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Movies Posts Tagged as 'Cultural'

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A Real Pain (2024) Arf

The film is not very clear about what it's trying to say. The cultural references were veiled and over emoted. I felt I was on a road trip with the cousins. I hate road trips! The actors almost make it worth it. The gestures are sweet but there is nothing more than the obvious. Cousins travel to Poland to tour where deceased grandmother was born, hoping it will ignite memories and togetherness. Culkin's character is the most coherent and baffling. He zig zags through personalities that don't necessarily mesh. The first class argument didn't correspond with its action. It felt like a 40's sentiment. There are more important things to worry about that the director did not explore. Jesse plays it like Joan to Kieran's Baby Jane. Deeper conversations would have compensated for the incomprehension. 17-Jan-2025

Tags: 2020s, Chemistry, Comedy, Cultural, Director's Slice, Drama, Funny, Good Acting, Relationships, Sentimental, Slow, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, Timid, Vague, Wit Snit, Writ w/Possibilities



Deliverance, The (2024) Arf

X-corist, Amyty and Geist are the main ingredients that make up this film. It's three interwoven white stories rewritten for black people. Andra Day portrayed a monster with minimal happy days. She was constantly confrontational, inconsistent and influenced. If it weren't for dames Monique and Close, I would have left. I don't think anybody can play an old hillbilly slut better than Glenn. Evil Glenn was appetizing and distinguished. Monique created a believable character from top to bottom and didn't fidget. A successful sequel to The Exorcist might have consisted of observing Regan's memories returning and their dire effects. Regan: Pazuzu Returns! 04-Sep-2024

Tags: 2020s, Coincidence Laden, Cultural, Director Slouch, Disappointment, Fatigue, Horror, Horror Mild, Retread, Shrill Act, Timid



Leave The World Behind (2023) Woof

Meticulous mommy and wimpy daddy rent an expensive vacation home with their zombie children in tow. The children are the AI we fear. Attached to tech unless the opportunity of live sex veers the boy's head but sister is less inclined. She's almost a full robot. The family receives a late visit from a father and daughter claiming to be in charge and staying the night because disaster seems to have struck the outside world. Mama Julia is suspicious and has every right to be. Unfortunately, the guest daughter's correctness in growling at Julia was justified because she observed Karen sensibilities. Their conclusion was one-sided. They should have both learned something. Black daddy appeared to have no purpose. The story could have survived without the father and daughter but then that poor boy wouldn't have anything to masturbate to. The boat scene chilled, the electric cars thrilled and Julia wrought much character identification. The husband was sympathetic to the new guests but later has an opportunity to save someone and doesn't. Is it because they spoke spanish? I would have liked to see more of the surviving community. The film is incomplete. 10-Dec-2023

Tags: 2020s, Action, Cold, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Director's Achievement, Disaster, Funny, Sort of, Music Swings, Music: Disposable Soundtrack, Political Satire, Star Watt, Suspense, Timid, Vague, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ w/Possibilities



Bullit (1968) Howl

Steve McQueen was a blue-eyed splendor with a big cock and a knack for fashion that magnetized his style. Steve is the cop handpicked to protect a witness that will bring down a gangster opponent of the state. The car chase was a masterclass of stunts, choreography and edits. The foot chase was close-up, physically accurate and tense. The lack of music added organic panic to the action. Bissett was breathtaking and accomplished. Its quietude added nervous reality. A cop can't change his fate until everyone is safe. A film to be studied and outdone. An action bible. 09-Dec-2023

Tags: 1960s, Action, Action Fun, Best In Action, Best In Crime Drama, Chemistry, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Director's Art, Drama, Fun, Heart Writ, Hot Swatch, Inspired, Music Swings, Psychological, Relationships, Sentimental, Star Watt, Suspense, Thriller, Tough, Twisty, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight



Blue Beetle (2023) Bites

The pace had no time to set-up character appreciation, it had a billion particles to settle. The family dynamic was food, drink, celebration and insanity. George Lopez added comedy schtick to his act. He looked like a character booted from Bedrock because he was too loud and ornery. The breast queen should be playing Lady MacBeth not becoming a free TV actor. I can see her washing blood from her hands and implementing Elvira's cleavage cut. The rest of the family and the leads apply stereotypes without explaining them. There is no such thing as a stereotype because it's only a description of our heritage. Universal speak. Nobody passed the classic TV Q test and the silliness hardly stopped. The best of the mythology turned into a fiesta. The family went everywhere together. Really? When did they masturbate? Why did the family get superpowers? Beetle's nemesis was a bigger and badder version of himself. Couldn't we have gotten something a little different? If the production wanted to fill the female quota, why didn't they concoct some awesome female villains? He has lots and no villain is scarier than a latin woman scorned. She'll slash your tires. 27-Nov-2023

Tags: 2020s, Action, Art Devoid, Bad Acting, Bad Chemistry, Brutal, By the Numbers, Camp, Cliche, Comedy, Cultural, Depressing, Dialogue Lament, Director Slouch, Enthusiastic, Fatigue, Over the Top, Physical Humor, Predictable, Preposterous, Relationships, Repetitive, Revenge, Sap, Shrill Act, Timid, Trashy, TV-like, Vague, Weird



Porn Theatre (2004) Woof

Before social media, gay men congregated in straight porn theaters for sex and sympathy. They made money, were entertained, became excited, desired, it curbed loneliness and they got to fuck some woman's husband. Drags, trans and sissy boys roamed the theater like rats, scurrying around, scoping the cheese and avoiding the light while cheese daddy sat still with his legs wide open, waiting to be licked clean for respect and/or money. Street King Daddy shit. Sex is thrust upon us. It makes the impact real. The hunt is on. Sexual simulation stimulated when real or fake. Conversations skillfully explained where the community was at. Some of the players counted how many big dicks they sucked that night. Were they given a discount? The ticket manager was a sad hetero too old to attract a fuck. She thinks that convincing a gay crush to marry her would become an arrangement they both could enjoy. I could see it as a Broadway musical. It takes very little time to establish character purpose and that's great for the film. It provides the map to how we got here. 27-Jun-2023

Tags: 2000s, Accidental Watch, Chemistry, Classic, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Director's Art, Drama, Foreign, Fresh, Funny, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Heart Writ, Hot Swatch, Life, Political, Relationships, Sexy, Star Watt, Stink Wigs, Sweet, Tough, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight



Elephant Whisperers, The (2022) Howl

The caretakers introduce the history, solicit emotions and let the creatures' magnificence, intelligence and adorability speak for itself. The baby Dumbos were so cute. 15-Mar-2023

Tags: 2020s, Adorable, Chemistry, Cultural, Director Movement, Documentary, Drama, Heart Writ, Political, Relationships, Touching, Words Spoke



Under The Shadow (2016) Woof

A mother is left to fend for herself when her husband is called to duty. The building scares and the apartment is freaky. The actor/daughter was a happy accident. She was cute and alert. The lack of music created tension. Mother's home is crumbling, the war is raging, daddy hardly calls, little girl starts hallucinating, women had no power and she's losing her mind. The mother and daughter had natural reactions. The level of trust spiraled as mine did. Can she do it or is she fucked? The mother's parenting skills are questioned throughout. The scare jumps were surprisingly scary. The fight had guts. Did she really slap that child? If it was real, she didn't flinch. I see sheets with a different eye, now. Unique. 14-Mar-2023

Tags: 2010s, Baby Wrecks, Brutal, Chemistry, Creepy, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Director's Art, Drama, Foreign, Funny, Heart Writ, Horror, Music Swings, Political, Psychological, Suspense, Touching, Tough, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight



Red Rocket (2021) Howl

It's one of the last movies on your must-see list. It approaches it's subject organically. Simon Rex, gay boy of our dreams, plays an ex-demi-god porn star of abundance who can fuck almost any troubled girl into doing things for him. Homeless and violated Rex makes it to his ex-wife, mother-in-hillbilly-law and an old life he escaped. He's constantly explaining himself and piling the lies to establish false hope. Our marbled eyed daddy churns money to subside the women's rage and win their respect back. Ex-wife pokes him once or twice for old and new times sake. Mama likes the money. Daddy meets a teenage queen who will resurrect his stamina and spark less Viagra use. That's fucked up for everybody. She is also the ticket for his porn comeback. Ex-pretty boys who become hotter daddies will get fucked and "fucked!" Simon Rex is a rocket. In need of a fix and not caring who knows it. He's lit the whole time. The cast was natural and diverse and most of all, integrated. I immediately identified. 26-Jan-2023

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Chemistry, Comedy, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Director's Touch, Drama, Enthusiastic, Funny, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Lesbian, Magnetism, Relationships, Romance, Sexy, Star Watt, Tough, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight



Woman King, The (2022) Whimper

Not only were the true Agojie violent cutthroats they were also responsible for the massacre and enslavement of millions. According to historians the women were discarded third wives that husbands no longer found worthy of sharing a bed with. King Ghezo was one of the biggest slave traders of his time and trained the discarded women to massacre, sacrifice, enslave and sell men, women and children, no matter the tribe. The film fantasizes that the amazonian women formed their own empowerment group and conquered the white people that invaded them. White characters are sketched with no humanity which makes the action appear cruel instead of intoxicating. In the world of the living, the white people being fought were trying to abolish slavery and succeeded in killing the women instantaneously. Production was handed a bold cast to portray male versions of themselves. What a pity they couldn't find real women to emulate. 05-Jan-2023

Tags: 2020s, Action, By the Numbers, Chemistry, Cultural, Depressing, Dialogue Lament, Director Experiment, Drama, False Action, Fantasy, Good Acting, Hot Swatch, Macho Posing, Manipulation, Over the Top, Political, Preachy, Predictable, Preposterous, Retread, Revenge, Sap, Silly, Timid, Writer Weakness



RRR (2022) Howl

It's loud, expensive, unbelievable, daring, striking, slamming and has two super daddies that have much to say. Daddies from opposite sides of the revolution become hidden identity bffs with loads of heart and muscle to give. The white witch makes a return to the screen. She is half in charge and making daddies' lives miserable. She snatches a baby sister from a daddy's tribe and enslaves her to do her nails as she controls the other by giving him power to enforce the law without limitations. White Poppa controls the army and the audacity. I got lost in the world and accepted everything that defied because everything it conquered was so joyous. 20-Dec-2022

Tags: 2020s, Action, Action Fun, Action Stomper, Brutal, Camp, Chemistry, Crapfun, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Director's Art, Drama, Enthusiastic, Fantasy, Foreign, Fun, Funny, Good Acting, Heart Writ, Hoofer's Delight, Magnetism, Music Swings, Musical, Over the Top, Physical Humor, Pretty, Relationships, Sentimental, Star Watt, Suspense, Thriller, Touching, Tough, Violent, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight



Troll (2022) Bites

The movie induces flashbacks to disaster classics that made it tolerable to withstand the subject. The new generation make assorted pieces part of the puzzle. They fit anywhere or not at all. There is an ugly giant troll on the loose and the tree huggers want to coddle it, while the powers that be want to annihilate it. Dude, the bear you're saving is going to rip your head off, they don't give a shit about us, be thoughtful. It does a very big "bad" wrong. They turn his dick into a tail. He drinks too much, ergo, the bulbous nose. He has a preference for innocence, destruction and confusion. Instead of beams pulverizing rocks we get fairytale mumbo jumbo. "Troll" commands you adhere like Captain Sandy and exit like Captain Sandy as soon as the idiot humans show up. 04-Dec-2022

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Action, Art Devoid, By the Numbers, Cultural, Dialogue Lament, Disappointment, Drama, Hot Swatch, Preposterous, Silly, Tacky, Wit Crack, Writer Humiliation



Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022) Howl

It begins with family authenticity, struggling to keep current and afloat. Super reality sets in and the tingles begin. Oh no! It's going to be bonkers. The cast resolves it. I wasn't sure if the husband was Jackie Chan. I spent a lot of the time being jealous of how young he looked. It was driving me crazy. He can't be, right? When he utilized the master's moves, I thought, that's definitely Jackie Chan. It's a tribute to him and Michelle Yeoh as action heroes but why does he look so fucking young? Terrific surgery perhaps? Ke Huy Quan is as adorable now as he was as a kid in a Spielberg classic. The man was precise. To Lady Yeoh, we gently bow. Stephanie Hsu had fun being all iterations of evil because we had fun too. Jamie Lee Curtis was gnarly. James Hong added his queerisms. The film threw as many cliches as it did new ideas. A win win for art. A film that wipes its imperfections with glorious shots of legends reacting to wonder and giving us soul. 27-Nov-2022

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Action, Action Fun, Action Stomper, Adorable, Chemistry, Cultural, Director Movement, Director's Art, Drama, Fun, Funny, Heart Writ, Magnetism, Music Murders, Relationships, Sentimental, Suspense, Sweet, Thriller, Tough, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight



Girlfriend Who Didn't Exist, The (2022) Whimper

Grandiose liars are given the opportunity to elaborate. Famous cis boys that call social contacts girlfriends, without intimacy, are unwell. Fake girl can do a pitch perfect girl's voice (behind a screen and a receiver up his asshole) except when he's becoming a real girl. Famous boy is living for everyone but himself. The doc doesn't clarify much. 23-Aug-2022

Tags: 2020s, By the Numbers, Cultural, Dialogue Lament, Disappointment, Documentary, Fatigue, Gay Swatch, Indecipherable, Manipulation, Preposterous, Silly, Trashy



Prey (2022) Woof

When Predator removes his cloak and mask, its cool. He is a Jamaican space bear with gadgets. A historical portrait of Native American life and how futurism disrupts it. It was clever establishing the unthinkable. Director kept it sturdy and crawling. The heroine was crafted with moxy, determination and brawn. It can proudly stand aside the first. 08-Aug-2022

Tags: 2020s, Action, Action Fun, Chemistry, Cultural, Director's Achievement, Drama, Elegance, Fun, Hot Swatch, Kool Effects, Pretty, Star Watt, Suspense, Violent, Words Spoke



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