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Rupert Everett complains that the transgender rights movement has ‘completely overshadowed’ gay issues 


He criticised what he sees as an overly reproachful outlook among young people, and spoke of his fears of being “cancelled” for speaking about transgender issues.

“This might be the first time that the older generation has felt that they have to tiptoe around the younger generation and turn everything off,” he said.

While Everett claimed to support “wokeness” because “everything it stands for is, essentially, great,” he regretted that gay rights appear to have taken a backseat to trans issues, citing Russia’s recent move to ban same-sex marriage.

Rupert Everett complains

Majority of elite female athletes favor categorization by biological sex

Trans population is not as high as the 'totally unreliable' census figures suggest

Gay Catholic Flight Attendant Fired By United Airlines After Telling a Coworker That People Can’t Change Their Sex

The National Park Service Has Removed the Word “Transgender”

Tags: All Rights, Celebrity, Choices, Court, Employment, Environment, Equality, Gay, LGBTQ, Misrepresentation, Perception, Preference, Sports, Study, Termination, Trans, Travel, World

Filed under: Gay+



McDonald’s is ending some of its DEI practices 


The company said its new position was driven by a recent Supreme Court ruling against affirmative action and other corporations reevaluating their diversity initiatives. Online pressure, legal threats and customer opposition have led many companies, including Walmart, Ford, Harley-Davidson, John Deere and others to make changes to their DEI initiatives.

McDonald’s is ending some of its DEI practices

Amazon removes section on LGBTQ+ rights from its policy page

Trump administration ‘tells embassies to stop flying Black Lives Matter and Pride flags’

Jeff Bezos erases LGBTQ+ rights support and ‘equity for Black people’

State Department to suspend passport applications seeking sex-marker changes

Target rolls back DEI initiatives, the latest big company to retreat

America's wokest company Disney makes major changes to classic films as it banishes DEI

Missouri sues Starbucks, claiming ‘systemic discrimination’ via DEI

Tags: Awareness, Ban, Business, Change, Court, Equality, Evolution, Laws, Policy, Politics, Termination, Trans, World

Filed under: Health/Food





The school is shocked by the incident that occurred at Las Vegas Valley High School. A 27-year-old substitute was arrested while the filmed video of a physical fight between him and the student becomes widely shared.


State worker tasked with caring for abused kids accused of ‘aggressively’ grabbing, throwing 11-year-old teaching assistant arrested after student drank her vodka

Teacher killed by 25-year-old son

Four US daycare workers charged with spiking children’s food with melatonin

Plot of 2 Teenage Girls to Frame Their Male Teacher as a Sexual Predator

Teacher's disgusting act after six-year-old student suffered mishap in classroom

Tags: Alcohol, Business, Children, Cultural, Education, Employment, Fight, Men Not In Charge, Murder, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Takedown, Teacher, Termination, Video, Violence, Women In Charge

Filed under: Gay+



Ohio school board unanimously fires 7 coaches after Jewish student-athlete was allegedly forced to eat pepperoni pizza 


The incident unfolded at the McKinley Senior High School in Canton on May 25 when the 17-year-old player said that head coach Marcus Wattley told him to sit in a chair in the middle of their gym and eat an entire pepperoni pizza. The student had been absent from a voluntary strengthening and conditioning practice.

Gilbert said that the student was under threat of having the other players being punished if he refused to eat the pizza. They also implied that he might be kicked off the team, he claimed. The student received therapy over the trauma from the incident.

Ohio school board unanimously fires 7 coaches after Jewish student-athlete was allegedly forced to eat pepperoni pizza

Football player SUES his coaches for $4m for forcing him to eat pepperoni pizza

Christian lifeguard gets an exemption to raising the rainbow flag

School bus driver charged with child abuse after allegedly pulling 6-year-old boy’s hair

School janitor makes sick confession about tampering with children's meals

Substitute teacher charged with assaulting student at elementary school

Tags: $, Backlash, Bullying, Celebration, Children, Choices, Court, Education, Employment, Etiquette, Hate, LGBTQ, Religion, Respect, Revenge, Sports, Termination, Threat, Toxic, Training

Filed under: Health/Food



ENTIRE police department - four cops and a chief - quit on same day over 'hostile' black town manager... 


'In my 21 years at the Kenly Police Department we have seen ups and downs,' Gibson wrote, addressing the note to both Jones and the town's city council.

'But, especially in the last three years, we have made substantial progress that we had hoped to continue.'

He went on: 'However, due to the hostile work environment now present in the Town of Kenly, I do not believe progress is possible.

ENTIRE police department

Man Charged for pulling knife on black men

'Hostile' black town manager gave them 'crazy write-ups'

Commission recommends Detroit judge be removed

Tank-top wearing judge booted from the bench

Judge removed from Prince George’s County bench for misconduct

Former Chattanooga police chief indicted for forgery, perjury and more

Woke boss of iconic LA museum fired worker because she hates old white men

Tags: Abuse, All Rights, Cultural, Employment, Environment, Exclusivity, Fraud, Justice, Misconduct, Police, Politics, Preference, Racial Tension, Segregation, Termination, Threat, Women In Charge

Filed under: Gay+



Influencer fires trainer — after spotting him eating McDonald’s burger 


The bombshell recalled how she arrived for a training session and saw the self-proclaimed gym shark “eating a McDonald’s burger” — and “That’s when I decided it wasn’t going to work for me anymore,” Hanniely declared.

Influencer fires trainer

Kamala Harris reveals her callous soul

Tags: Celebrity, Children, Diet, Employment, Etiquette, Exclusivity, Exercise, Fast Food, Food, Lifestyle, Limited, NSFW, Politics, Termination, Training, Weird, Women In Charge

Filed under: Health/Food



Palm Springs police receive multiple reports of public sex along trail area 


"Community members got a hold of us and said they really had a problem with trying to take a walk in one of our nature preserves as well as some private property because people were having sex in public," said PSPD Chief Andy Mills.

...multiple reports of public sex

Police are confused

Gay “clowns” photographed having sex on top of a moving train

Gay Bar Owner Removes Security Team After Video Surfaces

Four San Diego Gay Bars Targeted In Pellet Gun Attack

Windows at several Palm Springs businesses shattered

Man Acquitted of Attacking Gay Men in D.C. Park

Michigan man admits planning mass shooting of gay people

White Party Palm Springs canceled for 2025 and future

Tags: Attack, Cancellation, Chemicals, Club/Bar, Complaint, Crime, Cruelty, Cruising, Cultural, Employment, Environment, Etiquette, Exhibit, Gay, LGBTQ, Misconduct, Misrepresentation, Nature, Neighbor, No Punishment, NSFW, Parties, Sex, Termination, Travel, Vandalism, Video, Video Gay Swatch, Violence

Filed under: Gay+



Children dying in Somalia as food catastrophe worsens 


More than 200,000 Somalis are suffering catastrophic food shortages and many are dying of hunger, with that number set to rise to over 700,000 next year.

Children dying in Somalia

Activist demanding $800,000 for every black resident

BLM-backed candidate sentenced to 22 months in prison

Girls' poisoning 'unforgivable'

Senegal arrests Islamic agitators for claiming prime minister is gay

Bail revoked for couple accused of locking adopted children in filthy shed

Saudi Arabia executes more than 100 foreigners in 2024

Children executed and women raped in front of their families

Tags: $, Accusation, Activism, Adoption, Arrest, Child Abuse, Child Burden, Children, Cultural, Death, Education, Environment, Extinction, Family, Food, Food Shortage, Fraud, Gay, Hate, LGBTQ, Murder, Parental Crime, Politics, Poverty, Prison, Punishment, Rape, Religion, Slave Labor, Slavery, Support, Termination, Terror, Threat, Torture, Tour, Violence, Woman's Rights, Women In Charge, World

Filed under: Gay+



I asked my daughter's teachers not to call her a boy... they reported me to social services 


‘I’d read up on gender identity and reassured her she could be as gender non-conforming as she wanted, but I wasn’t going to let her harm her body. She was still developing. So, I wondered if the change of name was connected to this.’

When she phoned her daughter’s co-educational state secondary school, the receptionist claimed the name change ‘must be a mistake’.

... they reported me to social services

Ca school district transitioned child without telling parent,

Maher says Biden admin ‘all-in’ on trans indoctrination of kids

Now I Know Who I Really Am

Teacher who refused to use student’s pronouns arrested

Teacher helps students change names, pronouns without parents’ knowledge

Lying to Parents About Trans Kids Hurts Kids

Teacher shortage forcing schools to cancel classes

UCLA student sues California doctors, says she was 'fast-tracked' into transgender surgery

California law beginning Jan. 1, 2025, bans schools from notifying parents of kid’s pronoun change

Tags: Arrest, Cancellation, Celebrity, Change, Children, Choices, Coming Out, Consent, Consequences, Court, Education, Enforcement, Etiquette, Fail, Family, Fear, Identity, Intelligence, Interference, LGBTQ, Medical, Opinion, Parental Rage, Parental Responsibility, Pederasty, Politics, Portrait, Priorities, Questionable, Quit, Representation, Teacher, Termination, Threat, Training, Trans, Video, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



...when gay men tear each other down 


Why are people so horrible to each other, especially people in the same community? Experts theorize it's a combination of factors related to the rise of social media, a generation unburdened by the worst of the AIDS epidemic and changing laws and acceptance of LGBTQ+ people. As common enemies and threats fall away gay men may turn against each other to cope with their traumas, from lighthearted memes to cyberbullying to even the aforementioned revenge porn.

...when gay men tear each other down

The tale of the gay ballet husband is sending shock waves

Khalid confirms he's gay after being outed

United Fires Gay Flight Attendant For Anti-Gay Rhetoric

Police searching for Bay Area barber charged for sexually assaulting 2 men

Man allegedly played predatory ‘truth or dare’ games with preteens

A star urologist preyed on men and boys

Jury convicts gay Santa Clara councilmember Becker of perjury

Ex-SF gay biz association president pleads guilty to fraud charges

Tags: $, Business, Celebrity, Community, Court, Crime, Criticism, Cultural, Employment, Environment, Etiquette, Gay, Greed, Identity, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Misconduct, NSFW, Out, Porn, Relationships, Revenge, Termination, Travel, Video

Filed under: Gay+



Tampa Bay Rays players refused to wear a Pride rainbow 


Can you imagine the club that would allow a player to opt out of wearing a 42 on his jersey for Jackie Robinson Day? Or refuse to wear some camo for a Military Appreciation Day? Complete disaster.

Unfortunately, the Rays management approached this differently, allowing homophobia amongst a handful of 20-somethings to drive the uniforms that some of the players wore.

Tampa Bay Rays players refused to wear a Pride rainbow

Most Americans oppose biological men competing in women's sports

Twitter debates banning Libs of TikTok

Gay pride jersey sparks player boycott

MLB more pro-gay than Target

A gay manager was fired by the Chicago Blackhawks

NFL again allows a player to fund the most anti-gay organization in sports

Tags: Accusation, Activism, All Rights, Americans, Ban, Charity, Choices, Competition, Court, Employment, Gay, Interference, LGBTQ, Men In Charge, NSFW, Opinion, Politics, Protest, Rejection, Religion, Representation, Sex Identity, Sports, Termination, World

Filed under: Gay+



Drunk mom abandoned severely injured 9-year-old son in crash 


The 9-year-old son of Monica Tutt, 39, received a gash so deep his skull was visible, and he also had air in his brain, bleeding in his brain, and a fractured skull, officers said.

Drunk mom

Woman pissed about being jumped in line chokes 12-year-old girl trying to play peacekeeper

'Delusional' mayor Tiffany Henyard dubbed the 'worst in America'

Dad ties noose around neck of son’s friend when teen shares that he’s gay

Convicted killer clown released from prison

‘This isn’t the Jerry Springer Show’

FEMA woman who 'told workers to avoid Florida homes with Trump signs' is fired

Progressive duo in crime-ridden Oakland are fired following decisive elections

Black CEO Who Was Once Featured in Forbes Could Be Headed to Prison

DEI trainer recorded bullying beloved gay principal who then committed suicide

Tags: $, Accident, Activism, Alcohol, Backlash, Children, Court, Crime, Entertainment, Etiquette, Friendship, Gay, Greed, Harassment, Injury, LGBTQ, Misconduct, Mother, Neglect, Offensive, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Politics, Priorities, Rage, Self Interest, Suicide, Termination, Theft, Threat, Violence, Women In Charge

Filed under: Gay+



Woman Pulls Out Gun On McDonald's Employees For Not Receiving Free Cookie 


Hendricks, described as "yelling and irate" at the time, maintained that she was entitled to a free cookie because an employee did not ask her about a reward program, according to the documents.

Woman Pulls Out Gun

Woman slams SUV into Popeyes because her order didn’t have biscuits

‘Shoot them.’ Chipotle order turns chaotic

BK assistant manager arrested for serving trashed fries to customers

Angry customer kills Sonic Drive-In manager following argument

McDonald’s employee followed random customer into bathroom, stabbed him in face and neck

Jack in the Box worker run over, spit on...

McDonald’s employees intentionally filled fish filet with bacon and gave it to Muslim child

Tags: Business, Crime, Disruption, Etiquette, Food, Greed, Guns, Hostility, Restaurant, Safety, Termination, Threat, Unruly Child, Violence

Filed under: Gay+



Man strangles coyote after animal attacks his child during family walk 


A coyote attacked several people within hours Monday before being killed by a local man after the animal tried to bite his son, according to Kensington police.

Kensington Police Chief Scott Cain said the man was walking with his family on Phillips Exeter Academy’s Red Trail on the Kensington-Exeter line when the coyote appeared and attacked the family’s young son.

Cain said the coyote was only able to bite the child’s jacket before the father grabbed the animal and strangled it to death. However, in the struggle, the father was bitten and he had to go to the hospital to receive rabies shots, Cain said.

Man strangles coyote

Mountain lion attacks and injures child in Orange County wilderness park

Woman Arrested for Stabbing Dog

Pygmy elephant gores handler to death

Man Charged in Dog Mauling Death of 7-Year-Old Girl

Toddler's Parents Do Nothing As He Hits Pit Bull With A Water Bottle

Sint Maarten approves plan to destroy entire population of vervet monkeys

Polar bear kills woman and boy

Ten lions killed in Kenya

...bear smacks woman in the face on restaurant patio

Tags: Animals, Attack, Backlash, Children, Death, Environment, Injury, Kill, Men In Charge, Nature, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Parental Laziness, Pests, Pets, Responsibility, Safety, Survival, Termination, Threat, Video, Violence, World

Filed under: Health/Food



Killer's porn star dad says his first concern was that his son was gay 


Aldrich's father went on to say that being gay did not align with their religious values.

'You know Mormons don't do gay. We don't do gay. There's no gays in the Mormon church. We don't do gay.'

Killer's porn star dad

CNN anchor refuses to use chosen pronouns of non-binary Colorado Springs gay club shooter

Official is on leave after they were charged with stealing a Vera Bradley suitcase

Dad Sentenced to 70 Years for Torturing and Murdering 4-Year-Old

Dad is arrested for killing and DISMEMBERING his 11- month-old daughter

Retired NFL Player Accused of Assaulting Son, Son's Boyfriend

Lifestyle blogger is jailed eight years for starving his newborn son to death

Sheriff’s deputy stalked and killed by her father

Georgia school shooter was physically harassed by bullies, called ‘gay

This dad beat up his 2-year-old son for acting “gay”

Tags: Arrest, Bad Daddy, Children, Choices, Consequences, Crime, Death, Etiquette, Family, Fight, Free Speech, Hate, Injury, Journalism, LGBTQ, Mental Health, Misconduct, Misrepresentation, Murder, NSFW, Opinion, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Parenting, Porn, Punishment, Rampage, Religion, Sex, Sex Identity, Shooting, Sports, Termination, Theft, Tragedy, TV Swatch, Violence, World

Filed under: Gay+



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