Wisps Posts Tagged as 'Parenting 101'
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Children that fail have parents that didn't teach them the right survival skills. 22-Dec-2024
At their wits end is the moment they realize that as a parent, they are going to have to incorporate those awful tactics the parents used on them. (That's when you truly become your parents.) 18-Nov-2024
Angry Dad: you are not breaking my daughter.
10 Inch Boyfriend: sir, guys with small dicks are bad too, they become violent because they can't be us. Again, no disrespect, sir but you know she's not a virgin anymore, right?
Angry Dad: why you...
Daughter: stop it, dad! I haven't been fresh in over five years. 05-Feb-2023
The only way to ensure that your teenage daughters/boys stay fresh is to have someone measure the dicks of every boy they bring home. It doesn't need to be perverted. I'm sure we can safely create a gadget we can point at a kid's crotch and it gives you a reading. 8 inches soft and 10 hard. 03-Feb-2023
6-year-old has tantrums only around his grandparents
My Grandfather Does Things
Boy thwarts woman trying to lure him away
My Toddler's Taken A Serious Dislike To One Of Our Relatives
Family Member Threatened After Daughter Chose Not To Hug Him
Alison Arngrim’s Brother Gave a Sickening Response
17-year-old scolded for crying over transgender woman’s penis
The reporter with the curtains is yelling "bullshit!" (SHE DID NOT MAKE HIS ICE CREAM MELT!) 10-Nov-2022
When a child panics, screams, and cries every time that adult keeps dropping by its because that person has been untowards to them or they remind them of someone who is, was or will be and or is seeking your attention. The attention they are seeking is to have parents investigate #1 and #2 so they can feel that it's getting the most safest care. Aren't the little miracles smart? 30-Aug-2022

Oh crap. Three of my holes were abused by that thing and I felt no pleasure. What am I? 08-Dec-2022
Oh fuck. None of the three holes worked on Pinnocchio, he must be an other. 08-Dec-2022
If a kid can't figure out what goes where, they will when they see each other. They already know they have to get naked because of all the times they caught their parents having sex, sometimes not even with each other but what goes where? Oh, something's getting hard, with a mind of its own and seeking holes for satisfaction, the other might feel a throb, a pee and a desire to rub it. I know! Since you have 3 holes, I'll shove my Pinnocchio down one of them and see if any of them do the trick. Class over! 08-Dec-2022
Mother: you never give a man a compliment unless he's dying. 21-Jul-2021
The idea of boning her son makes him want to splash his babies inside her and make her a queen. 10-Apr-2022
Anderson Cooper Just Announced Birth of A Sixth Abortion
War in Ukraine should end ‘ludicrous debates about pronouns’
161 Arrested, 75 Guns Confiscated in Fla. Beach 'Takeover'
BC removes words 'he', 'she', 'himself', and 'herself'
Internet Slams Newcomer for Snapping at Coworker
Doc calls whites ‘birthing people,’ but blacks and Hispanics ‘moms’
500 years later. Unbelievable. That's exactly what ends up happenening. 14-Jan-2022
It would be sad if I thought I existed in this world just for myself. 24-May-2018
The reason there is so much hate in the world is because little miracles have no manners. They are so adorable with manners. We can actually pay attention to them. 07-Nov-2021
The best way to love a man is to be professional about it. 23-Jul-2021
Sex experts Dan Savage and Esther Perel explain why people cheat on their partners
The only men that don't cheat are the ones with mental or physical diseases, they can't, they shouldn't and or don't move. Otherwise, have your pick, ladies!... and gentlemen.
(My mother picked wisely. He's stupid, well-hung and able to work. See pic above. Welcome back, buddy!) 07-May-2021
Shouldn't creating a thicker skin take precedence over being insulted by everything? It's only one step. Ignore and move on. The insults will always be there. 23-Feb-2021
Mother's stratagem to keep a working daddy closer is to never let him know he was doing a banging good job. "Make them sweat, make them wonder but if you want to keep 'em don't ever tell them how great they are." I got it. The more a man thinks he's great the more chances of fulfilling the crippling desire to open other people's presents. Irk that one good spot left in his brain and he'll keep coming back around to try to figure it out. I can see a woman's idea of entrapment there. It suddenly occurred to me to accidentally apply it to a guy I was dating. He was daddy perfection and ejaculatory squish. After an aerobic session he asked me to concur that the sex was one of our best. Even though it was, I told him I had better. He topped himself every single time and I always answered the same. Why did I do that? I sadly dumped him because he was a camper. He kept threatening that we couldn't extend our relationship unless I went camping with him. Black daddies and city Puerto Ricans don't do woods. It doesn't make sense. He was one of the greatest but I don't camp.
My step-father must wonder with every dying breath, "why did l try so hard? She was never satisfied." 21-Dec-2020
"All" men are perverts! 16-Sep-2020
Your first instinct is always correct. 17-May-2020