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Mom videos herself suffocating infant
Mom videos herself suffocating infant
Indiana mom who called her dying toddler an ‘asshole’ sentenced
MN state senator and Air Force vet is stripped of committee
Wild Disneyland beatdown by mob of moms
She intentionally gave patients excessive insulin doses
Superintendent Fired After Allegedly Threatening Students Who Didn’t Clap Enough for Daughter
Mom stabs 1 child to death, leaves another to die in fire
Mother Accused Of Fatally Beating 4-Year-Old Boy Adopted From Haiti
Mom killed her daughter, 4, on nearly all Mountain Dew diet
Mother and relatives who killed 3-year-old in torturous exorcism have shown no remorse
HS teacher, 47, claimed it was her constitutional right to have sex with her students
Authorities Charge Solid Waste Management Company Head for Spending $ on Strip Clubs
She enjoyed being 'choked out' and slapped
Simone Biles and her mom break down in tears over sexual abuse
Diplo accused of sexual assault
Marrying Millions star 63, arrested for 'sexually assaulting 17-year-old
Father uses DUCT TAPE to restrain sex offender
Police saved a 6-year-old from alleged kidnapper