Health/Food Posts Tagged as 'Priorities'
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Judge Orders Middle School To Let Trans Use Boys Restroom
A federal judge issued a preliminary injunction Friday ordering a central Indiana middle school to allow a transgender student to have access to the boys restroom.
Judge Orders Middle School To Let Trans Use Boys Restroom
Trans kids barred from using the right bathroom at school
Lia Thomas banned
Female students were told to strip naked for trans rapist
Trans prisoner who stalked 13-year-old girl 'to be moved from men's to women's jail'
Should trans prisoners be sent to women’s or men’s prisons?
Transgender women barred from many UK events
Puberty blocker ban for children with gender dysphoria to be made indefinite
‘Many times, elders go back into the closet’
As the LGBTQ population ages, and seeks health services, whether for physical or mental health needs, Moone said clinics and providers that are truly welcoming to the LGBTQ community will be more important than ever. “Providers can’t just slap a rainbow flag on the front door. Sure, that’s a cue about the culture of the provider, but more welcoming avenues are still needed,” he said.
Some of these signals to LGBTQ patients include waiting room images of same-sex and nonbinary couples, literature that provides actionable and appropriate resources on topics relative to health and aging, and accurate language on clinic intake forms.
‘Many times, elders go back into the closet.’
‘Are You Generous?’
17-Year-Old Accused Of Killing Older Gay Man
Murder-accused denies problem with 'older gay men'
Janne Puhakka’s ex-partner ‘confesses to killing gay former ice-hockey star’
Why are we catching more diseases from animals?
The world is grappling with the new coronavirus, which has spread from China to at least 15 other countries.
Outbreaks of new infectious diseases are typically seen as a "one off".
But the new virus - thought to have stemmed from wildlife - highlights our risk from animal-borne disease. This is likely to be more of a problem in future as climate change and globalisation alter the way animals and humans interact.
How can animals make people ill?
In the past 50 years, a host of infectious diseases have spread rapidly after making the evolutionary jump from animals to humans.
The HIV/Aids crisis of the 1980s originated from great apes, the 2004-07 avian flu pandemic came from birds, and pigs gave us the swine flu pandemic in 2009. More recently, it was discovered severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars) came from bats, via civets, while bats also gave us Ebola.
Humans have always caught diseases from animals. In fact, most new infectious diseases come from wildlife.
Why are we catching more diseases from animals
Some pet owners are advocating against rabies vaccines
Hundreds of baby emperor penguins stranded on breakaway iceberg miraculously survive
To stop climate disaster, make ecocide an international crime. It's the only way
The science is clear: without drastic action to limit temperature rise below 1.5C, the Earth, and all life on it, including all human beings, will suffer devastating consequences.
To stop climate disaster, make ecocide an international crime. It's the only way
Scientists fear Earth may have gone past the point of no return with climate change
Three Americans create enough carbon emissions to kill one person, study finds
Reforestation hopes threaten global food security, Oxfam warns
Patient in Guinea is killed by disease that causes 88% of sufferers to bleed to death is considered a breach for a mother to throw her daughter a shower...
Why climate change activists have failed to score public support
US abortion numbers have risen
Gorillas shock onlookers with oral sex show at Bronx Zoo
A pair of frisky gorillas at the Bronx Zoo proved that when one was filmed performing oral sex on its partner in front of aghast zoo-goers. A clip of the NSFW scene is currently blowing up on social media — but animal experts report that it’s all completely normal.
Gorillas shock onlookers
...'sexual harassment and abuse' at Smithsonian's Tropical Research Institute
Elephant Tries Humping Woman While At Animal Sanctuary
Horrific reason you should not make eye-contact with a gorilla
Hugh, the manatee died from having too-rough gay sex
Hawaii Kids Could Lose Access To Free Meals At School...
The opportunity for all Hawaii public school students to get free meals at school during the pandemic could end at the close of the school year, potentially cutting off thousands of kids from access to nutritious meals.
Hawaii Kids Could Lose Access To Free Meals At School...
Public school inspecting children's lunches and confiscating 'excessive' chips, soda, candy
Walmart and Kroger Are Banning Baby Formulas
Free school lunches for all set to end
CA To Give Free School Lunches To Students
Millions of Americans Might Lose Internet Access Today
What the pic is saying:
Front boy with green shirt talking to a teacher. Kid: you mean there's no food? Teacher: Yes, but you can still say gay. Girl With Kitten Shirt: They are dissecting a frog. Blonde Girl Next To Her: Oooooh, can I eat it? Polka Dot Girl: It looks yummy. Boy in Black Shirt & Combat Shorts: Will it jump in my stomach? Boy In Green Behind Shocked Blonde Girl: I'm going to cook it first. I brought a lighter. Teacher In The Blue: I said no more whining! Blonde Girl: I only asked if you had a mint. Teacher With Blue Necklace: I told you already. We can't go shopping at Walmart! 23-Mar-2022
Drug shortages reach 'public health emergency levels'
Up to 300 drugs are currently in shortage nationwide, according to the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, which is a five-year high.
They include everything from chemotherapy and antibiotics to a sterile fluid used to stop the heart in bypass operations and an antidote to lead poisoning.
Drug shortages reach 'public health emergency levels'
Male Pre-K Teacher Upset That Boss Told Him To Wear 'Appropriate' Undergarments
“I do a lot of running around and activities with the children, so the center has literally told me to wear athletic clothing to work,” he wrote. “I am fine with that. I typically wear a t-shirt and either athletic shorts or joggers.”
The man added that he is well over six feet tall and since he works with toddlers, his job requires him to bend over a lot.
Male Pre-K Teacher Upset
Group Wants To Erase LGBTQ+ Sex Ed
School district cancels 'vulgar' musical with Jesus and two gay parents
Gay cruise line pleads with guests to stop making adult content
LGBTQ+ Groups Denied Spot in Parade
Gym Tells Guests to Stop Having Sex
“So just have sex in the women’s locker room,” another commenter helpfully observed.
Gym Tells Guests to Stop Having Sex
Gay man loses seven-year battle against Belfast bakery
Palm Springs Is Going To Have A Homophobic Congressman?
Shelter for LGBTQ adults is 'a nightmare
Preacher says he hopes “every single homosexual dies”
School board member’s child got a scary death threat over trans student policy
Virginia house passes first bill to roll back LGBTQ rights
Ban GSA, kids should just go to church instead
Teen slams older sister’s husband after babysitting job gone wrong
A 17-year-old can’t believe her sister’s husband refused to take care of his own kids.
“My sister called me saying that her work had an emergency and she needs to get there ASAP and needed me to watch her kids because ‘no one else can.’ I rushed over there just to find her husband locked in his game room playing video games. I asked her why she called me over if he was home, and she said he didn’t want to ‘babysit’ because it was his only day off. [When] I was changing the baby’s diaper and the other kids wanted a snack, I told them to go ask their dad to make them a snack since the baby had a blowout and it was going to take me a while to clean him up. Their dad sent them back upstairs and told them to ask me again. After cleaning the baby up, I made the kids a snack, and their dad came out to eat and told me not to let the kids interrupt him on his day off,”
Teen slams older sister’s husband after babysitting job gone wrong
I Think My Adult Stepsons May Be Sleeping Together.
My husband and I are at crossroads about how to confront our sons about a discovery we made while visiting their shared flat. They are stepbrothers technically—note the word “technically.” My husband and I are both widowers who met and bonded at a support group for single parents surviving after cancer.
My son was 10 when I met my husband and 12 when we married. My stepson is 9 months younger, so they are very close in age. After a somewhat rocky start (both boys were grieving and trying to adjust to a new family norm), they became the best of friends, inseparable from about age 13. They even took the same classes together in high school so they could spend more time together, and made sure to go to the same university.
They are both adults now (25 and 26), live a state over, and rent a flat together. We went to visit them once COVID restrictions had eased, and my husband accidentally walked into the second bedroom (in a two-bedroom flat) thinking it was the bathroom, and discovered it was set up as an office. My husband’s curiosity got the better of him and he snuck around, discovering one king-sized bed in the only other bedroom that contained both of their stuff.
I Think My Adult Stepsons May Be Sleeping Together
Should I Tell My Father I Slept With His Horrible Wife?
Why I'm sick of "woke" culture
Woke people wear locs or baby fros and use coconut oil, olive oil, and hemp soap. They blog, they have a brand, they wrap themselves in henna or war paint at festivals even though they rarely engage in a physical war, if they ever engage at all.
Woke people have the best graphic T-shirts and catchiest hashtags. They have great jobs or no job because their families can afford to float them, they are the first to pop up at a protest, take the best viral images, and run home to talk about it on the internet. Sharing variations of the same image repeatedly.
'Where is the outcry when blacks kill other blacks?' Well, let me show you. It can be found within the countless murals (sidewalk and wall) found in the black community; the countless trees lined with teddy bears and liquor bottles; the hostility toward police in the community who are sworn to protect and serve and who are always present except at the time of many violent attacks. It can be seen in the overflow of emotion at funerals of slain young people; and, due to the lack of positive safe outlets for grief and loss counseling and the miseducation of effective coping mechanisms, will often lead to self-medication to suppress these emotions. Leading to high rates of drug abuse and alcoholism. I can go on and on. So honestly, all the 'Woke People,' aka Poverty/Struggle Pimps, exit left
Why I'm sick of
64 percent view 'cancel culture' as threat to freedom: poll
A majority of Americans say they view "cancel culture" as a threat to their freedom, according to a new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey released exclusively to The Hill on Monday.
Sixty-four percent of respondents said that there is "a growing cancel culture" that is a threat to their freedom, while 36 percent said they did not view it as a threat to their freedom.
Additionally, the poll found that 36 percent of Americans said cancel culture is a "big problem," while 32 percent called it a "moderate problem." Another 20 percent said it was a "small problem" and 13 percent said it is "not a problem."
64 percent view 'cancel culture' as threat to freedom: poll
Should I Abort My Pregnancy and Tell My Husband I Miscarried?
I am happily married, financially stable, and a mom of a beautiful, feral toddler. On a drunken night I convinced myself that I did, in fact, want a sibling for my toddler—quite the 180 from my staunch stance of being “one and done!” I’m now 10 weeks pregnant with my second child and plagued with nausea, vomiting, and most of all regret. Should I terminate this pregnancy and tell all (including my husband) that I miscarried? He, his parents, and my parents are all excited about baby No. 2. I, however, am completely disappointed in myself for having a lapse in judgment and thinking I would be OK with getting pregnant again.
Should I Abort My Pregnancy and Tell My Husband I Miscarried?
Help! How Do I Talk to My Husband About the Creepy Thing He’s Doing on Instagram?
Q. My husband’s “Likes”: We have close family friends with a beautiful and charming 19-year-old daughter. She is like a niece to us. My husband has made her uncomfortable twice by remarking, “Mmm! Look at Kelly!” when she’s entered a room dressed up for an outing or work. (The “Mmm!” being the sort of sound one makes in appreciation of a delicious-looking food, for example.) Her discomfort was clear—she turned red and exited the room both times.
He now is following her on Instagram and “likes” EVERY single post she puts up. (And she posts frequently!) I’ve spoken to him about not commenting on her appearance, especially with the loud, “Mmm!” noise. He seemed slightly mortified. Do I need to suggest he stop with all the Instagram attention? It seems kinda creepy to me, but perhaps I am seeing something that isn’t even an issue. I remember receiving unwanted attention from middle-aged men in my teen years, so I could be projecting here.
Help! How Do I Talk to My Husband About the Creepy Thing He’s Doing on Instagram?
Salt Life Co-Founder Reportedly Admits to Killing Teen Girlfriend