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Married At First Sight (2014-) 

Michelle enjoyed proving the pineapple was rotten a little too much. I could feel the joy jumping up and down inside her. He cheated with Madison because she asked him questions. If that were true he should have banged the shit out of Michelle for asking if he cheated over a 100 times. Liev Schreiber got screwed by trusting anyone besides himself. I'm surprised Karla didn't fuck the pineapple herself. I'm surprised her husband didn't fuck the pineapple himself as well. 12-Feb-2025
S8E14. Emem tried to make a statement that involved math and reading but he failed. 06-Feb-2025
S8E13. Liev Schreiber with Dustin Hoffman's voice was castigated for insinuating that he was assigned a hooker. As soon as he speaks I forget who the fuck she is, She didn't dispute the allegation either. Spooky eyes is relegated to inferior status and cat nip licks without reciprocation. She's a dog? It appears like Pineapple mixes with other fruit and sizzles like a cocktail. The Juan and Karla segments reminded me of old movies. He's a closeted gay thespian that was not aware he had to perform straight sex in order to get paid. "Oh fuck!" is written all over his face. Does Emem gain 130,000 dollars just for marrying Ikechi? Pastor wielding his power by agreeing with both parties and executing no arrests was shameful. PASTOR CAL: "Just have sex brother, trust me, it's primo shit. We had it tested!" Pia's gesture as a sex counselor was for the man to become a pussy while fucking the shit out of her. With what?! 29-Jan-2025
Can that husband just come out already? How many complaints can he file? Scared of pussy much? He might want to check his preference sheet more carefully. Pastor Cal represented audience sentiment but that fucker didn't budge much. The experiment would experience more happy endings if the contestants were provided constant therapy. 18-Jan-2025
Pia closed shop and failed. What part of being grossed out by a pineapple does the expert not understand? Her job was to separate them into safe spaces, not force her to be in an abusive relationship. It's abusive because Michelle can't stand being with him. Her approach was insulting to me and it was horrendous to women. 18-Dec-2024
S18 E9. I hope Pia got paid extra for doing all the work. There were instances where it felt dangerous for her to confront hostility and the sexual accusations from some of the contestants. Ikechi made it very clear that flirtations from females over 13 years old are offensive. Pia handled herself professionally but the space remained unsafe. Karla is overcome by Juan's beauty. He came on the show to pay for the rest of his plugs so his millionaire boyfriend can pull them. Dude, I'm afraid to ask these guys if they sew. It might be unanimous. I know for a fact that David doesn't sew or do much of anything. It's only a matter of time before he becomes a hut made out of jell-o. Michele needs to be released, a marching band following, David watching, everybody saluting as the whole staff gives him the middle finger. Allen gives me Dustin Hoffman/Liev Schreiber anxiety. Madison always looks like she'd rather be an avenue. I would dig Thomas harder if he didn't snarl so much. It's not a regular snarl either. He really looks angry and rapey. 18-Apr-2024
Ultimatum, The (2024) 

I get anxious whenever I hear Sandy's voice. She sounds like a spoiled housewife with a lozenge stuck in her throat and her reasoning for everything is ludicrous. I was disappointed that the Lacheys did not comfort Nick for having strong feelings about Sandy's infidelity. She claims that her and JR only kissed twice but cameras beg to differ. There were make-out sessions with extra cuddles under the sheets with no wet willies or stiff underwoods guaranteed and the bedbugs elicited the moans the cameramen thought they heard. Madame Web has spun her web and entrapped two gullible and dependent men in it. She is no victim. She likes them because they are not superheroes but think they are. I'm surprised the Lacheys didn't suggest JR whip out his dick for Nick (not Lachey) to suck. They humiliated that man mercilessly. Sandy brings out the toxic in me. TG it's almost over. Everything JR says is nonsense. Big men don't pretend they're on Fantasy Island on Max, don't want to get married but can't shut up about wanting it and oozes hostility when the jig is up. Is Zaina buying JR's love or paying for her exit? I still dig Caleb. He's the only one who tried to stand up to reason. His mystery deepens. He exists in his own little planet of misfit toys crashing onto earth. He acts like an over-chilled teen that mommy Mariah is afraid to disappoint because he will rebel and she'll have to have sex post relationship. When the original couples reunited it turned into a "how was school today, honey?" type scenario. After cashing in all the vouchers the producers promised them, every person was enlightened, the fairy tale is real, men never get woodies while cuddling, that bitch was not crying over her dog or JR, women are consumed by victimhood, asshole parents make asshole children who want to make more asshole children, the producers made them say that because 4 people thought the show was shit and this has been a turned-off season. 13-Dec-2024
Zaina and J.R. came to play. Neither has regard for the other or anybody else. Sandy came to annoy her lover and fuck hot shit. J.R. disrespected every man when he barred his fake wife from consoling her desperate husband after finding out their intimacy went too far. Morality clauses state that all couples must break up before embarking in new matrimony. Nick came to lose it, get free psychotherapy and nerve pills. Caleb's mellow puts me in a trance and it's why I presume Mariah is well-spoken but blank. He turns them into robots. He's sexy until he starts re-programming you. He turned Aria into a Stepford. 4 people woke up and realized the madness of The Lacheys and abruptly departed like in the island of Dr. Moreau. Exactly how many other people did the Lacheys fuck to realize they belong together? After the contestants departed the show became insecure and gave us more of what we didn't want. J. R. and Sandy's horny gas lighting. I want to fuck them both and hand them over to Pazuzu for some lady cement and calf extensions. You bet I'd watch the porn tape, but make no mistakes these aren't marrying candidates. They want to get married so they can pretend to be happy whilst performing diabolical sexual acts on others. J.R. and Sandy deserve most unfeeling humans honors. Nick should have been given an ultimatum, to cruise establishments that cater to singles and find another match or the experiment is over for the whore. "J.R., please remove your dick from my future wife's face." 08-Dec-2024
Father turns in 10-year-old son after he allegedly threatened to 'shoot up' Florida school
A 10-year-old Florida boy’s father turned him in after he made a threat to "shoot up" a high school on Snapchat, authorities announced Friday.
The threat was made in Wakulla County, about 25 miles south of Tallahassee. While a student reported the threat, the boy's father turned him in on Thursday, according to the Wakulla County Sheriff's Office.
Father turns in 10-year-old son
Ex-'Survivor' Contestant Taped Kids' Mouths Shut
Teens caught ransacking and raiding string of 7-Elevens on camera are turned in by THEIR parents
School Board Says It Is Installing Windows In Gender-Inclusive Bathrooms
More and more schoolkids being sent home for sexually assaulting classmates
Teen may be tried as adult for stabbing 13-year-old cheerleader to death
Love Is Blind (2020-)

I hope Ramses gets to keep his balls. He didn't know that keeping your balls was part of the experiment. I hope Ashley wakes up from reality and the added expense she has taken on. Keep fucking Tyler but don't give him a kid. Oh and film it. Surrogate, my ass. 23-Oct-2024
Marissa's mother summed everything up. "If you hurt my bitch daughter I will cut your balls off." It's a misnomer to think that love isn't hurt when that's all love is. Yes, we are going to love, fuck it up, change our minds, get the yucks, find others attractive, cheat, maybe, doubt, feel, die, get sick, get better, repeat ourselves, transition, evolve and escape. A thin Hannah on TV sounds like a horrific thing. I think it is beneficial that Ramses switches team. Taylor and Garrett don't gel because they fit. Nick needs to win an award for "Most Tolerant Contestant Without Resorting to Violence." Ashley needs to fuck Tyler a few hundred times, film it, dump him and send the rushes to me. Alexandra and Tim. He needs an active model that isn't inflatable. 18-Oct-2024
I wanted to see more thigh, not this. The show fell and hit its head and a concussion was inevitable. There has to be a reason why Hannah is so popular. She scares me. Marissa's family had no business criticizing her fiancee's appearance without knowing him. Not only did the mother call her own daughter a bitch but she threatened Ramses with violence on national TV. Future bitch comparisons when they argue are forever. (I want to shave him so bad.) Nick, why doesn't your mustache connect to the beard? Tim was a disappointment. Not all squish is good and not all secrets are kosher. Stephen and Monica. Okay. This would have been the perfect occasion to bring flowers and a gift. 12-Oct-2024
S7E7. The vacation was a kindergartener's "first day" type of thing. The couples were blasted to la la land where the only dream that came true were worst case scenarios. The contestants dream so convincingly that it becomes a fake reality that doesn't prepare them for the future. Confidence is knowing where you're going no matter what stops you. Garrett shaved but I didn't notice a difference. Everything Hannah planned is working. She's there for the endgame. She didn't want her second choice but didn't allow her buddy to have him either. The key word was "shut up girl, it's none of your business." Leo deserves her. Monica. Ms. Plantation treats her husband like a butler. How does she stay so thin? She doesn't move. He gets everything for her. Everything but flowers and gifts because you can't show love without cash. She shushes him like a dog when she thinks it's her turn to talk. "Who's a good doggie?" What has she done to deserve gifts? Tim and Alex. I don't remember their tiff but it rang a huge alarm. She was off and listless. Marissa and Ramses. Somewhere in her sea of militarism was a hot dick, I'm sure. Why else talk about it incessantly? Why doesn't she just blowhorn into Ramses ear that he better be toxic or the fumes aren't happening. I wanted to invite Monica over to shush her. 11-Oct-2024
S7E6. The Lacheys provided an environment that would make the meekest male contestant undress. Hooray for us. Even though the hairier ones set off panic buttons, the men were all lovely and diverse. Ramses deserves a better backstory and a tremendous makeover. Representing a time not connected to us isn't cool. Stephen is a nice man awakening to nefarious deeds. I want a Tyler doll with clothes and without options and a reasonable licking rate. Tim is as shy as a butterfly. Nick D. is a gnome gone hot and it's hard to describe why. If men don't want to be used for their money, they shouldn't talk about it incessantly. "It's like he's asking for it. Should I take it, should I not? Is it impolite to refuse? Is it legal?" Leo equates success with love. His spidey legs are tingly with a drop of venom. Garrett is all smiles, ready to crack. Tim is the cutie with no thigh time and a future mama that doesn't know how to kiss his insecurities goodbye. Squish and water make for magnificent foreplay. Bohdan was the prettiest and most dangerous. 13-Mar-2024
Marriage Is Blind: Habibi (2024-)

The ladies voted and it was unanimous. The only traditions they want to uphold are the ones with parties. 19-Oct-2024
The men are all manmeat and the ladies are fantasy dolls. It's a dazzling community that does everything different because their transition is just a facade. Women are embracing it like the fable served to them by the universe that is rarely achieved. They want to be women of the now but the strength of man and family holds them down. They can only look the part. The men gain might by sticking to traditions that don't assist either sex in marriage. She roams his castle in chains. He roams the town tying females up. They are not allowed kissing, fondling or co-habitation which suffices for an interesting working vacation but not love. The sexes fall in love at a rapid pace. They have a script written and they're going to play it out no matter the expense. Jealousy is a big thing because they're always horny and there is always another Barbie or Ken to fantasize about. A man demands that his future wife not be a dancer, a Barbie treated her fiancee like she was being paid, women have a better sense of identity than men, women want to fly and men only want to fly a kite. There is fun to be had when the ladies awaken and the men get spit upon. Educational incredulity in a very nice package. 18-Oct-2024
Floor, The (2024-)

Daddy's back ensuring that self tanner can cure the crypt. The season is blurry with memories of Karens sabotaging Florences. 12-Oct-2024
In what world would we consider the in-laws smart? None because Neverland would outsmart them. Rob Lowe transmits cryptic vibes. If you don't know who Elizabeth Taylor and Mariah Carey are, your parents may have raised you stupid. (The contestant was 70 and maybe gay.) 06-Feb-2024
The Golden Bachelor’s Not-So-Golden Past
She arrived the last weekend of July 2018. (THR has viewed mail that was sent to her at his house, and a background check listed his address as her primary residence for that period.) Then, the surprises started. Gerry told Carolyn that her share of the expenses would be about $1,000 a month, which Carolyn negotiated down to $850. They would go Dutch on all meals except on special occasions, she remembers him telling her. At restaurants, Carolyn paid her half in advance, and then when the check came, Gerry paid the whole tab, like the big man.
But Carolyn’s Big Long Lake idyll with Gerry was about to end.
She was packing for Gerry’s high school reunion, set to take place in October 2019. “I’m not taking you to the reunion looking like that,” Carolyn recalls him saying as he pointed to her body. She’d put on 10 pounds — from stress, she says — but certainly wasn’t fat.
The Golden Bachelor
Gerry Turner's True Intentions
MP writing to Netflix over Baby Reindeer evidence
Piers Morgan reveals if Fiona Harvey has “stalked” producers
Richard Gadd’s Former Coworker Claims Both He And Fiona Harvey Are Liars
There’s yet another exposé on Love Is Blind's toxic environment
Judge Rules ‘Baby Reindeer’ Was Not a ‘True Story’
Bromans UK (2017-)

An International Male catalog with skimpy naked men that should be licked. 31-Aug-2024
Bachelorette, The (2003-)

A neither would be most welcome. 30-Aug-2024
Dude, these guys are creeping me out. 30-Jul-2024
Aaron left. Of course she did. 24-Jul-2024
I hope this child has a lot of protection. How do you choose among wolves? Aaron is representing the LGBTQ community. Devin is all mouth. He can please casting but can he woo a woman? Should he even try? Hakeem has never watched an episode of the Simpsons. Jonathon looks like the kind of guy that would fuck your brains out until he gets Britney's number. Sam has a very pretty face. What's his sexual problem? Everyone acts like their agents taught them how to act. I pity the fool. 18-Jul-2024
Andy Cohen’s Text Message to Brandi Glanville
Andy and Kate then laughed, with Kate saying, “Yeah!”
“’So FaceTime us back. Okay girl love you!’” Andy added.
“’Love you b***h,’” said Kate.
Brandi allegedly responded with the message: “’I will bring my hot dildo.’”
Andy Cohen’s Text Message to Brandi Glanville
‘Dark Secrets,’ ‘Psychological Warfare,’ and Cocaine
Lawyers Throw Stones At Probe Clearing Andy Cohen
Caroline Manzo graphically details Brandi Glanville ‘forcibly fondling’ her
‘Angry’ Noah Schnapp, 19, kicked out of NYC club
Bleary-eyed Andy Cohen slurs his words
Love Is Blind Mexico (2024) 

In some cases it has to be. Neither sex display longevity skills.
She: Can he afford rent?
He: please be fuckable.
She: I lied in the pods about the quantity of children I have. Will he still babysit?
He: I hope she doesn't smell.
She: how dare you!
When my mind drifted I visualized an even faster and tackier method of hooking up. A gloryhole. The boys stick it in whatever sounds good and whichever female produces first will officially get married on live TV. The contestants are bold and calculating. I've endured 3 proposals and I'm not even done with ep. 2. Man cannot control woman unless he marries her. 11-Aug-2024
Boyfriend, The (2024-)

S1E6. The boys are sweet and childlike in a comic book sort of way. No one lets their guard down enough, even in private. They bear the pain instead of exfoliating it. American gay dating differs. You get dumped with dick pics. These boys are corny, manic depressive and oppressed. Dude, I would have been raped 11 times by the time anyone plotted anything. 04-Aug-2024
Love Island UK (2019-) 

Women are pursuing these motherfuckers because there is a cash prize at the end, correct? I don't remember Reuben. There was nothing to latch onto. Josh must choose to be blacker or whiter. Yes, I had a doll that looked like Blade. Hugo combs his hair in reverse. I bet Konnor is a fantastic one nighter. Will must be hung. Joey is a doll. Sean is Jimmy Oleson. Ayo, we pray for you. I would have barbecued Trey like he was a lobster. Moziah reeks of beauty and nature. Ciaran has too many identities going on. 11-Jul-2024
House of Heat (2024-)

They look, talk and walk like ducks but don't like being called ducks. Only Fans creators are thrust inside a fish tank so they can observe, teach and grow their businesses. Some peel their clothes off while others tease it. Everyone is judgmental, scared and hostile. It was difficult to side with anyone because a lot of them believe they have the answer to surviving the mess they're in. Chase's beauty kept melting off the more he talked. The gay couple was so united in their bond that there was no space to breathe. They clung dependently like Venom and Hardy. The straight couple only had sex with each other on camera. They were special. She wanted to hold on to chastity. Any man that needs to fuck so many times a day already cheated and had the threesome she denied him. Brother gay with an appealing body needed to purse his lips, not glow them. The arguments are loud, repetitive and frustrating. Maybe the creators will realize the answer when they are outside the box. I don't know the answer but I know how it ends. The women questioned everything and added motives later. We never got an answer to the smelly pussygate dilemma. Was she sexually violated or were men just being themselves? Is that the reason we have to label everything? To distance ourselves from others? They close every argument like there will be a sequel. I wish my brain would function as fluidly as these creators. It made the cuckoo in my head clock pop. They are killing the mystery of the fantasy by telling too much. 29-Jul-2024