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Woman with 'fur on her lips' arrested for eating cat
Woman with 'fur on her lips' arrested for eating cat
Pastor accused of drowning cats as cops make astonishing discovery in his home
Lawmakers approve use of deadly force against bears
...video of children chanting with dead animals emerges
Alligator kills 69-year-old woman
Boy, 6, fatally mauled by dog on Fourth of July
Tootie Pootie is mauled to death by pit bull
Man kicked cat like ‘a football then doused it with gas and lit on fire
Hiker, 47, killed by grizzly bear while out jogging
At least 30 dead dogs found at animal rescue
Animal shelters quickly filling up amid rise in pet abandonments
XL bully dogs to be banned from end of this year
Your Pet’s Waste May Be Trashing the Environment
Your Pet’s Waste May Be Trashing the Environment
Cops hunt masked gunman who has fatally shot four horses at close range
Thief tries to SNATCH $6,000 French bulldog from its owner
Tiny pet turtles cited as cause for salmonella outbreak
Cats Are An Alien Invasive Species
World Economic Forum suggests killing pets to help climate
FS to shoot wild cattle in NM wilderness from helicopters
Tropical fish are terrible for the environment
Rattlesnakes everywhere: the odd consequences of California’s drought
Rattlesnakes everywhere: the odd consequences of California’s drought
Used Condoms in Gay Cruising Areas Are Killing Giant Lizards
Hong Kong declares wild boars fair game
Man 'who had sex with goat' goes on trial and faces 20 years in jail
Crocodile bites man who thought he was plastic
Three-month-old puppy was shot and beheaded
Boy, four, has his entire right arm ripped off by grandmother's 'pit bull
Monkeys Go On Killing Spree By Dropping Pups From Trees
LEOPARD scales a 10ft gate and snatches a helpless dog