towering performance in a series whose only connection to the DC world is the names. It's predictable gangster angst for people with amnesia who no longer remember comics or original gangsters. 20-Sep-2024

Tags: 2020s, Action, Comic Book, Crime Drama, Daddy Squish, Drama, Fun Acting, Funny, Great Acting, Heart Writ, Mystery, Questionable, Sentimental, Star Watt, Suspense, Talk, Weird, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tough, Writ w/Possibilities



Curse Of The Necklace, The (2024) Arf

Everyone and everything is on the cusp, elements are appreciated and nonsense can be fun. 30-Oct-2024

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Amiable, Chemistry, Comfort Food, Corn, Crapfun, Creepy, Director's Slice, Drama, Fun Acting, Horror, Psychological, Relationships, Silly, Star Watt, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ w/Possibilities



I Kissed A Boy (2023-) Whimper

S1E6. There are more pronouns than there are twinks. Ben was an acquired taste with monkey energy. Josh felt out of place cruising non-homosexual gays. Ollie would be hotter if he didn't hike up his pants like Fred Mertz. Fred Gwynne is a top! Somebody is breathing the life out of someone who hates cats for a visa. Painted nails on men reminds me of Frankenstein. 19-Jun-2024

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Camp, Celebrity, Gay, LGBTQ, Pitchy, Reality, Relationships, Shrill Act, Stupid Funny, Wit Crack, Writ w/Possibilities



Parasyte: The Grey (2024-) Woof

I wasn't expecting much. The aliens were easy to spot. Hey dude, why you talking like that? Can they imitate anything other than a squid? Yes, they can. Viewership became verdant, I was addicted but their motor died. Emotions got no satisfaction but the revelations made it through. 12-Apr-2024

Tags: 2020s, Action, Action Fun, Camp, Chemistry, Enthusiastic, Fun Acting, Horror, Music Rocks, Sci-Fi, Sentimental, TV, Words Spoke, Writ w/Possibilities



Supersex (2024) Arf

All not given but wanted will become a superpower because the less blessed will feed it. Rocco was gifted with looks, a power dick and a drive that kept him crashing but getting back up. The series steers from controversial shenanigans and turns it into a comic book of male and female fantasies. Alessandro Borghi is Rocco as soon as the light hits him. The support did good work. A woman's point of view mattered. It stalls getting to Siffredi's porn king era. The gay friendship involved no free blowjobs or looksies. Really? The love story was a sad emoticon and the realization was astonishing because what makes you, breaks you. 10-Apr-2024

Tags: 2020s, Amiable, Chemistry, Daddy Squish, Foreign, Fun, Funny, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Lifestyle, Magnetism, Nostalgic, Porn, Psychological, Romance, Sentimental, Sex, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ w/Possibilities



Rainbow (1978) Woof

It chronicles Judy Garland's childhood. It requires that the child actor that's portraying her, be masterly to convey her but unfortunately the child sings like an angel but has no Garlandesque spirit. The story is historical, personal and respectfully private. Baby Judy was no child. Andrea McArdle was a phenom. The Annie song blaster had the same equipment but it was married to broadway whilst the legend screamed out the blues anywhere she could. It doesn't quite matter, when the lead is gifted with voice and likability. They repeated some songs to completion and that was frustrating but I loved hearing her voice. Piper Laurie was a queen mother. A deprived human on survival mode willing to do anything to eat. She only becomes extreme when the power shifts and Judy becomes the mother. The story is signed by a friend and it's an innocent adventure into young Judy's life. 28-Feb-2024

Tags: 1970s, Bio, Celebrity, Director's Touch, Drama, Enthusiastic, Good Acting, Music Rocks, Nostalgic, Sentimental, Star Watt, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ w/Possibilities



Tourist, The (2024-) Arf

The climax took too many turns for a villain unworthy of intimidation. The surprise was a good thing with Dornan and Helen shining bright. 13-Feb-2024
S1E4. Well, that was stupid. Dornan and Helen Chambers might have. I hope they did and that he fucked 20 pounds off her just to upstage her husband. 12-Feb-2024
S1E3. Mr. Dorman is no longer overshadowed and he's flexing the muscles he caught our attention with. Eye cognitive thinking was brilliant. I want to share junk food with Helen Chambers and discuss her husband's demise. Luci Miller was obvious. The assassin was the best, a teddy bear and a line dancer that always misses his target. I'm getting anxious. 12-Feb-2024

Tags: 2020s, Chemistry, Crime Drama, Daddy Squish, Magnetism, Mystery, Psychological, Slow, Star Watt, Static, Thriller, Timid, Wit Crack, Words Spoke, Writ w/Possibilities



Fool Me Once (2024-) Howl

Michelle Keegan was salty with inner strength. Woman and child lose daddy to murder when intense family bonding goes awry. The detectives bungle, connect, bond and make us feel. Joanna Lumley exerts bitchiness and priority. The suspects were vibing. I was invested in every episode. Puzzle pieces were a reward. The final ones put my eyeballs back into my head. It would make absolutely no sense, if the director and performances weren't so great. It was like watching Dynasty: The Best Years with a moldovian massacre at the end. 14-Jan-2024

Tags: 2020s, Crime Drama, Disappointment, Fun Acting, Funny, Good Acting, Over the Top, Overcooked, Preposterous, Relationships, Romance, Sentimental, Silly, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, Timid, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Funny, Writ w/Possibilities



Below Deck: Mediterranean (2016-)  Howl

A sissy charter boarded to incite havoc. Did Captain Sandy plant those dirty towels to force Tumi into authority? Kyle is either hopelessly in love or in big trouble. The new cast has not clicked yet so we give them a pass. Max complained about being underfed so the ladies tossed him in a salad and ate him alive. The man was trying to say, I can eat the same food everyday, if its good. If straight guys want to sexualize females, follow the gays. Sit and watch as they convince the women to do as "he" wants. Shouldn't security be investigating and shutting down a boat with more than one illness? I hope it wasn't the food. 07-Sep-2021

Tags: 2010s, 2020s, Bad Acting, Brutal, Crapfun, Emasculating, Enthusiastic, Fun Acting, Funny, Gay, Hot Swatch, Juvenile, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Political, Reality, Relationships, Showy, Shrill Act, Wig Crack, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ w/Possibilities



Merry Little Batman (2023) Arf

The main vocals were experimenting and setting themselves apart. Actors don't have to sound like another actor's iteration but they must ponder the psychology and physicality of their characters to achieve evolution. Batman and Joker sucked. Poison Ivy passed by a hair. Joker plots to steal Christmas a la you know who, Batman is indisposed but his child can become him to save Gotham. The action was rollercoaster, the art was crude and the meaning got lost. 17-Dec-2023

Tags: 2020s, Action, Animation, Bad Acting, Camp, Comic Book, Crapfun, Disappointment, Grating, Macho Posing, Psychological, Repetitive, Silly, Stupid Funny, Timid, Words Spoke, Writ w/Possibilities



Fall Of House Of Usher, The (2023) Arf

I understood the excuses but I didn't get the obscurity. The finale was a realization of how much of a merry-go-round the production put us through. The Final Destination kills should have ascended from that. When you add magic to horror it teeters on fanto realism. It made my head overload...with questions. Where was Lenore when daddy redecorated her mother's room? She asks to see her mom 5 days later? I believe one of the Dupin's got taller? Bless you, Sir Hamill. Once his character clicks we look forward to seeing him again. The mumbo jumbo accommodated what was easiest for the storytellers. The merry go round speeds up, there are few surprises but the cast and dialogue are superb. What fabulous creature is Gugino's character supposed to be? Is Pinhead her boss? I hope it's the girl one. 21-Oct-2023
SE5. There are so many crisp performances to marvel at. The story captivates but the horror aspect diminishes it. Whenever he gets a vision, we realize how the next victim will die. Stretching the story doesn't mean much if it once ended up in the trash because it contained too much information. The flashbacks are served nilly willy. The saboteur has no meaning but I love her. Poe's themes are observed but not acknowledged. When a creator succumbs to the title of the story he is manipulating things to fit not click. 20-Oct-2023
S1E2. Succession musical score adaptation is too blatant and soon to describe rich family hierarchy. The actors play it well but the characters are as interchangeable as their sexual proclivities. The scares are great ideas that are poorly executed. The mother's beginning is a testament of that. It should be scary but it's not, it didn't grip or create empathy. Flanagan name drops everything but the art he's pilfering. The story does not flatter Gugino and her character is beyond mysterious. I heard Hamill do a Joker laugh and I was amused. Flanagan still hasn't figured out how to shoot in the dark. The admirable parts are the ones created by accident. 19-Oct-2023

Tags: 2020s, By the Numbers, Chemistry, Crapfun, Creepy, Daddy Squish, Director's Touch, Drama, Fatigue, Fun Acting, Funny, Gay, Good Dialogue, Great Acting, Heart Writ, Horror, I wish it could look better, Music Rocks, Overcooked, Predictable, Relationships, Revenge, Sex, Star Watt, Suspense, Vague, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ w/Possibilities



Superman & Lois (2021-) Woof

Invisible sister jumped off the screen, again. I couldn't see her, at all. The Amazing Valdez returned. Him and Lana found the cure for teenage angst... slave wages. Clark giving Valdez a super flick was everything. I'm sure his ass tightened instantaneously. Peia's dilemma kept us interested, the cast blended more and Superman is a dick for allowing anyone to cut Lois' tits off. I thought about his explanation for not using alien tech to save his wife. It's a privilege of consequences. He shouldn't save anyone, then. Ever. It's the same type of interference. I think I fucked up the mythology for myself. 07-Jun-2023
A magic spell not concocted with superpowers. Lana Lang and Sam Lane hooking up. Yay! 10-May-2023
The episode where I lost respect for Superman. Bruno one upped Clark's manhood by giving a million fucks for his dying wife while the Supe has technology that can save his but wont. The boys care enough to do everything to save their mom but she's waiting for Superman to become one. Clark Kent has become background wallpaper. Is Sarah's first lesbian affair going to happen with that Beppo woman? Ack! I actually felt sorry for Lana. The Amazing Valdez was missing and the invisible sister went invisible again. 05-May-2023
S3E6. It wrung emotions that overwhelmed the mythology. It's a well liked family drama with hillbilly charm. Like an aunt. Superman has no concerns about Superboy except teaching him how to hide for safety. A teen with superpowers of mixed cosmic race has no sexual malfunctions, ever? The Kents just want to be part of the team (earth). The boring part. They finally gave Lois a good excuse to not put food in her mouth. Lana's invisible child is given an abandonment storyline so a Kent can inspire her quest to save the world in the future and because the writers couldn't write another male fucking thing. Why does someone always know where the missing kid might have gone? That rose faced lady bothers me. Erik Valdez is auditioning for Jimmy Oleson, undercover. Wow, he has massles. He's hyped as fuck. What an adorable prick. He's fucking the town crier and the person Lana and the kids are most likely to bump into and he doesn't give a shit. Out of respect, he should try finding his steady fucks out of town. Why didn't they shave Chad Coleman and make him Lex? Why does Clark act like he's getting fired at a button's notice? Dude, kill it. I know they're not as cute as those wolf fuckers but fuck that, go wild. Touch Lana's ex latin prick's ass and make them pop. Laser the buttons off the snitch's blouse as she sits by the prick and have Lana and the kids show up. If the Kents start wearing cowboy hats and line dancing we know the button has been pushed. What's ok for the Ewings on Dallas is off base for comic book heroes. We devoured the comic adventures because it allowed entry into a world where fantasy science could inspire the gifted to take on the fight, leave real life misery behind and take our imagination to justice. We watched Dallas because they were fun, conniving, evil, drunk, violent, cheating, thieving, dreaming and killing assholes, like our families without the luxury, class or survival skills. The show is homebound. 29-Apr-2023
S3E6. Clark goes to death therapy to support Lois. Clark summarizes that his chances of death are kryptonite based and the threat of it doesn't happen often. He doesn't understand why his super sperm didn't save her. It helped Lana and she became mayor of Toontown. 27-Apr-2023
Oh, no. Are they going to change the name to "The Women and Clark"? 23-Mar-2023
I smell a Lana & Lois season. They already found a way to have daddy Supe lapse into comas. Lana banned all Kent men from her lesbian daughter and herself. They are toxic. She would have banned her ex-husband too but he needs to pay her rent. Sometimes daddy Supe appears to be the same height as Lana. 10-Jun-2022
Jonathan didn't need to fashion a leather jacket and lace gloves to make us accept his coolness. A close up touch, a pre-alopecia treatment, a tattered t-shirt and some skinny jeans would have kept us onboard. Lois starves in both dimensions, Superman's crotch measures the same in every universe, Lana doesn't burst any bubbles in either, Lang's daughter pontificates lesbianism against a boy that fails in both dimensions. Old bitches are making it difficult for male heroes to survive. 07-May-2022

Tags: 2020s, Action, Amiable, Chemistry, Comic Book, Daddy Squish, Director's Slice, Drama, Elegance, Fantasy, Fun, Heart Writ, Hilarious, Hot Swatch, Mystery, Nostalgic, Relationships, Sci-Fi, Sentimental, Star Watt, Sweet, Timid, Tired, Words Spoke, Writ Tight, Writ w/Possibilities



Face of Evil (1996) Woof

Tracey Gold scrubbed her good girl identity to become a misunderstood feminist. The character runs away: from home, relationships and deep connections. Gold is a wild kitty playing life like a board game that she controls. Her forgiveness is theft and death. She assumes the identity of a kill to exit town but is tornado'd into becoming her. Shawnee Smith stirred instant empathy by being introverted, persevering, cute, desperate and clumsy. The girls become roommates, make connections, enjoy each other's company as we get to observe them. Mary Lambert directs with minute blood spills and no blows. How does evil get written on your face? She tries to explain that. Shawnee's father was a daddy wet dream for everybody except for the bitch waking him up. Perry King was carved with Kryptonian essence. His Highlander was superb but the tits and gorgeous craggly face were better. Lambert directs an intellectual showdown, the fight was fun TV Trash and Ms. Gold channelled Elizabeth Montgomery to eerie perfection. 11-Apr-2023

Tags: 1990s, Crapfun, Creepy, Daddy Squish, Director's Slice, Drama, Enthusiastic, Fun, Fun Acting, Funny, Psychological, Star Watt, Thriller, Timid, TV, Wit Crack, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ w/Possibilities



Below Deck: Mediterranean (2016-)  HowlDowngrade

When will men learn that women don't want to have kids with bald heads and hairy backs? It's off-putting, especially if they turn out to be girls. The only way to prove a gay steward a liar is to film it. Shouldn't the pronunciation of Mzi be Mitzy instead of Zee? The captain only popped out at opportune moments. Example: "the gay guy is going to call that nosey girl a bitch. Listen, wait, then pop out." I want to see the chef's eyes turn black when he's banging a chick. He has "You" type relationships with the boat, crew and that chief stew casserole. 17-Oct-2022
Deck Jason was belittled for confusing" being himself" with "honesty." 21-Sep-2022
The crew dressed like Guy Fieri and I didn't get it. Why the big boobs? A strange dick in a gay's mouth fixes his teeth but makes his job performance wonky. If a gay boy unzips in a woman's face it's not sexual harassment. If a strait man compliments a gay boy's ass it's an honor. Ex-new boyfriend of chief stew is worried that ex-new girlfriend is thinking of the chef's dick every time she sees him. He needs to helicopter in and remind her what a tasty dick looks like. The captain keeps seeing the same dirty spot after a few sips and not. Natalya snitched on her boss (not-twin) and stew Whoopsy. The captain called them pigs and Whoopsy exclaimed that Natalya had opened the fish market. What the hell is that? Is that a new gender? 12-Sep-2022
Lesbians in charge still can't incorporate a hot male crew member. Trust me, the sex jokes would be less offensive. Captain Sandy does not hit things when she has a few sips. A gay steward gets a tooth infection when there is no constant dick in his mouth. I can't tell those brunette stewards apart. If I were Captain Sandy I'd make one of them cut their hair. 15-Aug-2022

Tags: 2010s, 2020s, Bad Acting, Brutal, Crapfun, Emasculating, Enthusiastic, Fun Acting, Funny, Gay, Hot Swatch, Juvenile, Political, Reality, Relationships, Showy, Shrill Act, Wig Crack, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Basic, Writ w/Possibilities



Sandman, The (2022-) Whimper

9-10. The showdown was anti-climactic because the Sandman's only defense is throwing sand in people's faces. 18-Aug-2022
S1E8. Raising Dion marks a return with a silly superhero suit, man nips and an unengaging sister. Lucienne hits dictation hard because she does not believe a word she says. Dream is making me laugh with how serious he is but the show is not. Corinthian grows wearisome and the raven and pumpkin feel out of place. Gault flickered economically. Good for her! 17-Aug-2022
Episodes 1-4 were a gliding introduction on skates but 5-7 cracked the ice. There is nothing in Patton Oswalt's voice that I would confuse for a mythological bird. The actors are best prior to the sixth episode with 5 being unbearable, 6 boring and 7 incapable of easing the many sexes and cultures gracefully. When the beautifully pale Morpheus with the tiniest lips and waist returns from episode hiatus, the interest is renewed. All else is Dr. Who/DC Christmas Special. 16-Aug-2022

Tags: 2020s, Camp, Comic Book, Daddy Squish, Director's Touch, Fantasy, Fatigue, Gay, LGBTQ, Magic, Overcooked, Pitchy, Repetitive, Shrill Act, Silly, Static, Stupid Funny, Tedium, Timid, Tired, Warbly, Writ w/Possibilities



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