TV Posts Tagged as 'Enthusiastic'
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Accidente (2024)
It rivets early but the cast kept chugging. An accident occurs that tests the strength of several families. Intriguing twists kept me interested. The fault of the accident was misfortune. The actors appeared hired from mysterious little black books. All fuckable. Charro should get an award for making toes curl. That gorgeous motherfucker. I noticed mexicans have perkier asses than other boys. I couldn't find a flat ass. Even the little ass was perky. The story didn't know when to quit and cash in their chips. It became melodramatic and telenovela centric. The players pulled their weight but gravity matter ignored them. The story became too coincidental to explain. It over reached. Fun was had and some surprises worked but the teapot wasn't hot enough to make tea. 03-Sep-2024
Bromans UK (2017-)
An International Male catalog with skimpy naked men that should be licked. 31-Aug-2024
Love Is Blind UK (2024-)
Reunion. There was no reason to invite Sam if he was going to wear pants. The ladies pounced on him because he professed a truth every lady should hear. Bobby is the perfect night lamp. Freddie is a smitten god that doesn't need puny shows to get laid. I don't know why Ollie is a god, he just is. Steven. I knew it wasn't going to work out when he showed up in a bikini and had nothing holding it up except that amazing body. 30-Aug-2024
Ollie was served a new contract that stipulated success if he didn't stray. How boring of him. He is what them ladies dream of every night. He needs to let his Bogart loose. Catherine had no business to elicit an orgasm in front of his fiancee and friends. Demi will hang on tight even when she's slipping. I opinionated that Steven deserves perfect scores for body and insecurity. No. My J.I. Joes did not look as buff as him. Tom is a frightening peak-a-boo daddy. The man is an awkward moment with a controlled body. Every couple should invite Sam over for a threesome and film the whole thing for 10 million dollars. Conor may be carved from stone but she craves thunder. Maria hearts business. When Booby met his future mother-in-law he farted inwards. Benaiah seems like a good man that needs a tune-up and lots of attention. Nicole yucked things up with a Joker smile. 19-Aug-2024
S1E5. Guess what, somebody sucked Benaiah's dick and it was sweet. Cat created a stir when she confronted Ollie and added a mental orgasm to the conversation. All the couples felt it. I even think Demi got accidentally sprayed. The woman with the most perfect man in the world found better chemistry with a god. Ollie cannot be left alone. Catherine caused a stir when her nice gesture found no moral support. Somebody was trading secret fast food recipes for hot salsa lunches. Sam. Have you seen the gams on that bitch? We can't encourage people to be themselves. They might not become us. 15-Aug-2024
The host represents a variety of genders and his wife is a Big Brother connoisseur. Sam is faithful. He kept it all about himself. Steven is like extra sushi on date night. Tom will be safe if he finds where she really is at. Ollie is the guy you forgive when he cheats because he might stalk you and he's godly. Freddie. What punishment is he enduring to lower his standards of excellence? I'd be wary of him. Connor was a gilded chocolate melting on a hollow grave. I would have faked it with Bobby for one more fuck. Benaiah needs someone to pull his hair and suck his dick. 10-Aug-2024
Love Is Blind Mexico (2024)
In some cases it has to be. Neither sex display longevity skills.
She: Can he afford rent?
He: please be fuckable.
She: I lied in the pods about the quantity of children I have. Will he still babysit?
He: I hope she doesn't smell.
She: how dare you!
When my mind drifted I visualized an even faster and tackier method of hooking up. A gloryhole. The boys stick it in whatever sounds good and whichever female produces first will officially get married on live TV. The contestants are bold and calculating. I've endured 3 proposals and I'm not even done with ep. 2. Man cannot control woman unless he marries her. 11-Aug-2024
Love Island UK (2019-)
Women are pursuing these motherfuckers because there is a cash prize at the end, correct? I don't remember Reuben. There was nothing to latch onto. Josh must choose to be blacker or whiter. Yes, I had a doll that looked like Blade. Hugo combs his hair in reverse. I bet Konnor is a fantastic one nighter. Will must be hung. Joey is a doll. Sean is Jimmy Oleson. Ayo, we pray for you. I would have barbecued Trey like he was a lobster. Moziah reeks of beauty and nature. Ciaran has too many identities going on. 11-Jul-2024
House of Heat (2024-)
They look, talk and walk like ducks but don't like being called ducks. Only Fans creators are thrust inside a fish tank so they can observe, teach and grow their businesses. Some peel their clothes off while others tease it. Everyone is judgmental, scared and hostile. It was difficult to side with anyone because a lot of them believe they have the answer to surviving the mess they're in. Chase's beauty kept melting off the more he talked. The gay couple was so united in their bond that there was no space to breathe. They clung dependently like Venom and Hardy. The straight couple only had sex with each other on camera. They were special. She wanted to hold on to chastity. Any man that needs to fuck so many times a day already cheated and had the threesome she denied him. Brother gay with an appealing body needed to purse his lips, not glow them. The arguments are loud, repetitive and frustrating. Maybe the creators will realize the answer when they are outside the box. I don't know the answer but I know how it ends. The women questioned everything and added motives later. We never got an answer to the smelly pussygate dilemma. Was she sexually violated or were men just being themselves? Is that the reason we have to label everything? To distance ourselves from others? They close every argument like there will be a sequel. I wish my brain would function as fluidly as these creators. It made the cuckoo in my head clock pop. They are killing the mystery of the fantasy by telling too much. 29-Jul-2024
Boys, The (2019-)
Besides the maestro, Starlight's rejuvenation was my favorite thing. 22-Jul-2024
Homefucker took twitch to its ultimate, grew from it and became remarkable. Someone invited Smirk to the party so he can curse it? He's still smirking away and sounding like a condescending cunt. The twist befits him like a glove. Yes, I would submit to his gravelly words and old man charms. Is that all A-Train or are there other plastics involved? Nice. Mama's Milk has the right amount of daddy issues. Kimiko and Frenchie are still a power couple even though Frenchie has accent disabilities. Star watt. Starlight's abilities were stifled. The series made me realize that Karl Urban can be fun. Quaid can get away with a lot. Sage was waiting for this all her life and she's acing it. The Deep is reenacting some personal memories. Respect. There are stalling tactics that defy reason. The enemies keep bumping into each other but nobody keeps the promise to slaughter the other. One explanation should suffice. Nepo Homelander is sending Damien vibes. Anthony Starr has a grip on us. 12-Jul-2024
Twitch daddy twitch. 24-Jun-2022
The season belongs to daddy Homefucker. 24-Jun-2022
Shue clenches frustration devoutly, Starr chomps evil gleefully and the end punctuated surprisingly. 26-Aug-2019
Graduating superheroes to the next level...consequences. 17-Aug-2019
Ultimatum: South Africa (2024-)
I don't know if the individuals were breaking the rules or there were none. By episode 3 almost all the strangers hooked up, in one way or another. Some went all the way and others were inconclusive. One girlfriend cheated because she couldn't feel her husband's penis inside her. TG she found a cocky asshole to fill her side panels. Their partners were embarrassed and gaslighted. The white couple seemed out of sorts. She probably had a fantasy of trying a black man that he went along with because it stalled marrying her. She partnered with a horny boy who kept begging for it. White boy was partnered with a sad woman that had no idea why her boyfriend was enjoying the experience and lying about it whilst she was stuck with a white boy. The goldigger had every reason to want a real man with money and the men had every right to dump her. Men ask that a woman be respectful, a cook, attentive, a womb, a slut and someone that believes everything he tells her. They want to impregnate them so they can enjoy, at least, six months of guilt-free cheating because they need to fuck and they don't want to hurt the baby. I imagined Nick stuttering and Vanessa fainting at the reunion. It would have been hilarious. Book them tickets! 15-May-2024
Parasyte: The Grey (2024-)
I wasn't expecting much. The aliens were easy to spot. Hey dude, why you talking like that? Can they imitate anything other than a squid? Yes, they can. Viewership became verdant, I was addicted but their motor died. Emotions got no satisfaction but the revelations made it through. 12-Apr-2024
Rainbow (1978)
It chronicles Judy Garland's childhood. It requires that the child actor that's portraying her, be masterly to convey her but unfortunately the child sings like an angel but has no Garlandesque spirit. The story is historical, personal and respectfully private. Baby Judy was no child. Andrea McArdle was a phenom. The Annie song blaster had the same equipment but it was married to broadway whilst the legend screamed out the blues anywhere she could. It doesn't quite matter, when the lead is gifted with voice and likability. They repeated some songs to completion and that was frustrating but I loved hearing her voice. Piper Laurie was a queen mother. A deprived human on survival mode willing to do anything to eat. She only becomes extreme when the power shifts and Judy becomes the mother. The story is signed by a friend and it's an innocent adventure into young Judy's life. 28-Feb-2024
Griselda (2024-)
Actors can imitate, shadow or channel. The spirit of Griselda settled methodically into Sofia's lap and guided her. Sofia sent Sofia packing to become a woman with big ideas, deadly fallouts and constant misery. Sofia adds sexy beast to a woman who suffered for her imperfections. The woman who bested men used them for protection. The males were war and sex machines for the women who freed themselves from prostitution to commit worst crimes whilst using men as shields. The series served enough tension and thought-provoking arguments to whiz by without losing it's magic. Sofia was gangbang great. I never saw Sofia. I saw a 3D character. She stymied her accent and enunciated. She rocked fashion you can feel. She kicked ass like she's done it. Her attack dog was a beautiful thing and the support were menacingly good. A woman kills when she is angry, a man kills when he has to. 09-Feb-2024
S1E3. The lady is slashing tires like a fiery latina. Good girl. 08-Feb-2024
Trust (2024-)
Finale. It was almost cute. 26-Jan-2024
Trusting strangers, we do it everyday. We have to trust someone for aid to move on. There's a brilliant game to be played but the show hasn't figured it out, yet. Boo, for making the hottest beast walk the plank first-time around. Another remains but he's an asshole. Millionaire got shut out of the villa's bubble and trapped in a snow globe for admitting how privileged he is. Poor thing. Unless he's a plant, it's a chilly thing. The girls and boys huddled with their own. The men were obliged to let aggression lead. The women can't do like men. They have to group and wheedle down as they see fit. They have their eye on a fellow contestant whose skillset includes a seduction of the only man worth fucking. It's ghastly. That white boy celebrated someone's heritage by annoying them with it. The old lady is a Platinum Karen. I hope the producers tip them towards their last nerve. 11-Jan-2024
Ricky Gervais: Armageddon (2023)
Brilliant reality check. 28-Dec-2023
Below Deck: Mediterranean (2016-)
A sissy charter boarded to incite havoc. Did Captain Sandy plant those dirty towels to force Tumi into authority? Kyle is either hopelessly in love or in big trouble. The new cast has not clicked yet so we give them a pass. Max complained about being underfed so the ladies tossed him in a salad and ate him alive. The man was trying to say, I can eat the same food everyday, if its good. If straight guys want to sexualize females, follow the gays. Sit and watch as they convince the women to do as "he" wants. Shouldn't security be investigating and shutting down a boat with more than one illness? I hope it wasn't the food. 07-Sep-2021
Golden Bachelor, The (2023)
Fuckboy! 01-Dec-2023
Daddy couldn't help himself from trying the new luggage he won on Let's Make A Deal. He showed Leslie how wires helped him move around the house and bestowed on Theresa, only sexual regard. 20-Nov-2023
Daddy gold was forced to walk and run, though I believe the run was CGI'd. Gerry was very vague when discussing how he felt about Theresa to her grandchildren and daughter. When he eye fucked Theresa's daughter she reacted like she liked it. I'm sure she wasn't listening to anything he was saying because he was saying that he wasn't in love with her mother. Either he let the cat out of the bag or he's a better actor than I thought. I ponder why Gerry is called Gary when it should be Jerry. 03-Nov-2023
Palmer didn't eyefuck anybody because he wasn't alone with them. Oh well, there's still paradise. Is the show on realtime? Do they walkie talkie what the public thinks to the producers? They made daddy walk. He only walked a few steps but every time he asked to walk a girl out he was holding on to them for dear life. When he opened the car door for a dumped, the producers rigged his suit jacket to hold him up. Good wire work. If talking about your ex on a first date is rude, why does it get a pass in old age? We found out that daddy is not made of gold, he bruises whenever a woman he doesn't care for touches him. Maybe, she's made of fire. 27-Oct-2023
What pickle ball means: Age deteriorates the quality of the vegetable, but rarely causes them to actually become unsafe for consumption IMO. Pickling is used to preserve foods and in the environment of brine, they last pretty well forever. That said, the texture and flavorings are going to get funky after a couple of years. 20-Oct-2023
Whilst the ladies were slapping old man's balls our daddy gold was sitting. When he appeared on an ATV he sat throughout. He made out with any lips that came towards him, sitting down. The rose ceremony took much longer because daddy had to sit after every rose. He pretended to be a gentleman but we know the handicapped woman helped him walk out. That lady whose daughter was getting married as she was clapping balls didn't give two shits. Mother is not a title but an action. I'm sure the son-in-law was relieved she wasn't there to fuck up his wedding. Becoming ill was karma. Not telling women playing I've Never... that she was milk intolerant was like going to an orgy and having sex with everybody whilst knowing you have crabs. Captain Sandy with a wig has munched on ladies before but is a bottom, now. A judge Judy superfan told another contestant to ziploc her joy. 20-Oct-2023
I tuned in because I wanted to survey the old hunk. There is no way a 72 year old can look that good. He's handsome, a people pleaser, tastes like Spanish Fly and wants to fuck. He proved his age when it took him about twenty minutes to put on his shoes. Good editing. Wink, wink. There were no Goldiggers amongst the 20 but I noticed a few madams and ex whores. Including younglings would have created the tension women of that age experience. Most of the elder women were loopy, defining an era that's no longer safe. I like Ellen. I don't know why but I do. One of the women looked like Captain Sandy in a black wig, the Maude impressionist was kicked out, Jesse eye-fucked the bachelor and I felt grandpa's burden. Every time he votes out an eccentric aunt, America will judge him. "The man is dumping grannies!" 30-Sep-2023