Health/Food Posts Tagged as 'Anxiety'
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'I don't hate my son, I just hate being a mother'
'I hate myself for making the decision to have a child. It's so hard, I feel like I don't have any freedom since I'm a mother. I'm just waiting for him to sleep, because I'll finally be alone.'
'I don’t want to be around my child. I don’t want to play with her, hold her, or be in the same room as her. I get so anxious just being around her or counting down the hours until she gets out of daycare. I am in therapy and on medication but nothing seems to get better. Not sure what to do.'
'They love you sooo much and then the teenage years. After that, they think you're a pain in the ass and have no time for you. The teenage years are better than how they ignore you when they are in their 20s. Then, it's like you never existed. Unless they need you to babysit.'
'I don't hate my son, I just hate being a mother'
Son kills mom before jumping from building
Teen Suffocated 4-Year-Old Half-Sister to Death
Brad Pitt 'choked' one of his children
She may plead guilty to hosting sex parties for underage teens
Man beat stepdaughter to death
‘Missing’ Texas boy Rudy Farias trapped as ‘sex slave’
NYC child thieves keep targeting bars
Nicolas Cage’s son accused of beating his mom
I’m an NYC mom of one and kids aren’t worth it
Alaska Airlines launches gender-neutral uniform
"We have updated our uniform guidelines, effective today, to provide more freedom and flexibility in individual and gender expression," the airline said in a statement on Monday.
Alaska Airlines launches gender-neutral uniform
Passenger is arrested for 'masturbating FOUR times
LA County Vote To Stop Travel To Texas & Florida Over Anti-LGBTQ+ Measures
Will No Longer Address Passengers As
Traveler claims United flight attendant refused to serve him because he’s gay
Is it cool to vacation in countries where it’s illegal to be gay?
Revealed: the industry figures behind ‘declaration of scientists’ backing meat eating
The “Dublin Declaration of Scientists on the Societal Role of Livestock” says livestock “are too precious to society to become the victim of simplification, reductionism or zealotry” and calls for a “balanced view of the future of animal agriculture”. One of the authors of the declaration is an economist who called veganism an “eating disorder requiring psychological treatment”.
...‘declaration of scientists’ backing meat eating
L.I. vegan baker accused of supplying shop with Dunkin' Donuts
Wife’s veganism has become a third party...
Vegan food is 'worse for your health than eating real meat
Warning to be aware of when eating sushi as woman tragically died
I Don’t Eat Salad For Dinner Anymore
Woman switches strict vegan diet for 'animal only'
I cried at my vegan wedding
Woman Says She Ordered a Burger After Finding Out Her Date Was Vegan
Doctors say men are getting more vasectomies
Vasectomies offer a form of permanent birth control for men, and roughly 500,000 are performed every year in the United States.
Doctors say men are getting more vasectomies
Obituary Memorializes Him as a Family Man
Catholic school teacher convicted of child sexual assault
Father Murdered ‘Baby Jane Doe’ Then Collected Child Support
Dad shoots 14-year-old honor roll daughter and himself
Teacher Allegedly Shot, Killed by Husband
Financier who fatally plunged from rooftop bar was dad of 3
Husband left wife alone for 25 minutes in which time she strangled her two children to death...
Man had sex with girlfriend before he 'beat her and choked her to death
He ‘intentionally tried to kill’ family
Cruise ships still pose a health disaster threat
Montgomery was among the first to get ill. “I started feeling sick on March 9th, a week before it spread throughout the ship,” she said. “I kept telling my managers that I think we have COVID on board and they’re just giving people cough medicine and sending them back to work. They just thought I was being a dramatic woman.” (Requests for comment from Carnival have not been returned.)
Cruise ships still pose a health disaster threat
8 hospitalized after turbulence on AA
Is summer travel causing long TSA lines at airports?
AA canceled 10-year-old connecting flight without telling her parents
AA passengers were left 'sobbing'
More than 1,400 US flights canceled
AA sent a 12-year-old unaccompanied passenger to the wrong state
AA stopped a family from boarding a flight with special needs daughter
Europe's drought could signal the death of river cruising
Think twice about traveling to Mexico
'I’m not going back in the air'
Terrified JetBlue passengers on a storm-tossed JFK-bound flight were caught on video pleading with crew members to let them off the plane after it touched down in Newark following several aborted attempts to land at the New York City airport.
'I’m not going back in the air,' one passenger can be heard yelling at flight officials as the plane languished at Newark Liberty International Airport for over an hour.
'I’m not going back in the air'
Woman duct-taped aboard American Airlines
Ilhan Omar is mocked for attacking singing on a plane
Latinos have no trust in science
Passengers were rounded up and hauled off by Police
Drunken flier shoves girlfriend, slugs airport worker
At least 800 more flights canceled
Passengers told to get off the plane because the crew had to go off-duty
Airlines tells American to pick up his luggage 4,000 miles away
Did a Woman Open Fire at McDonald’s for Forgetting Bacon on Her Burgers?
A Michigan woman was sentenced to three to seven years in prison after opening fire in 2014 at a McDonald’s restaurant where workers twice forgot to put bacon on her burgers during one visit.
Did a Woman Open Fire at McDonald’s for Forgetting Bacon on Her Burgers?
Wendy's Manager Pours Hot Oil Over Customer After Cold Food Complaint
Woman yells at Arby’s worker about root beer float proportions
Subway worker WALKING through food, putting food on bathroom floor and drinking out of bottles
‘No one gets paid enough for this shit’
Pregnant Long John Silver's Worker Kicked in Stomach
Crazed Florida woman hurls food through McDonald's drive-thru window
Huge female brawl erupts at seafood restaurant
Woman at McDonald's flips out
Angry McDonald's customer BLOCKADES the drive-through for two hours
Rattlesnakes everywhere: the odd consequences of California’s drought
Rattlesnakes are everywhere these days, he says – on front porches, in potted plants, and under children’s play equipment. “I am busier than I have ever been. Complaints are coming in from all over the state.”
Rattlesnakes everywhere: the odd consequences of California’s drought
‘It’s like hunting aliens’
Used Condoms in Gay Cruising Areas Are Killing Giant Lizards
Hong Kong declares wild boars fair game
Man 'who had sex with goat' goes on trial and faces 20 years in jail
Crocodile bites man who thought he was plastic
Three-month-old puppy was shot and beheaded
Boy, four, has his entire right arm ripped off by grandmother's 'pit bull
Monkeys Go On Killing Spree By Dropping Pups From Trees
LEOPARD scales a 10ft gate and snatches a helpless dog
I’m only 36, and I keep having the same problem with men in bed.
I’m a 36-year-old single straight woman, and I really didn’t think this was going to be an issue until later in life. I’m a very sexual person (just reading about sex in your column is enough to turn me on) and I’d like to get married one day, but for the past few years, I haven’t even been able to manage halfway decent sex, much less great sex or a relationship. The problem I keep experiencing in the dating world is the same: men with all kinds of erection issues.
The most recent guy could get hard but would lose it after a few thrusts, saying sex doesn’t do it for him these days (he preferred mutual masturbation or blow jobs). Guy No. 2 was good in bed but refused any touching outside of that 20 minutes. Guy No. 3 required 20 minutes of me going down on his flaccid penis before possibly getting hard enough to have intercourse for three minutes (most of the time, he wouldn’t get hard at all). Guy No. 4 hadn’t had sex in years so he’d either come in 30 seconds or he’d stick it in and barely move so he could last five minutes (I could have worked with him sexually, but we broke up for other reasons). Guy No. 5 completely ignored his problem, continuing to thrust even after I told him he was soft (I suspect he had a porn addiction).
The list goes on. I’ve barely had any good sex in the past six years. I don’t know what to do. These guys are all my age or younger. I try to be patient and understanding, asking if there’s something they’d like me to do or offering up a menu of things they might like, but most just shrug awkwardly and avoid talking about it. None of them sound like they’ve made any effort to get help. I get that it can be embarrassing and men might feel ashamed, but these guys keep cropping up in my dating pool. I can orgasm on my own, but I crave and miss sex, and I know I wouldn’t be happy in a relationship without it. So I’m stuck in a lonely, sexually frustrated land and I can’t get out. Any suggestions?
—Elusive Wood
I’m only 36, and I keep having the same problem with men in bed.
Masturbating Can Help You Cope With Anxiety — Seriously
Rita M., a 20-year-old social work student living in Seattle, Washington, used to masturbate three to five times a week. But as with everything else, during a global pandemic, self-pleasure has been hard to come by. She's not alone in finding it more difficult to engage in this form of self-care. And yet, the benefits of masturbation may actually come in more handy than ever. Tending to ourselves is one step in navigating a new normal.
“It has been more difficult to be ‘in the mood’ because, in my head, I ask myself, ‘Why is masturbation something I’m thinking about when there’s a pandemic happening in my backyard?’’ Rita tells InStyle. Witnessing enormous struggles and injustices by vulnerable populations dominates my mind. Masturbation gets brushed aside and distress consumes me.”
There's no doubt that coronavirus and it’s ripple-out effects — the obvious fear and worry, the restricted human interaction — have had negative impacts on people’s mental health. Back in March, 45% of Americans reported the virus had taken a toll on their emotional wellbeing, and according to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll, the number of people who are experiencing anxiety and depression has spiked as a result of the pandemic.
Young Americans Are Partying Hard and Spreading Covid-19 Quickly
Covid-19 is increasingly a disease of the young, with the message to stay home for the sake of older loved ones wearing off as the pandemic wears on.
The dropping age of the infected is becoming one of the most pressing problems for local officials, who continued Wednesday to set curfews and close places where the young gather. U.S. health experts say that they are more likely to be active and asymptomatic, providing a vast redoubt for the coronavirus that has killed almost 130,000 Americans.
In Arizona, half of all positive cases are people from the ages of 20 to 44, according to state data. The median age in Florida is 37, down from 65 in March. In Texas’s Hays County, people in their 20s make up 50% of the victims.
Partying Hard and Spreading Covid-19
Some Restaurants Are Closing Again After Customers Throw Fits Over Wearing Masks
PSA uses mask-wearing 'Friday the 13th' slasher villain to get New Yorkers to ... wear masks
He posted his regrets over attending a party in California. The next day, he died of coronavirus
Some States To Out-Of-Towners: If You Come Visit, Plan To Quarantine For 2 Weeks
Family of Man Who Died of Coronavirus Hit With $1 Million Hospital Bill
They were arrested for breaking lockdown rules. Then they died in police custody
When it comes to quelling anxiety, ideas for different strategies abound; there are books, balms, blankets, and beyond. But according to Kristen Bell, an advocate for mental-health realness, one of the best, simplest, and most effective ways to self-soothe just requires two small letters. In her keynote speech at last week’s Mindbody Bold Conference, Bell shared that the power of saying no more often has been a saving grace to her as she navigates the struggles with anxiety and depression.
“I realized that my codependency was so crippling that I couldn’t say no to people,” she said. “So what I’ve been doing this month is practicing saying no to people in a very kind way.” But that certain doesn’t mean prioritizing boundaries and becoming a no person is an easy thing to do, especially for those who struggle with anxiety.
Well and Good
These robots were built to be punched, stabbed and cursed. Here's why you might want to oblige them.
It’s no secret that technology can drive us batty. Between glitchy apps, social media outages and data breaches, the only thing stopping some people from smashing their personal tech is the exorbitant cost of replacing it.
Now a trio of researchers say they’ve found a way to use technology to channel our rage rather than provoke it. They’ve created robots designed not to perform tasks but to serve as our personal punching bags.
The research team, based at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, says the so-called “cathartic objects” are designed to be hit, stabbed, cursed and otherwise abused. The bots don’t complain or fight back, as seen in a video, but they do respond by flashing lights and flailing around.
Why should we take our anger out on robots? The researchers say it’s all about catharsis, the process by which people give full expression of their negative emotions as a way to curb them.
NBC News