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Wisps Posts Tagged as 'Psychology'

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OMG! I figured it out. 23-Jun-2024
The celebration grew. The only store that my aunts, uncles and family friends encountered were liquor stores. I don't remember presents. Some acknowledged me and others scratched me off. I don't remember cutting a cake or it being served. No other children were invited as to not upset the Corleones. Our cousins weren't as obediently trained as my sister and I. My sister played with the M3gan knockoff all night. Hurting me. Even though sister allowed me to play with the doll, I wasn't happy. I noticed the doll was expensive because it was heavy. She was a cherub ballerina that twirled expansively. I hated her. The doll had to be laid down after each performance because she was always on point and tired. I didn't allow any of my GI Joes to fuck her. 22-Jun-2024
Their heads looked like snowballs with no necks. My father's boss and wife were visiting our dinky apartment and my mother was panicking. TG she was a compulsive cleaner. She thought sparkling cleanliness was as good as being rich. I didn't understand their visit because it was my birthday. Why did Pazuzu invite these mysterious white people to celebrate my birthday? They were fluent in spanish and loved to drink. By the end of the party they looked like strawberry ices. The Corleone's had just vacationed in Europe and came bearing gifts. I had no idea how they could choose a gift for me without knowing me but I was ready to be polite. My sister's birthday was two weeks away. They gifted her a unique gift. A child sized ballerina that danced when you pressed her top. They apologized for not getting me a gift but they bought my sister's present a while back and hadn't run into any stores since. TG we never saw them again. Fucking Pazuzu, making them hate me before they met me. 21-Jun-2024

Tags: Mother, Psychology, Treatment, Women In Charge



Dic DocsĀ 


Psychology makes us believe that we are picking the wrong partners because our picker sucks. If everybody's picker sucks (people talk) doesn't it mean all partners are wrong and there is no such thing as the right person? 19-Aug-2022

Tags: Ignorance, Pondering, Psychology, Relationships




Don't forget to be vulnerable so they can bring your insecurities up every fucking time there's an argument and a court battle. 06-Jun-2022

Tags: Psychology, Relationships, Ridiculous




I came out to my mother when I was 17 years old and no longer residing in her household. I didn't expect a good reaction so I called her on a public phone and announced it to her. She cried, became quiet and told me she suspected it but that she loved me, no matter what. I didn't have to lie to mother anymore. It was freeing. I visited her a few days later. She had time to absorb and ponder having a gay son. She cried again, I asked why and she said because being gay meant I was destined for a miserable life. That's impossible, it was such an overwhelming feeling to be me. I had to prove her wrong. She asserted conditions for my new identity: no meeting of "my men," I must continue to have a masculine presence, especially around family and don't get sick. I ignored her, introduced her to every one, told as much of the family as I could bear and kept my masculinity in check.

My mother recently confided to me that she used to receive dick pics from my croc daddy in the US mail while I was living with him. I thought, he might have done it as revenge for my unwillingness to absorb giant dick pain and or tricking him into being a gay bottom. When I took him to Gay Pride he cried because he thought I mistook him for one of those. He was straight. His shit was no joke but he was. A child molester was my educator and entrance into the gay world. I also figured my mother and I were even. Her boyfriend tried to brutally rape me. Mother's boyfriend was two years older than me, my croc daddy was 55. Our boyfriends shared the same culture, understood the nuances that make people vulnerable, and always seemed to be creepily plotting something sexual for us. Neither man represented our community. They were perverts sidling up to mommies so they could play with their children. (Now I know why she tried to cut him out of my photo albums.) I understand her comments and I realized her concern. My gay education came from perverts. The community hates itself more than the media loves it. Clicks work for a minute, the families we create are fake and we all die alone. We need less "Boys In The Band" depression and more gay reality awareness so we can come up with better coping mechanisms. Not smile at weirdos taking advantage of us because of politically correct etiquette.

I apologized to my mother. My croc stalked me, stole from us, used me, beat me up, tied me up and raped me. Afterwards, he thought of not releasing me because he was afraid I would kill him. You bet your life! But I had no choice, I begged for my life, stroked the psycho's ego and he loosened one arm while he Soniced out of the apt. I was stalked by my ex, my mother was stalked by her ex and I was stalked by both exes. I spent a lifetime trying to prove mother's sentiment wrong but in the end, she was right.

(Pic of my daddy croak included. Mother destroyed my croak dic picks but y'all can ask mother if she kept her copy.) 26-Oct-2020

Tags: Abuse, Awareness, Environment, Family, Fear, Gay, Heritage, Latin, LGBTQ, Machismo, Men, Mental Health, Mother, Myself, Psychology, Sex, Treatment, Violence




The cure for fires is to cement everything. Fuck nature and its pretty little flowers that attracts women and environmental infestations. We preserve the necessary and digress from planting sequoia seeds in a trailer park. We're too stupid to be The Jetsons so we become "The Flintstones." We only light up when necessary. I know it works. It got us here. 19-Sep-2020

Tags: Cavemen, History, Psychology, Survival




Sometimes I feel all sexuality is based upon what a cis privileged man needs. 07-May-2020

Tags: Empowerment, Humanity, LGBTQ, Life, Men, Myself, Psychology, Sex Identity, Survival, World




People can evolve but they can't change. 25-Aug-2019

Tags: Psychology




Why is it that my mental health mostly takes a hit after talking to people? 21-Aug-2019

Tags: Mental Health, Psychology




Nature relies on co-dependency while humanity insinuates it's a mental risk. 09-May-2019

Tags: Environment, Gay, Inhumanity, Mental Health, Psychology, Quackery, Relationships, Treatment

