All Posts Tagged as 'Air'
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Why wind energy isn’t living up to its pollution-preventing potential
Wind power isn’t cleaning up as much pollution as it could, especially in communities of color and low-income neighborhoods, new research shows.
Why wind energy isn’t living
State of Emergency declared in Moore County
S California city dealing with unprecedented beach crowds, trash
Excess memes and ‘reply all’ emails are bad for climate
Opening Windows At Home Doesn't Help Much To Reduce Indoor Chemical Levels
Can the simple act of opening the windows at home really help flush out the built-up chemicals indoors? The researchers of a new study found that the effect of opening windows lasts for just a few minutes.
Chemicals At Home
Our homes have chemicals in the air, whether from hair sprays, cleaning products, cooking oil fumes or even scented candles. Often, when the home is feeling a little stuffy, homeowners open the windows with the idea of letting the “bad” air out and letting fresh air in but, does this simple trick really work?
The reason you get sick after a flight isn't the dirty cabin air
People often get sick after taking flights.
Cabin air is cleaner than you expect.
But there are plenty of germy places on planes.
Jet lag can also compromise your immune system.
For many, coming down with a cold after a long flight is all but inevitable.
But why is that? What do we get sick after taking a long flight?
The easy answer is that there are a couple of hundred people trapped in close proximity to one another inside a pressurized metal tube for hours on end, making for a rich breeding ground for germs.
The reason you get sick after a flight