Health/Food Posts Tagged as 'Loneliness'
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...why some adult children don’t talk to their parents
Even though humans are biologically hard-wired to form strong attachments to our parents, in many cases, these relationships become estranged as the children age. A recent poll found that nearly 1 in 4 adults are estranged from their families.
...why some adult children don’t talk to their parents
Mom is arrested for handcuffing son to oil tank while she went to work
...this ‘gay black sheep’ should prioritize healing
Man who used 3-month-old to brush snow off car in viral TikTok video likely to face charges
Son bragged to 911 he felt ‘f—ing great’ after killing his dad
22 percent of millennialxs say they have “no friends”
Today, members of the millennial generation are ages 23 to 38. These ought to be prime years of careers taking off and starting families, before joints really begin to ache. Yet as a recent poll and some corresponding research indicate, there’s something missing for many in this generation: companionship.
A recent poll from YouGov, a polling firm and market research company, found that 30 percent of millennials say they feel lonely. This is the highest percentage of all the generations surveyed.
“no friends”
No One Cares
Church of England faces calls to ban funeral flower arrangements
I’m Being Shamed for Not Being an “Activist” on Social Media.
I know this is a ridiculous question but bear with me. Is it OK to not use my social media to post about activism, racial justice, etc.?
I (a white woman) work at a pro–racial justice nonprofit (and have done so my entire career), actively making decisions in my own life—schools, neighborhoods, houses of worship, etc.—to live my values. I have generally used social media to stay connected with folks and share more personal updates about my nonwork life. Last summer, I began feeling guilty that I didn’t engage in public activism on my social media. I follow a number of activist accounts, but don’t share or broadcast this. The guilt pushed me to post more actively about racial justice. But every time I posted, it was never just the right thing—folks on both sides of the political spectrum sent me messages nitpicking my phrasing or what I chose to share/not share, and I constantly felt angry and on edge. I also engaged less in in-person conversations because I was so jaded by the “unproductivity” of these online conversations.
I’m Being Shamed
Majority of Pet Owners Admit to Canceling Plans to Hang with Dog Instead
Earlier this month, Wisdom Health Genetics, a leading pet genetics company and maker of Wisdom Panel dog DNA tests, released the results of its 2020 Pet Census survey, painting an up-to-date picture of human-pet connections.
Over 13,000 pet owners participated in the survey, accounting for about 25,000 dogs and 6,000 cats.
One notable finding in the census is that the majority of pup parents — 72 percent, to be exact — admitted to canceling social plans simply to spend time with their four-legged pal. For cat owners, that total was 32 percent.
Proving animals are just as much part of the family as any human, 64 percent of pet owners said they view their dog or cat as a child or family member.
Majority of Pet Owners Admit to Canceling Plans to Hang with Dog Instead, Survey Finds