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Movies Posts Tagged as '2020s'

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Maria (2024) Woof

Angelina Jolie is radiant as the legendary Callas whose last days were riddled with identity issues, loss of art and purpose. Some of the historical tidbits were interesting to discover and the film was as luscious as its protagonist. As soon as Jolie opens her mouth to sing the film establishes the work and the craft it must have taken to complete her transformation. The relationships registered, the melancholy smoked and Angelina Jolie was its greatest effect. 06-Feb-2025

Tags: 2020s, Bio, Chemistry, Director's Art, Drama, Elegance, Enthusiastic, Great Acting, Magnetism, Music Swings, Pretty, Psychological, Quiet, Sentimental, Star Watt, Touching, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight



Blink Twice (2024) Whimper

The wait for resolution is interminable. Channing Tatum didn't menace enough. Naomi Ackie seemed too woke to fall for a Peter Pan man. It would have been fresh if the girls had just said "no" to the leery invitation to a private island with no transportation back. Peter would have to arrange a deceitful method to get them there. That's menacing. A beautiful palette and luscious atmosphere held the key to my interest but when the climax happens its a compilation of memes that spoke volumes and represented very little. It's a harsh topic that needed to play out so the audience can understand the reasons people do anything. 29-Jan-2025

Tags: 2020s, Director Experiment, Horror, Horror Mild, Mystery, Oncer, Psychological, Questionable, Slow, Star Watt, Timid, Writ w/Possibilities



Arcadian (2024) Woof

It's the end of the world and Nic Cage remains to fight it. He's kept his twin sons safe for 15 years. They farm, scavenge and kill during the day but hatch down everything before dark. The mystery deepens even with revamped scares. Cage downplays heroism because after 15 years of vigilance his character is tired. His strength is in his conviction and hope. The boys were well cast. They both lit bulbs. The twins' asides were a welcome. The farm is where they found their warmth and exhaustion. A better way to separate the dark action sequences (not black enough or bright enough) would elicit more excitement because a lot of good work remained unseen. I want to know what that needle thing was, more about the occurrence, life before the end of the world, end of the world, those things and the future. 28-Jan-2025

Tags: 2020s, Action, Action Fun, Chemistry, Crapfun, Creepy, Daddy Squish, Director's Achievement, Drama, Enthusiastic, Fun, Good Acting, Heart Writ, Horror, Mystery, Star Watt, Subtle, Suspense, Thriller, Tough, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight



A Real Pain (2024) Arf

The film is not very clear about what it's trying to say. The cultural references were veiled and over emoted. I felt I was on a road trip with the cousins. I hate road trips! The actors almost make it worth it. The gestures are sweet but there is nothing more than the obvious. Cousins travel to Poland to tour where deceased grandmother was born, hoping it will ignite memories and togetherness. Culkin's character is the most coherent and baffling. He zig zags through personalities that don't necessarily mesh. The first class argument didn't correspond with its action. It felt like a 40's sentiment. There are more important things to worry about that the director did not explore. Jesse plays it like Joan to Kieran's Baby Jane. Deeper conversations would have compensated for the incomprehension. 17-Jan-2025

Tags: 2020s, Chemistry, Comedy, Cultural, Director's Slice, Drama, Funny, Good Acting, Relationships, Sentimental, Slow, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, Timid, Vague, Wit Snit, Writ w/Possibilities



A Quiet Place: Day One: (2024) Whimper

A movie where silence is golden only resonates with "good face" actors. Lupita is characterized as an unpleasant doom manipulator. The cat that doesn't meow really pissed me off. By making the cat mute they missed out on fresh ideas and unforgettable scenes. Hounsou was relegated to extra. The action repeats but it doesn't refresh. More monster exposition would have added coherence and sustainability. What is their backstory? What happened to the crying babies? Deaf people who can talk? The rules of the game were acknowledged rather swiftly and the setups were obvious and corny. Pizza, really? 08-Jan-2025

Tags: 2020s, Action, By the Numbers, Director Experiment, Fatigue, Horror, Horror Mild, Inactivity, Retread, Sequel, Silly, Slow, Timid, Writer Weakness



Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice (2024) Woof

It was good. Nothing beyond what was expected. 26-Dec-2024

Tags: 2020s, Action, Chemistry, Crapfun, Director's Achievement, Drama, Fantasy, Fun, Funny, Good Acting, Horror Mild, Music Swings, Relationships, Sentimental, Sequel, Silly, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight



Red One (2024) Arf

It was a jolly merry Christmas movie. Daddy Johnson downplayed it and wrung emotion and hilarity out of it. Chris Evans rejected heroic valor and was cute again. JK Simmons can eat my cookies, anytime. Lucy Liu had a purpose. Krampus was impressive. Kiernan was having fun. Every hole in the story gets punched up by mini-Dwayne kickassing, his jacket, his teeth, reindeer muscle, snowmen beaching, toys, gadgets, lights, magic, witches, twinks, candies, memories, regrets and fun. Sounds like Christmas to me. 20-Dec-2024

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Action, Action Fun, Camp, Cheeky Acting, Chemistry, Crapfun, Daddy Squish, Director Movement, Drama, Enthusiastic, Fantasy, Fun, Funny, Good Acting, Holiday, Music Swings, Sentimental, Silly, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ w/Possibilities



Carry-On (2024) Woof

Taron's face was made for panic and his feet were meant for trampling. Every time Bateman got evil I thought of Rhoda, betrayals and contracts. I may not be able to wrap my arms around the Norris anymore but I can still lick his teeth. I didn't know if to pluck Rossi's vagina mustache or smash it. Nobody questioned why Taron was talking to himself for fifteen minutes. What kind of TSA agents are these? The thriller downplays itself and it's a blessing. 16-Dec-2024

Tags: 2020s, Action, Action Fun, Chemistry, Daddy Squish, Director Movement, Drama, Psychological, Subtle, Suspense, Thriller, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight



Subservience (2024) Woof

It adds enough to the genre to make it interesting but it doesn't supply enough tech or empathetic reasoning to make it a classic. Ms. Fox is a royal maximizer of presence and a soulless entity suits her well. Michelle Morone made me want to go to the bathroom and jerk off to straight italian porn. Madeline Zima played a thankless role that depended solely on her likability and that's better than nothing. The movie satisfied but didn't satiate. More tech or more sex would have knocked it towards art park. No budget for more tech means they would have to physically create it. So, create it. Hubby would have become addicted to robot sex because that's what men do. "I only fucked her a few hundred times, sweetie. I was practicing for when you got your heart back. I didn't want to disappoint you." 09-Dec-2024

Tags: 2020s, Crapfun, Creepy, Daddy Squish, Director Movement, Drama, Funny, Sort of, Horror, Pretty, Relationships, Revenge, Star Watt, Timid, Wit Crack, Words Spoke, Writ w/Possibilities



Our Little Secret (2024) Arf

Lindsay Lohan made me realize why charismatic actors lose their mojo. Are they uncomfortable and think that everyone is going to judge every word they say? Yes. I want her to flare up again. She's almost there. She needs a challenge. My favorite fairy legend wastes her magic on shitty lines. If the writers have nothing valid for her to say, let her sing. Ian Hardy was a trip. I couldn't place him. He was that cutie asshole that always irked me, for sure. Of course, he was the perverted teacher that dated his underage students on PLL. Every time he smirked he resurrected a part of Norman Bates. The idea that a woman would want to keep that she dated a Darren Stephens the Second type a secret was astonishing. Just because it's fluff doesn't mean we shouldn't try to say something. 02-Dec-2024

Tags: 2020s, Camp, Corn, Disappointment, Drama, Holiday, Predictable, Relationships, Romance, Sap, Silly, Star Watt, Writ w/Possibilities



Afraid (2024) Arf

The A.I. was too sparkly and bubbly. Action was stagnant. I had to look up the actors names to remember who was in it, even though I just watched it. The tension it built should have burst the story into the air but it got stenched with TV type trite that makes a farting sound. 30-Nov-2024

Tags: 2020s, Director Experiment, Disappointment, Fantasy, Fatigue, Horror Mild, Over the Top, Silly, Slow, Stupid Funny, Timid, Words Spoke, Writ w/Possibilities



Abigail (2024) Whimper

The child did extraordinary things, quoted words not associated with children and plagiarized previous strokes. The last minute saves were so expected that emotional attachment got lost. Melissa Barrera gave Faith from Buffy vibes. Dan Stevens was blank. The first surprise is like everything before it. Once the cat is out of the bag the movie falls into WB TV status. Yes, it was a surprise but a sucky one. 28-Nov-2024

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Action, Baby Wrecks, Chemistry, Disappointment, Drama, Fatigue, Funny, Sort of, Over the Top, Predictable, Relationships, Revenge, Sap, Scare Obvious, Shrill Act, Silly, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, TV-like, Vague, Words Spoke



Merry Men, The (2024) Arf

There's more than stupidity going on here. The cast is amiable and hardworking. Britt is a misdiagnosed charmer. Prattes legs were mesmerizing, it's fun to see old witches again, Maxwell Caulfield's moment was a go daddy thing, Chad Michael Murray had the body, the robotics, enthusiasm and Farrah's hair. They derailed the "hate at first love" train and depicted how people really get together. I didn't stay for the pancakes but I waited for the bacon. Merry whatever the fucks! 25-Nov-2024

Tags: 2020s, Camp, Cheeky Acting, Chemistry, Comedy, Crapfun, Cute, Daddy Squish, Director Movement, Enthusiastic, Fantasy, Fun, Funny, Physical Humor, Relationships, Romance, Sentimental, Silly, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, TV-like, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ w/Possibilities



Alien: Romulus (2024) Woof

From the first creak to the last scream, the interpretation of a classic is uncanny. Fede lip synchs Alien/Aliens achievements and aces it. He is not a copyist, though, he does everything the first two did differently but with the same dreadful spirit. The suspense was familiar and foreboding, the face huggers were scary as fuck, Andy is my favorite synthetic and the heroine was non-assuming. 22-Nov-2024

Tags: 2020s, Action, Action Fun, Chemistry, Creepy, Director's Achievement, Drama, Heart Writ, Horror, Music Swings, Psychological, Scary, Sentimental, Sequel, Star Watt, Thriller, Tough, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight



What Happened To Monday (2017) Woof

Glenn Close deserves to play a bona-fide witch. She'd be unforgettable. Willem Dafoe was cerebral and dominant. Marwan Kenzari is unbuckling. At first I thought it was the slicked back hair until I saw his beard. His beard had shadows. I could smell his smoke. What a beautiful beast. It was hardening. Noomi Rapace added texture to all her personalities and made them unique. Some of her guises were marvelous. The future is overloaded with children and the law has issued that families can only have one. A mother dies giving birth to septuplets and dad inherits the burden of keeping 7 sisters safe. He keeps them alive and they thrive until one goes missing. Action sequences were impactful, set-ups were energetic, the actors delivered and the director kept it interesting. 19-Nov-2024

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Action, Action Fun, Chemistry, Director's Achievement, Drama, Elegance, Enthusiastic, Fun, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Heart Writ, Hot Swatch, Magnetism, Music Swings, Relationships, Sentimental, Star Watt, Suspense, Tough, Violent, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight



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