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TV Posts Tagged as 'No Chemistry'

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Agatha All Along (2024) Arf

Rio stole it. Her cackle was magnifico. 01-Nov-2024
No one rocked their costumes and I had no idea what the legend was supposed to be. TG it was all about her. She always sounds dulcet and like she's singing her words. The mythology is too expansive to look up. I can only judge what I see. Billy is not living up to its promise. I keep picturing the actor with a backpack. Hello, Rio. 26-Oct-2024
The twenty minutes away from you know who was a respite. It almost started to sing except it tried a Murf on a Marvel. 18-Oct-2024
I released all my chakras for opinions and they couldn't concede that Agatha was a good actress. I thought the Wiccan was Loki's son. Did the 90's show get canceled because Rupp died early? We need to replace Kath with a Barbra. She, at least can sing. It would also light Patti up. Dark treks are unappealing, the characters are slow to unite and the constant parody is disrespectful to a story that might have soared had it been edited to make us care. It's way beyond my puberty level. 13-Oct-2024
I can't explain what I saw because all I heard were screeching tires speeding through acting school. It's so H.R. Puff n Stuff. She goes one step beyond over and is not convincing in multiple roles. My favorite Wednesday knows what to do. The legends would follow suit except they don't know what they're saying. Agatha gives good face without the elocution to match. I gave her a chance but she didn't convince me. Nothing else matters. 21-Sep-2024

Tags: 2020s, Comedy, Comic Book, Disappointment, Fantasy, Juvenile, No Chemistry, Over the Top, Silly, Timid, Warbly, Weird, Wit Snit, Writ Thin



Too Hot To Handle (2020-) Bites

Oh fuck. Monumental nudity not allowed. Boo! 18-Dec-2022
S4E3. The hornies are back. The series offered light nudity because they can and should. They served two pretty safe pipe extinguishers, one knockout but no monumentals. We're talking James and male ass here. He's the monumental that hasn't shown. 12-Dec-2022
Yo, call a doctor! The human race is hornier than we thought. It's not just us, its everybody! The children are fucked! 03-Jul-2021
No sex games, stripper parties or porn stars performing anatomy tricks. No Casa De Amor with an hour free of rules to tempt anyone. A lame exercise in controlling the libido does not a better date candidate make and I have no idea what point it's trying to make. (The winner takes home about $12.00 after taxes.) 19-Apr-2020
The norm is hornier than I thought. Love Island Castaways land on Mt. Celibacy and are tortured into going straight. The women are boob jocks and the men prance around blowing bro bubbles. The understanding is that what an independent woman wants, is a servant. It's not daring or tacky, not willing to titillate on a channel that permits it and not willing to locate a winning politic. "Tom Holland future" is an eerie panty shredder, women are still reaching for the biggest/complicated things, unruly racism is itching closer to our faces and Jesus left because he couldn't stand them. 18-Apr-2020

Tags: 2020s, Brutal, By the Numbers, Camp, Cliche, Creepy, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Egotistical, Fake, Horror, Hot Swatch, Incomprehensible, Juvenile, No Chemistry, Reality, Sap, Shrill Act, Silly, Weird



Wednesday (2022-) BitesEarly Exit

S1E2. It identifies with the world of art without the soul of the artist. Tim Burton's strongpoints are macabre and whimsy. His art is diffused to welcome misguided talent and a questionable existence. Jenna Ortega had already perturbed me as a porn star, the feelings don't tingle for Wednesday at Hogwarts either. She thinks her character is a surly sour bitch when that is what all teens are. If Wednesday, is indeed, a creepmeister she would be hunting the enemy that tried to kill her, to fuck it, enslave it and torture him forever, not Buffy/Cordelia them to death. It's missing a lack of heart. 28-Nov-2022

Tags: 2020s, Bad Acting, By the Numbers, Disappointment, Early Exit, Manipulation, No Chemistry, Over the Top, Preposterous, Questionable, Silly, Tedium, Weird



Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022-) Bites

S1E4. I bought a box of Depends so I could put up with the rest of the season. 13-Jun-2022
S1E1. The disease that made Hayden Christensen sink Darth Vader may have been borne from Star Wars speak not Hayden Christensen. The acting is horrible. The originals are the only ones that understood that nerdy language. The series recreates a legend whose ending has already been written but doesn't push it any further. To 2022? It's so corny I shit my pants backwards. 02-Jun-2022

Tags: 2020s, Bad Acting, Bad Chemistry, Brutal, By the Numbers, Cliche, Drama, Egotistical, Fantasy, No Chemistry, Over the Top, Overcooked, Sci-Fi, Silly, Timid, Tired, Wit Crack



Scenes From A Marriage (2021-) Whimper

It charges in promisingly. A class in master acting? No. Jessica Chastain fulfills her part but is lessened by technique directives that make her twitch and dishonest. There are no ass shots of Mr. Isaac's squishiness. He is a serious actor and nothing more. It's incomprehensible that couples talk about their marriage constantly. It's boring. 15-Sep-2021

Tags: 2020s, By the Numbers, Cliche, Drama, Fake, Fatigue, No Chemistry, Star Watt, Static, Tedium, Timid, Weird, Writ Basic



Call Your Mother (2021-) Whimper

There is no reason to call her because she is the primary that needs parenting. Mother can make a dirty cheese muffin, attention grab the hell out of parental privilege and retract the independence from her children. A sexless black gay token is hired to fawn over white mama madness and the other is relegated to immobile chat calls as mama's bestie. The younglings have no idea how to create a spark and the son should have been gay. What's a crappy mother without a gay son? Boring. 21-Jan-2021

Tags: 2020s, By the Numbers, Cliche, Comedy, Cultural, Gay Swatch, Juvenile, Manipulation, No Chemistry, Out of Place, Over the Top, Overcooked, Pitchy, Preachy, Predictable, Relationships, Repetitive, Silly, Star Watt, Static, Tired, Writ Basic



United We Fall (2020-) Whimper

Bland parental failure without boundaries. Do whatever doesn't disappoint most of the members and move on. It isn't that funny. There are no consequences or punishments. They fail and move on. 20-Jan-2021

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, By the Numbers, Camp, Cliche, Comedy, Emasculating, Fatigue, Hyper, No Chemistry, Shrill Act, Star Watt, Static, Tacky, Weird, Wit Crack, Words Spoke



Happiest Season (2020) Whimper

Lesbian with bad wig exploits girlfriend with bad dye job by coercing her to celebrate the holidays with her cult (family.) In-laws suck no matter how much they pretend. That sinking feeling you get is the truest. I thought that being loud and proud would supply Kristen Stewart with a personality but she remains dry ice. Maybe she's the wrong sex. I don't know where she was but she wasn't here. Dan Levy proves why I won't watch his Creek's shit. Just because the character is useless doesn't mean you can't steal it. I would have sexually cheated my way out of there and said fuck you to Whoville pudding.

(Uh oh. It ends in lesbian violence. No fucking kidding. They knock down a Christmas tree and everything.) 20-Dec-2020

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Bad Acting, Bad Chemistry, By the Numbers, Cliche, Corn, Drag, Drama, Gay, Grating, Maddening, Manipulation, No Chemistry, Preachy, Relationships, Silly, Star Watt, Static, Stupid Funny, Tacky, Timid



Christmas Setup, The (2020) Whimper

A demure mouse and his follower spend Christmas with his mom to opine their inability to succeed at anything. Frilly city gay meets country dorky gay. It's a gay love story with grand support from a fairy goddess (Fran Drescher.) She huffs and puffs but everyone else is yawning. The romantic leads need some Goya beans to create a spark and Lifetime needs to do better impassioning the male community with quality man product. 15-Dec-2020

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Brutal, By the Numbers, Corn, Disappointment, Drama, Fantasy, Fatigue, Gay, Holiday, Juvenile, No Chemistry, Silly, Timid



American Music Awards (2020) BitesEarly Exit

Justin Bieber acknowledged that being gang banged by black male artists is why he mimics their rap and style. He also wanted to induct us into his new religion. Total fail. No man is going to join a religion that allows you to grow prematurely bald. Twink, twink. Taraji is the kind of guest you don't want to leave alone with white people. The Weekend donning Michael Jackson weirdness and surgery dedicated his award to gay hater Prince. "Katy Perry fat" makes a better live singer than Katy Perry normal. Wow, rap is so gay. I tuned out as soon as Derek Hough licked the camera. 23-Nov-2020

Tags: 2020s, Celebrity, Discomfort, Early Exit, Fantasy, Fatigue, Incomprehensible, Juvenile, Maddening, Manipulation, No Chemistry, Overcooked, Political, Preachy, Predictable, Shrill Act, Silly, Star Watt, Tacky, Weird



Married At First Sight Australia (2015-) WoofUpgrade

Thor hammered Drusilla (Buffy/Angel) into place. She was the hostess with listening skills.

When women unite its for solidarity when men do is to wreck. If Michael attacks vagina the way he did Aleks I can see why Stacey stayed a bit. For every ball that popped from a man's zipper there was a female clipper on standby. The boys didn't win because their time is never but they broke her enough to make a girl out of her.

Mishel and Steve served some Kanga and it was sort of cute if you're there but cringey watching from home. I entered Steve in the gay freebies league. We hand out exclusive bjs to needy fit seniors, celebrities and straight men. All done by text. (Yes, Michael gets a discount.)

Creep racer used his mates to rev Aleks up but all it did was bring forth how fast or creepy he may be. Whatever the problem, the X marks the same spot. Eek.
The wives were sideswiped by hubbies, families and friends. Drew, from the rainbow toy collection, arched his back in pride as KC was blasted by his mother monster. The toys exist to entertain his dates. Ivan turned into a creep racer and Aleks woke up. Mishel needs to allow Steve time to switch his sexual identity towards her or not. No more talking. Seb sliced Lizzie's unhealthy appearance which he fixed with a bone rub and a kiss. I can add privileged to Stacey's hub slime. If Jonethen doesn't watch out, he'll accidentally enter Connie because of that foot in his mouth. She doesn't understand. Run. 07-Aug-2020
Mishel could balance on the ladder steadier if she grabbed onto reality. It is hard to live by one mentality when others won't. Men are molded by ego and sex. Daddy Steve from a children's book usurped his power by insinuating his coolness should have indicated to the experts that he deserved a twinkly and less in charge wife. I believe he tried but the email he wrote his willy wouldn't SEND. Hey, I think she's beautiful but I wouldn't sleep with her either. It never would have mattered when he said it, the reaction would have been the same. The rampage was preordained.

I wish they could find a way for Hayley to return. Happily divorced and remarried. There is young love to smash, daddy behemoths to best and she can terrorize the squirmy one with the smashing ring finger. 01-Aug-2020
Future prediction: men and women will isolate from each other until the government lottery calls their # for procreation. The women will raise the girls; the men, the boys. No more raping, violence or in-charge arguments, amongst each other. The gays will gladly step up and be the bitches men want and the mother a boy needs. Mom and dad need to get rid of the fairy tale. Y'all hate each other! 18-Jul-2020
S7E7. It imposes fairytale concoctions on vulnerable beings and grants them the consideration that anyone can get married.

The experts are new age gods matching the expectant with the inexplicable. (I kept seeing nature every time they talked.)

Looks, age, discrepancies and peculiarities don't matter. If you change your outlook, the judgment retires.

People get really seriously brutally honest.

I am spooked, clenched and devoured. 21-Jun-2020

Tags: 2010s, 2020s, Abuse, Accidental Watch, Brutal, Camp, Drama, Emasculating, Funny, Gay Swatch, Lesbian, Mean Spirited, No Chemistry, Over the Top, Overcooked, Political, Psychological, Reality, Relationships, Romance, Scary, Star Watt, Suspense, Tough, Twisty, Wit Crack, Wit Snit



Thing About Harry, The (2020) Arf

Generic romcom distinguished by queerness. It works best when exploring the stereotypes we fall into and avoid. Pan preference is introduced and established as a gay threat because no insecure man wants his ideal to have more romantic options than himself. The hunk swells stiff and the major bitches bitchily. The film loses so much without actor combustion. They are vying for our attention instead of inhabiting their personas. In a fairytale someone needs to get saved. Political enforcement does not allow vulnerability to empowered characters because the movement worked really hard to create it. A swinging soundtrack, amiable cast, "Up" cuteness and worth following. 06-Mar-2020

Tags: 2020s, Camp, Daddy Squish, Drama, Funny, Heart Writ, Hot Swatch, Music Rocks, No Chemistry, Political, Relationships, Romance, Sentimental, Sweet, Timid, Words Spoke, Writ w/Possibilities



Little Mermaid Live, The (2019) Whimper

The detail I most remember from "The Little Mermaid," was how her hair moved. If you can't establish an artistic craft to convey that, the art is lost. She flew when she needed to swim.

My treasure list:

I haven't seen so much visible invisible wire since "I Love Lucy." Decorating them might have helped

The octaves were lower than the crowd cheer. Amplification was a problem

A hologram of the improbable fish might have sufficed instead of plastic muppets

Graham Philips proved a singing alpha as Auli'i Cravalho expressed hard work

John Stamos' cook was destined to fail even if he had done it in a thong

Shaggy was feeling the beat but something spooked him and he started whispering

You shouldn't stumble. Even a shark shows grace underwater

Having the cartoon enact emotions whilst the live mostly sang is lazy

A commercial that has the audience fleeing to watch the beloved classic is born. Magic! 08-Nov-2019

Tags: 2010s, Abuse, Animation, Brutal, Camp, Classic, Cliche, Comic Book, Creepy, Eye Gouge, Fake, Fantasy, Fatigue, Hot Swatch, Juvenile, Maddening, Musical, No Acting, No Chemistry, Out of Place, Overcooked, Predictable, Sap, Silly, Star Watt, Tacky, Weird, Writ w/Possibilities

