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10 Parenting Tips Our Parents Gave To Us That Aren’t True Anymore 


Don’t Hug Them...

10 Parenting Tips

Gen Xers Are Having Complicated Feelings About Their Parents

Boy, 9, is found locked in outdoor dog kennel in freezing cold

Megachurch leader, grandparents charged with murder, torture of 11-year-old

He Was an Abomination

Don Lemon says a woman’s ‘prime’ ends around 40

Mom blamed newborn’s death on being ‘flung into a ball pit

Prosecutors outraged as grandma who starved 9-year-old to death, kept alarms on fridge, avoids prison

...mother who smothered her 3 young children to death while singing nursery rhymes

Tags: Advice, Celebrity, Children, Choices, Death, Family, Grands, Mental Health, Opinion, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Parenting, Prison, Religion, Seniors, Study, Toxic, Training, Treatment, Women In Charge, Youth

Filed under: Health/Food





The school is shocked by the incident that occurred at Las Vegas Valley High School. A 27-year-old substitute was arrested while the filmed video of a physical fight between him and the student becomes widely shared.


State worker tasked with caring for abused kids accused of ‘aggressively’ grabbing, throwing 11-year-old teaching assistant arrested after student drank her vodka

Teacher killed by 25-year-old son

Four US daycare workers charged with spiking children’s food with melatonin

Plot of 2 Teenage Girls to Frame Their Male Teacher as a Sexual Predator

Teacher's disgusting act after six-year-old student suffered mishap in classroom

Tags: Alcohol, Business, Children, Cultural, Education, Employment, Fight, Men Not In Charge, Murder, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Takedown, Teacher, Termination, Video, Violence, Women In Charge

Filed under: Gay+



Columbus man sentenced to over 4 years for cyberstalking, extorting young gay men 


Uwadiae then threatened to distribute the explicit material widely on the internet and specifically to victims’ friends, family members, employers and others. He demanded money from some victims, while from others, he demanded they meet him, have sex with him or make damaging admissions, such as admitting they were racist.

Columbus man sentenced to over 4 years

Case against gay reality star Xol's accused killer delayed

Gay couple who showed off picture-perfect family get 100 years in prison

Priest is charged after being accused of despicable act with teenager

Birmingham LGBTQ+ church members ‘cut off’ after sexual assault complaints

Sick couple raped four daughters nine times a day after running out of money for prostitutes

Gay serial killer from Punjab wore makeup as kid

Man strangled after argument as gay date goes wrong

Man Is Accused of Luring Gay U. Miss. Student Before 2022 Killing

Gay Man Beaten and Killed Following Grindr Meeting

Tags: $, Bi, Blackmail, Child Abuse, Children, Clergy, Family, Gay, LGBTQ, Murder, NSFW, Parental Crime, Punishment, Rape, Religion, Sex, Sex Worker, Slavery, Theft, Threat, Violence, World

Filed under: Gay+



Young men reveal why they’re single 


They’re single but they’re not mingling.

New data from the Pew Research Center has shown that 63% of men under 30 are single – up from 51% in 2019.

COVID isolation and women’s high expectations for something serious are the main reasons they’re avoiding going out and coupling up, young guys say.

“Dates feel more like job interviews now. Much more like ‘What can you do for me and where is this going?'” said Ian Breslow, a 28-year-old high school teacher who lives in Astoria.

Young men reveal why they’re single

11-year-old reads aloud from ‘pornographic’ book

‘I’m a father and I couldn’t do this’

Gay couple beaten in Times Square

A return to chastity?

Man, 26, poses as teen at high schools, now charged with sex crimes

‘I was sucking and cutting at the same time’

Why are so many gay men single?

I use 'we/us' pronouns but that's not why I missed out on a much-needed job

Tags: Awareness, Books, Children, Disease, Disruption, Education, Employment, Enforcement, Environment, Fear, Funny, Future, Gay, Hostility, Injury, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Marriage, Misrepresentation, Murder, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Rejection, Relationships, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Shutdown, Snitch, Terraforming, Video, Violence, What Men Want, Women In Charge, Youth

Filed under: Health/Food



Young Latin Americans see violence against women as normal 


Two in every five teenage boys in eight countries in Latin America and the Caribbean believe a drunk woman is to be blamed for getting raped, even if she is unconscious, according to a survey released on Wednesday.

The survey by aid agency Oxfam, interviewed 4,731 men and women aged 15 to 25 in Bolivia, Cuba, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, and showed violence against women is seen as normal.

...violence against women as normal

Suspect arrested after woman was set on fire and burned to death

Mother was caught escaping to Canada after 'trying to strangle daughter

Chilling words killer told a young mom before shooting her and her baby

Stomach-churning words of illegal migrant

Nine-year-old girl goes missing after man followed her into store

Recidivist sicko busted in sex assault spree

Why 'illegal' migrant arrested for appalling child sex crime won't be deported

Concert of Brazilian pop star marred by chaos as fans report being 'raped, drugged and mugged'

Tags: Children, Crime, Cultural, Inhumanity, Men In Charge, Murder, Parental Crime, Rape, Religion, Safety, Self Interest, Self-hatred, Sex, Supremacy, Trans, Violence, Woman's Rights, Women, World

Filed under: Gay+



Education advocate calls for criminal charges against NYC staff who took own kids to Disney World 


As first reported by The Post, Linda M. Wilson, a Queens manager of “students in temporary housing,” and five employees she supervised used “forged permission slips” to take their daughters, sons and grandkids to the Magic Kingdom in Orlando, Washington, D.C., New Orleans, and upstate Rocking Horse Ranch Resort, among multiple locales.

“What happens here stays with us,” Wilson allegedly told her colleagues in what investigators called a cover-up.

Education advocate calls for criminal charges

Utter humiliation for famed female chef

Council accepts resignations of mayor and town recorder

NYC judge shuts door on Post reporter when questioned over ruling

America's worst mayor frantically tried to cover up how much money she blew on glam sessions and parties

Tags: $, Boundaries, Cancellation, Charity, Chef, Children, Complaint, Etiquette, Greed, Homeless, Interference, Investigation, Misconduct, Parental Crime, Resignation, Theft, Travel, Women In Charge

Filed under: Health/Food



Did New York’s soon-to-be Lt. Governor steal hair extensions & a Chanel bag from his ex? 


Love in the City followed four women living in New York City, each at different stages of life, trying to find or maintain relationships. During the show’s only season, which aired in 2014, Jones — a two-time cancer survivor who founded the nonprofit Pink Chose Me— moved in with Benjamin and had hoped to marry him and have children.

That is, until she caught him chatting with other women online via the now-defunct Google Talk, only weeks after she had surgery. In some episodes, Benjamin even openly flirts with a waitress while on a date with Jones.

“I don’t want to be married to a man, and have children with a man, that’s G-chatting inappropriately with another woman you claim you don’t care about,” she told him.

In the end, he told her, “You know what, I can’t do this.”

...Lt. Governor steal hair extensions...

OJ Simpson’s father was reportedly a gay drag queen

Obama Gay Rumors

Tags: Celebrity, Drag, Gay, Jock, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Opinion, Parental Crime, Politics, Relationships, Sex, TV Trivia

Filed under: Gay+



'I don't hate my son, I just hate being a mother' 


'I hate myself for making the decision to have a child. It's so hard, I feel like I don't have any freedom since I'm a mother. I'm just waiting for him to sleep, because I'll finally be alone.'

'I don’t want to be around my child. I don’t want to play with her, hold her, or be in the same room as her. I get so anxious just being around her or counting down the hours until she gets out of daycare. I am in therapy and on medication but nothing seems to get better. Not sure what to do.'

'They love you sooo much and then the teenage years. After that, they think you're a pain in the ass and have no time for you. The teenage years are better than how they ignore you when they are in their 20s. Then, it's like you never existed. Unless they need you to babysit.'

'I don't hate my son, I just hate being a mother'

Son kills mom before jumping from building

Teen Suffocated 4-Year-Old Half-Sister to Death

Brad Pitt 'choked' one of his children

She may plead guilty to hosting sex parties for underage teens

Man beat stepdaughter to death

‘Missing’ Texas boy Rudy Farias trapped as ‘sex slave’

NYC child thieves keep targeting bars

Nicolas Cage’s son accused of beating his mom

I’m an NYC mom of one and kids aren’t worth it

Tags: Accusation, Anxiety, Celebrity, Children, Choices, Family, Greed, Hate, LGBTQ, Marriage, Mental Health, Mom, Murder, Neglect, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Parental Worry, Parties, Regret, Relationships, Revenge, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Slavery, Suicide, Treatment, Unruly Child, Violence, Women In Charge

Filed under: Health/Food



How a Fatal Crash Revealed that Missing Boy, 1, Was ‘Hung’ by Rope, Bloodied in Photo Dad Sent to Mom 


Police only learned of his disappearance in December, when his father Steven Bradley Collins and sister RyLeigh Denise Collins died in a car crash. Kahleb is now presumed dead, the Fayette County Sheriff's Office said on Dec. 30.

Kahleb’s mother Wendy Pamela Bailey, who was critically injured in the crash, has since been arrested on several charges, including domestic violence.

How a Fatal Crash Revealed

Mom searched ‘baby’s femur is sticking out’

Grandma injected Mean Green Degreaser into 7-year-old girl’s unnecessary feeding tube

Evil step-grandma, 36, gets astonishingly light sentence for 'killing of baby'

LA Mayor Karen Bass refuses to answer questions on catastrophic killer wildfires

Erin Strotman was caught on camera breaking a premature baby's leg

Pageant queen is stripped of her crown over appalling 'animal abuse' video

Mom let 9-year-old daughter die from asthma attack

Ruby Franke’s daughter suggests her abusive Mormon mom was ‘privately’ queer

11-year-old boy was suffocated by ‘manic’ mom who rampaged RV park

Tags: Abuse, Animals, Child Abuse, Children, Death, Family, Hate, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Mother, Murder, Neglect, Parental Crime, Violence, Women In Charge

Filed under: Gay+



Video captures boy, 12, being bullied, choked on bus by a girl 


A Virginia mom has shared horrifying video of her 12-year-old son being attacked on a school bus by a female classmate — who left him with red marks and bruises after choking him in the shocking display of bullying.

Video captures boy, 12

Teen Girl Kills 12-Year-Old Brother

Mom demands to know why 19 month-old daughter came home 'mauled'

Man obsessed with pigs killed own dad

Dad charged with murder after son, 7, succumbs to injuries...

...passed out, drunk on beach while kids wandered off alone

Christine Quinn's 2-Year-Old Son Taken to Hospital After Husband's Assault

Parents allegedly suffocate baby in couch cushions after passing out

Boyfriend allegedly assaulted girlfriend’s baby so badly he had a stroke

Stepdad who forced kids to sleep in ‘igloo-style doghouse’ in yard before killing 10-year-old boy

Tags: Celebrity, Celebrity Children, Child Abuse, Child Burden, Choices, Environment, Family, Hate, Heartless, Hostility, Mental Health, Murder, Neglect, Parental Burden, Parental Confusion, Parental Crime, Rage, Safety, Travel, Treatment, Video, Violence, Women In Charge, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Millennials Aren’t That Into God, Patriotism, or Having Kids 


Voting Republican has become an activity analogous to reminiscing about air-raid drills or complaining incessantly about back pain: ordinary for boomers, but a marker of eccentricity among the young.

In 2016, Donald Trump commanded the support of only 28 percent of voters under 30, according to Pew Research. His disapproval rating among Americans under 35 currently hovers around 70 percent. And millennials’ antipathy for our Republican president isn’t personal; the Fox News grandpa-in-chief might be especially unappealing to the rising generation, but the kids don’t have much use for the GOP’s kinder, gentler reactionaries, either. Less than 30 percent of millennials wanted Republicans to retain control of Congress last year. And in broader measures of generational opinion, both millennials and Gen-Zers evince higher levels of support for liberal ideological premises and policy proposals than any older cohorts.

No God, Patriotism, or Having Kids

14-Year-Old Reported Missing From Ex-NFL Player...

‘Lack of sleep, constant crying’ leads dad to inflict 14 fractures on 2-month-old daughter

Dad waited for wife and mother-in-law to leave house before beheading 1-year-old son

Starving child forced to eat paint chips and play with empty McDonald’s Happy Meal box by parents

Woman locked zip-tied 7-year-old in cage with mouth duct-taped over ‘behavior at school’

A spate of abandoned newborns unsettles Texas

1-year-old baby dies from ‘massive impact’ after dad repeatedly slammed her to the floor

Churches fight to stay open as attendance dwindles

Parents looking for an alternative to Christian instruction settle on Satan

Tags: Abuse, Activism, Americans, Children, Environment, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Murder, Overpopulation, Parental Crime, Parental Rage, Politics, Religion, Representation, Violence, Voting

Filed under: Gay+



Woman says 'rushed' gender reassignment treatment left her suicidal 


Keira Bell is taking the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust to court over the treatment she received for gender dysphoria, a condition where a person experiences distress due to a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity.

The 23-year-old, who used to identify as a boy, said the puberty-delaying drugs and testosterone prescribed to her have irreversibly damaged her physical and mental health.

Ms Bell started receiving treatment, including hormone blockers, after "roughly three sessions" at the Tavistock Centre. She says at the time she had "no doubt" she wanted to become a boy.

Ms Bell described her decision to transition as a teenager as a "coping mechanism" and says there was "no real investigation" into the other mental health issues she was going through at the time.

Gender reassignment treatment left her suicidal

More than 50% of trans and non-binary youth in US considered suicide

Why detransitioners are crucial to the science of gender care

When My Chinese Trans Identity Gets Lost in Translation

Gender dysphoria should be treated like anorexia

Detransitioner says testosterone treatment caused ‘more anxiety’

Tags: Awareness, Backlash, Children, Choices, Cultural, Environment, Etiquette, Family, Health, Injury, LGBTQ, Medical, Mental Health, Opinion, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Politics, Reckless, Safety, Science, Suicide, Tradition, Trans, Treatment, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Children dying in Somalia as food catastrophe worsens 


More than 200,000 Somalis are suffering catastrophic food shortages and many are dying of hunger, with that number set to rise to over 700,000 next year.

Children dying in Somalia

Activist demanding $800,000 for every black resident

BLM-backed candidate sentenced to 22 months in prison

Girls' poisoning 'unforgivable'

Senegal arrests Islamic agitators for claiming prime minister is gay

Bail revoked for couple accused of locking adopted children in filthy shed

Saudi Arabia executes more than 100 foreigners in 2024

Children executed and women raped in front of their families

Tags: $, Accusation, Activism, Adoption, Arrest, Child Abuse, Child Burden, Children, Cultural, Death, Education, Environment, Extinction, Family, Food, Food Shortage, Fraud, Gay, Hate, LGBTQ, Murder, Parental Crime, Politics, Poverty, Prison, Punishment, Rape, Religion, Slave Labor, Slavery, Support, Termination, Terror, Threat, Torture, Tour, Violence, Woman's Rights, Women In Charge, World

Filed under: Gay+



11 brutally honest reasons millenials don't want kids 


When it comes to embarking on the journey of parenthood, lots of millennials are saying, "Meh. No, thanks."

According to data from the Urban Institute, birth rates among 20-something women declined 15% between 2007 and 2012. Additional research from the Pew Research Center reflects a longer-term trend of women eschewing parenthood as the number of U.S. women who choose to forego motherhood altogether has doubled since 1970.

This trend is fascinating, in part because there's long been a taboo associated with people (particularly, women) choosing to opt out of parenthood. Women who choose not to have kids have been referred to as "shallow" and "self-absorbed," and even the pope has said the decision not to procreate is fundamentally "selfish."

In an effort to find out why so many young people are really deciding against parenthood, we solicited dozens of responses from our audience via Tumblr and Google Forms. The responses we received from people of all sexes and identities reveal that there are myriad reasons why people are opting out of parenthood — and all of them are equally valid.

11 brutally honest reasons...

'Kids were crying'

Autistic traits, behavioral problems in 7-year-olds linked with gender nonconforming play

‘Absolutely dumb’ argument over ‘parenting skills’ leaves one dead

Mom Accused Of Taping Her Mother To Chair For 24 Hours

Coach accused of offering $5,000 to buy children from parents

Italy makes it illegal to seek surrogacy abroad

Dad angry after losing video game fatally punched newborn

Mom Let Dad Kill Their Baby Over Fear of Abuse

7-year-old boy died on Christmas weighing only 7 pounds

Tags: $, Activism, Children, Choices, Death, Dedication, Elder Abuse, Environment, Family, Guns, Health, Identity Loss, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Murder, Nature, Opinion, Overpopulation, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Policy, Representation, Responsibility, Safety, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Support, Survival, Trending, Video, Women In Charge, World

Filed under: Health/Food



Gay Brazilian Gang-Raped 


A gay man in Florianópolis, Brazil, was gang-raped last week, one of the latest examples of horrific violence against LGBTQ+ people in the country — violence that activists say is spurred on by the nation’s homophobic president.

Gay Brazilian Gang-Raped

Bo Schembechler's son will speak about team doctor's sexual abuse, father's failure to protect him

12-Year-Old Attacked For Their Pride Flag In Viral Vid

Victim, 40, who was 'beaten to death by Virginia Tech player, 18, after meeting the teen on Tinder

Man Allegedly Tried to Sexually Abuse a 9-Year-Old Boy

Gay couple beaten, paraded in public in Nigeria

Australia police arrest 13 people in string of 'concerning' attacks on gay men

...wave of assaults hits Ivory Coast

Four men are the latest victims of Nigeria’s anti-LGBTQ+ mob violence

Youth Lured Via Gay Dating App Gets Robbed And Blackmailed

Tags: App, Children, Dating, Drag, Education, Environment, Family, Fraud, Gay, Hostility, LGBTQ, Minors, Murder, NSFW, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Rape, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Sports, Teacher, Theft, Threat, Video, Video Gay Swatch, Violence, World

Filed under: Gay+



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