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Wendy Williams signs legal document to end guardianship, medical evaluation set next week 


Williams has been living in a New York facility, which she said is more like a “prison.”

In the doc, the beloved former “Wendy Williams Show” host claimed she’s only been outside twice in the past 30 days.

“No, no. I am not allowed to go out. I can call you, but you can’t call me,” she told Harvey Levin. “In the last 30 days I went out twice.”

Wendy Williams signs legal document to end guardianship

The Shocking Truth About Who Caused Wendy Williams Guardianship

Tags: $, Celebrity, Court, Family, Freedom, Parental Burden, Seniors, Shutdown, Takeover, Theft



Man who was 'held under hot water' by his boyfriend 


The victim, identified by the pseudonym Zach, told BBC News his boyfriend used to have a 'heart of gold' but that his behaviour changed during lockdown.

'One night I was just getting in the shower and he stormed in, tore the shower rail off the wall, held me under the hot water, and started screaming in my face,' Zack recalled.

Man who was 'held under hot water'

EMT found guilty of attempting to murder gay man

NBC execs accused of coercive sex and retaliatory firing by American Horror Stories actor

Tags: $, All Rights, Attack, Court, Domestic Violence, Employment, Gay, Police, Relationships, Sex, Treatment, Violence, World



...he has one of world's largest penises  


A British artist with a Jamaican accent when he raps is 'seriously thinking' about monetising his huge willy in exchange for a multi-million pound OnlyFans deal.

...he has one of world's largest penises

MORTIFIED after 'ruining' friend's wedding photos with his enormous WEDGIE

The longest penis sizes around the world

Inside the big D-list

The truth about ‘summer penis’

Country with the biggest average penis size in the world

Average penis size by US state and the areas where men exaggerate the most

Women rank penises and reveal what they find most attractive about male genitalia

I'm cursed with a big penis

Tags: $, Anatomy, Ass, Big Cock, Business, Celebration, Celebrity, Entertainment, Funny, Hot Swatch, LGBTQ, Music, NSFW, Photos, Portrait, Service, Sex, Size, Social Media, Study, Wedding, World, World Record



Columbus man sentenced to over 4 years for cyberstalking, extorting young gay men 


Uwadiae then threatened to distribute the explicit material widely on the internet and specifically to victims’ friends, family members, employers and others. He demanded money from some victims, while from others, he demanded they meet him, have sex with him or make damaging admissions, such as admitting they were racist.

Columbus man sentenced to over 4 years

Case against gay reality star Xol's accused killer delayed

Gay couple who showed off picture-perfect family get 100 years in prison

Priest is charged after being accused of despicable act with teenager

Birmingham LGBTQ+ church members ‘cut off’ after sexual assault complaints

Sick couple raped four daughters nine times a day after running out of money for prostitutes

Gay serial killer from Punjab wore makeup as kid

Man strangled after argument as gay date goes wrong

Man Is Accused of Luring Gay U. Miss. Student Before 2022 Killing

Gay Man Beaten and Killed Following Grindr Meeting

Tags: $, Bi, Blackmail, Child Abuse, Children, Clergy, Family, Gay, LGBTQ, Murder, NSFW, Parental Crime, Punishment, Rape, Religion, Sex, Sex Worker, Slavery, Theft, Threat, Violence, World



'They look like linebackers with boobs.' 

An ex-inmate of a California women's prison has spoken of the terror of being locked up with 'big, burly and aggressive' male-to-female transgender detainees thanks to a recent state law.

'They look like linebackers with boobs.'

Lesbian Dating App Uses Facial Recognition to Exclude Trans Women

Trans detainee 'lives in fear' of reprisals now he's back in an all-male lockup

Bachelorette Star Accused Of Faking Gender Transition For Attention

Hulking transgender athletes take gold, silver and bronze spots on female podium

Black trans nonprofit leader allegedly stole $99K for a Mercedes & luxury goods

Almost two thirds of transgender women in prisons are serving sentences for sex offences

Trans child molester held in women's prison 'sexually assaulted cellmate

Tangled web of 'Zizian cult' duo who planned to marry and were both netted for separate murders

Tags: $, ?, App, Ban, Burden, Charity, Children, Confusion, Crime, Dating, Differences, Employment, Equality, Fear, Greed, Hostility, Humiliation, Interference, LGBTQ, Men, Murder, Opportunity, Preference, Prison, Punishment, Rape, Safety, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Sports, Terror, Theft, Threat, Trans, Vegan, Violence, Woman's Rights, Women



California to replace 'alien'  


“This important legislation removes the word ‘alien,’ which is not only an offensive term for a human being, but for far too long has fueled a divisive and hurtful narrative,” he added. “By changing this term, we are ensuring California’s laws reflect our state’s values.”

California to replace 'alien'

How does Demi Lovato know that aliens are offended by the term 'ALIENS'?

Crime Rate for Illegal Aliens Vastly Understated

Suspected crime tourism ring targeting Southern California neighborhoods

New York Is Wasting Taxpayer Money on Migrants and a Reparations Commission

Enraged Chilean beats bystander to death with fire extinguisher

Tags: $, Americans, Celebrity, Change, Community, Competition, Consequences, Crime, Cultural, Disruption, Environment, Etiquette, Identity, Murder, Name, Policy, Politics, Reckless, Self Interest, Society, Takeover, Treatment, Violence, Word Deletion, Words



The Push for Puberty Blockers Got Ahead of the Research 


The case that Prelogar and Strangio wanted to make is that state bans on puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgery for minors with gender dysphoria should be subject to enhanced scrutiny because they violate the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection. If girls can take blockers to postpone female puberty, why can’t dysphoric natal boys take the drugs to avoid male puberty? If teenage biological males can be prescribed the male hormone testosterone, then why not biological females? “What the birth males can do that birth females cannot do is receive medical treatment to live and identify as boys,” Strangio argued. “And what birth females can do that birth males can’t do is receive medical treatment to live and identify as girls.”

The Push for Puberty Blockers

Disney Suddenly Realizes That Parents Don’t Want Gender Ideology in Their Children’s Programming

Transgender Skepticism from . . . the Washington Post?

Parents outraged after teacher orders students to come out as gay or lesbian

Holt Liberals remove parental consent requirement from Policy 713

Parents should have final say in sex ed.

LGBTQ groups call on Congress to reject the Kids Online Safety Act

Courts to remain involved in young person gender case

Biden signs defence bill that includes anti-trans restrictions

School district pays $45K to teacher who refused to use trans students’ pronouns

Tags: $, Business, Children, Court, Education, Fail, Health, Identity, Journalism, LGBTQ, Medical, Military, Minors, Misconduct, Misrepresentation, Opinion, Parental Burden, Parental Confusion, Parental Responsibility, Policy, Politics, Privacy, Safety, Science, Sex, Sex Identity, Trans, World



Children dying in Somalia as food catastrophe worsens 


More than 200,000 Somalis are suffering catastrophic food shortages and many are dying of hunger, with that number set to rise to over 700,000 next year.

Children dying in Somalia

Activist demanding $800,000 for every black resident

BLM-backed candidate sentenced to 22 months in prison

Girls' poisoning 'unforgivable'

Senegal arrests Islamic agitators for claiming prime minister is gay

Bail revoked for couple accused of locking adopted children in filthy shed

Saudi Arabia executes more than 100 foreigners in 2024

Children executed and women raped in front of their families

Tags: $, Accusation, Activism, Adoption, Arrest, Child Abuse, Child Burden, Children, Cultural, Death, Education, Environment, Extinction, Family, Food, Food Shortage, Fraud, Gay, Hate, LGBTQ, Murder, Parental Crime, Politics, Poverty, Prison, Punishment, Rape, Religion, Slave Labor, Slavery, Support, Termination, Terror, Threat, Torture, Tour, Violence, Woman's Rights, Women In Charge, World



Nightclub denies claim they were grabbed and pushed 


The south Florida club that allegedly 'shoved' and kicked a transgender woman off its premise says it will remove anyone who makes guests 'uncomfortable' but that it was misrepresented in the media by the woman.

Nightclub denies claim they were grabbed and pushed

LGBTQ+ Nonprofit, Beset by Scandal

Trans woman faces murder charges in killing of cis man

Trans pedophile caged 32 months

City puts $10,000 bounty on trans people’s heads if they use a public restroom

Imane Khelif is a biological man

Las Vegas woman 'kills roommate with fentanyl-laced cocaine'

Trans athlete admits she would have an advantage if she competed against biological women

OnlyFans star who had sex with 250 high school students is transgender

Trans woman was caught having consensual sex with another woman...

Tags: $, Accusation, Ban, Bar/Club, Charity, Cheating, Disruption, Employment, Enforcement, Fraud, Funding, LGBTQ, Murder, Policy, Politics, Prison, Rape, Safety, Security, Sex, Sports, Trans, Treatment



...when gay men tear each other down 


Why are people so horrible to each other, especially people in the same community? Experts theorize it's a combination of factors related to the rise of social media, a generation unburdened by the worst of the AIDS epidemic and changing laws and acceptance of LGBTQ+ people. As common enemies and threats fall away gay men may turn against each other to cope with their traumas, from lighthearted memes to cyberbullying to even the aforementioned revenge porn.

...when gay men tear each other down

The tale of the gay ballet husband is sending shock waves

Khalid confirms he's gay after being outed

United Fires Gay Flight Attendant For Anti-Gay Rhetoric

Police searching for Bay Area barber charged for sexually assaulting 2 men

Man allegedly played predatory ‘truth or dare’ games with preteens

A star urologist preyed on men and boys

Jury convicts gay Santa Clara councilmember Becker of perjury

Ex-SF gay biz association president pleads guilty to fraud charges

Tags: $, Business, Celebrity, Community, Court, Crime, Criticism, Cultural, Employment, Environment, Etiquette, Gay, Greed, Identity, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Misconduct, NSFW, Out, Porn, Relationships, Revenge, Termination, Travel, Video



The ‘Detransition’ Time Bomb 


We need to talk about “trans kids.” In all likelihood, we are currently witnessing one of the biggest medical scandals in modern history, and a tidal wave of regrets and lawsuits will soon follow in its wake.

The ‘Detransition’ Time Bomb

Medicine shuns gender detransitioners like me

Law penalizes anyone ‘recruiting’ a child to receive gender-affirming care...

Trans terms like 'chestfeeding' to be banned

Gender-critical feminists praise historic NHS decision

Ohio Senate passes transgender bathroom ban

Federal court allows Indiana’s gender-affirming care ban to go into effect

Life of Agony singer detransitioning after curing his ‘gender dysphoria’

Top Doctor in Trans Youth Medicine Sued

Florida mom says 13 year-old daughter's school secretly convinced teen she was trans

Tags: $, Ban, Children, Court, Education, Environment, Health, Language, Laws, Leaders, LGBTQ, Music, Parental Burden, Parental Confusion, Parental Responsibility, Safety, Science, Sex, Sex Identity, Trans, Treatment, World



Here Are the Porn Terms Gays Searched For the Most in 2023 


While “no fats, no femmes, no Asians,” seems to be a common refrain amongst gay men in real life and on Grindr, when it comes to porn, gay men love to see Asians and femmes, almost as much as they love to see a straight guy having gay sex.

Here Are the Porn Terms

Max Lorde shares his, ahem, unusual ritual before bottoming

Gay guys describe the male physiques that really get them going

...most-viewed gay porn categories in each US state

Twinks rule the world...

Here’s who should pay on gay dates...

What fantasies are hot in theory, but not in practice?

Man desperately wants to know if he’s going to be into twinks forever

Dude, be lucky it's twinks. The next evolution is children and I heard that sucks. 03-Dec-2024

Tags: $, Choices, Dating, Gay, LGBTQ, List, Men, NSFW, Porn, Preference, Sex, Video, What Men Want



Michael Jackson Used Sicko Signals & Code Words 


Married father of two James Safechuck — who appeared in Michael Jackson's famous 1988 Pepsi commercial at age 10 — has also accused the King of Pop of sexual abuse. Now a 36-year-old computer programmer, Safechuck claims that Jackson began abusing him on the European leg of the singer's Bad tour in 1988, can reveal.

Michael Jackson Used Sicko Signals

Baseball coach sexually assaulted 8 boys

Former Hillsborough resident found guilty of sexually assaulting his student

BBC man was on his sofa waiting for my child to perform...

“There Are More Female Perpetrators Than Society Like to Acknowledge”

A 10-Year-Old Girl Kissed Her Son And Daughter During A Game

Teacher enticed 9-year-old to send photo of genitals

Jermaine Jackson Is Accused of Sexual Assault

‘Diddy’ accused of sexual harassment and assault by producer

Afrika Bambaataa Faces Fresh Sexual Abuse Allegations From French Rapper & Fighter

Tags: $, Accusation, Advice, Celebrity, Children, Complaint, Court, Entertainment, Environment, Family, Gay, Investigation, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Misconduct, Opinion, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Parental Responsibility, Rape, Relationships, Sex, Sex Worker, Sexual Abuse, Sports, Students, Talk, Teacher, Tradition, Video, World



Drunk mom abandoned severely injured 9-year-old son in crash 


The 9-year-old son of Monica Tutt, 39, received a gash so deep his skull was visible, and he also had air in his brain, bleeding in his brain, and a fractured skull, officers said.

Drunk mom

Woman pissed about being jumped in line chokes 12-year-old girl trying to play peacekeeper

'Delusional' mayor Tiffany Henyard dubbed the 'worst in America'

Dad ties noose around neck of son’s friend when teen shares that he’s gay

Convicted killer clown released from prison

‘This isn’t the Jerry Springer Show’

FEMA woman who 'told workers to avoid Florida homes with Trump signs' is fired

Progressive duo in crime-ridden Oakland are fired following decisive elections

Black CEO Who Was Once Featured in Forbes Could Be Headed to Prison

DEI trainer recorded bullying beloved gay principal who then committed suicide

Tags: $, Accident, Activism, Alcohol, Backlash, Children, Court, Crime, Entertainment, Etiquette, Friendship, Gay, Greed, Harassment, Injury, LGBTQ, Misconduct, Mother, Neglect, Offensive, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Politics, Priorities, Rage, Self Interest, Suicide, Termination, Theft, Threat, Violence, Women In Charge



Gay couple sues fertility clinic because their child is a girl 


The Sanigers said that they decided on their kids’ names and even got Gmail addresses for them before they were married in 2013. They wanted two boys, and now they say that they will have to pay a lot to have their two boys because of HRC and Kolb “negligently, recklessly, and/or intentionally transferred a female embryo to the Sanigers’ gestational carrier.”

It is not clear why the couple specifically wanted two boys.

Gay couple sues fertility clinic

Gay Tech CEO Charged in 30-Year-Old Murder

Purchasing children and eradicating society

Parents heartbroken as baby girl registered as male

Father who pleaded with pediatrician ex-wife not to 'chemically castrate' their son, 9, is dealt crushing blow

Tags: $, Adoption, Care, Children, Court, Family, Gay, Health, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Murder, Parental Burden, Parental Confusion, Preference, Pregnancy, Priorities, Relationships, Self Interest, Sex Identity



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