TV Posts Tagged as 'Amiable'
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Diplomat, The (2023-) ![Howl](
They saved the best for last and her name was Allison Janney. Calling Keri out on her locks was everything I was mentally bitching about. It was enough to shut me up. The season was a cyclone of talent that kept it grandiose. Giyasi is still fuckable and in-charge, Ato gave Stuart human qualities that rendered the character emotionally available, pretty face returned to play the perfect foil to Keri's harried Kate and I forgot that Ali Ahn can act. She was liquid butter. I normally want to squeeze Kinnear's face but his transformation into a scumbag made me respectfully afraid. Keri was the queen holding court and fighting battles like a mama wrecker. The only politic I need. 07-Nov-2024
Kerri Russell rules, the cast is appeasing and her husband is a beautiful daddy-banana distraction. Keri mama wrecks with intelligence, comic skills and a "who gives a fuck attitude." The sense of humor traverses beyond the obvious and bare feelings are portrayed to fulfillment. We were allowed inside the pocket as opposed to watching from a distance. Bless Keri and David Gyasi for creating sparks out of a modern cliche. Whoa, for Gyasi's fabulous sister entertaining the male wife like Scarlett O'hara. He acted like James Bond. Ali Ahn's ulterior motives are aggressive but sweet to her waring partner. Rory Kinnear adds great face, acting chops and the right amount of Tom foolery. The cast is funny and subscribing, the story is sorting and building. I hope the bombing is a surprise. (It was.) 24-Apr-2023
Curse Of The Necklace, The (2024)
Everyone and everything is on the cusp, elements are appreciated and nonsense can be fun. 30-Oct-2024
Marriage Is Blind: Habibi (2024-)
The ladies voted and it was unanimous. The only traditions they want to uphold are the ones with parties. 19-Oct-2024
The men are all manmeat and the ladies are fantasy dolls. It's a dazzling community that does everything different because their transition is just a facade. Women are embracing it like the fable served to them by the universe that is rarely achieved. They want to be women of the now but the strength of man and family holds them down. They can only look the part. The men gain might by sticking to traditions that don't assist either sex in marriage. She roams his castle in chains. He roams the town tying females up. They are not allowed kissing, fondling or co-habitation which suffices for an interesting working vacation but not love. The sexes fall in love at a rapid pace. They have a script written and they're going to play it out no matter the expense. Jealousy is a big thing because they're always horny and there is always another Barbie or Ken to fantasize about. A man demands that his future wife not be a dancer, a Barbie treated her fiancee like she was being paid, women have a better sense of identity than men, women want to fly and men only want to fly a kite. There is fun to be had when the ladies awaken and the men get spit upon. Educational incredulity in a very nice package. 18-Oct-2024
Love Is Blind UK (2024-)
Reunion. There was no reason to invite Sam if he was going to wear pants. The ladies pounced on him because he professed a truth every lady should hear. Bobby is the perfect night lamp. Freddie is a smitten god that doesn't need puny shows to get laid. I don't know why Ollie is a god, he just is. Steven. I knew it wasn't going to work out when he showed up in a bikini and had nothing holding it up except that amazing body. 30-Aug-2024
Ollie was served a new contract that stipulated success if he didn't stray. How boring of him. He is what them ladies dream of every night. He needs to let his Bogart loose. Catherine had no business to elicit an orgasm in front of his fiancee and friends. Demi will hang on tight even when she's slipping. I opinionated that Steven deserves perfect scores for body and insecurity. No. My J.I. Joes did not look as buff as him. Tom is a frightening peak-a-boo daddy. The man is an awkward moment with a controlled body. Every couple should invite Sam over for a threesome and film the whole thing for 10 million dollars. Conor may be carved from stone but she craves thunder. Maria hearts business. When Booby met his future mother-in-law he farted inwards. Benaiah seems like a good man that needs a tune-up and lots of attention. Nicole yucked things up with a Joker smile. 19-Aug-2024
S1E5. Guess what, somebody sucked Benaiah's dick and it was sweet. Cat created a stir when she confronted Ollie and added a mental orgasm to the conversation. All the couples felt it. I even think Demi got accidentally sprayed. The woman with the most perfect man in the world found better chemistry with a god. Ollie cannot be left alone. Catherine caused a stir when her nice gesture found no moral support. Somebody was trading secret fast food recipes for hot salsa lunches. Sam. Have you seen the gams on that bitch? We can't encourage people to be themselves. They might not become us. 15-Aug-2024
The host represents a variety of genders and his wife is a Big Brother connoisseur. Sam is faithful. He kept it all about himself. Steven is like extra sushi on date night. Tom will be safe if he finds where she really is at. Ollie is the guy you forgive when he cheats because he might stalk you and he's godly. Freddie. What punishment is he enduring to lower his standards of excellence? I'd be wary of him. Connor was a gilded chocolate melting on a hollow grave. I would have faked it with Bobby for one more fuck. Benaiah needs someone to pull his hair and suck his dick. 10-Aug-2024
Supersex (2024)
All not given but wanted will become a superpower because the less blessed will feed it. Rocco was gifted with looks, a power dick and a drive that kept him crashing but getting back up. The series steers from controversial shenanigans and turns it into a comic book of male and female fantasies. Alessandro Borghi is Rocco as soon as the light hits him. The support did good work. A woman's point of view mattered. It stalls getting to Siffredi's porn king era. The gay friendship involved no free blowjobs or looksies. Really? The love story was a sad emoticon and the realization was astonishing because what makes you, breaks you. 10-Apr-2024
My Life With The Walter Boys (2023-) ![Woof](
Trailer: I noticed she wakes up. It turned me and lady Davis off. 04-Jan-2024
S1E2. The fastest way to get over your whole family dying is to be surrounded by cute white boys. I feel comfortable in the space that's created. The newbies are training and the writers are suppressing cliches. The mother replacement needs prioritization. Her boys are toxic because she can't command them unless daddy steps in. She should teach them respect, about happy fairy tale endings, their wicked ways and how to shut them down. Cute but pleasant. 23-Dec-2023
Pokemon Concierge (2023-)
It was so cute it lulled me to sleep. That's okay, I'll keep rewatching it until it finishes. 04-Jan-2024
Rife: Natural Selection (2023)
The comedian Gen Z deserves. 18-Nov-2023
Superman & Lois (2021-)
Invisible sister jumped off the screen, again. I couldn't see her, at all. The Amazing Valdez returned. Him and Lana found the cure for teenage angst... slave wages. Clark giving Valdez a super flick was everything. I'm sure his ass tightened instantaneously. Peia's dilemma kept us interested, the cast blended more and Superman is a dick for allowing anyone to cut Lois' tits off. I thought about his explanation for not using alien tech to save his wife. It's a privilege of consequences. He shouldn't save anyone, then. Ever. It's the same type of interference. I think I fucked up the mythology for myself. 07-Jun-2023
A magic spell not concocted with superpowers. Lana Lang and Sam Lane hooking up. Yay! 10-May-2023
The episode where I lost respect for Superman. Bruno one upped Clark's manhood by giving a million fucks for his dying wife while the Supe has technology that can save his but wont. The boys care enough to do everything to save their mom but she's waiting for Superman to become one. Clark Kent has become background wallpaper. Is Sarah's first lesbian affair going to happen with that Beppo woman? Ack! I actually felt sorry for Lana. The Amazing Valdez was missing and the invisible sister went invisible again. 05-May-2023
S3E6. It wrung emotions that overwhelmed the mythology. It's a well liked family drama with hillbilly charm. Like an aunt. Superman has no concerns about Superboy except teaching him how to hide for safety. A teen with superpowers of mixed cosmic race has no sexual malfunctions, ever? The Kents just want to be part of the team (earth). The boring part. They finally gave Lois a good excuse to not put food in her mouth. Lana's invisible child is given an abandonment storyline so a Kent can inspire her quest to save the world in the future and because the writers couldn't write another male fucking thing. Why does someone always know where the missing kid might have gone? That rose faced lady bothers me. Erik Valdez is auditioning for Jimmy Oleson, undercover. Wow, he has massles. He's hyped as fuck. What an adorable prick. He's fucking the town crier and the person Lana and the kids are most likely to bump into and he doesn't give a shit. Out of respect, he should try finding his steady fucks out of town. Why didn't they shave Chad Coleman and make him Lex? Why does Clark act like he's getting fired at a button's notice? Dude, kill it. I know they're not as cute as those wolf fuckers but fuck that, go wild. Touch Lana's ex latin prick's ass and make them pop. Laser the buttons off the snitch's blouse as she sits by the prick and have Lana and the kids show up. If the Kents start wearing cowboy hats and line dancing we know the button has been pushed. What's ok for the Ewings on Dallas is off base for comic book heroes. We devoured the comic adventures because it allowed entry into a world where fantasy science could inspire the gifted to take on the fight, leave real life misery behind and take our imagination to justice. We watched Dallas because they were fun, conniving, evil, drunk, violent, cheating, thieving, dreaming and killing assholes, like our families without the luxury, class or survival skills. The show is homebound. 29-Apr-2023
S3E6. Clark goes to death therapy to support Lois. Clark summarizes that his chances of death are kryptonite based and the threat of it doesn't happen often. He doesn't understand why his super sperm didn't save her. It helped Lana and she became mayor of Toontown. 27-Apr-2023
Oh, no. Are they going to change the name to "The Women and Clark"? 23-Mar-2023
I smell a Lana & Lois season. They already found a way to have daddy Supe lapse into comas. Lana banned all Kent men from her lesbian daughter and herself. They are toxic. She would have banned her ex-husband too but he needs to pay her rent. Sometimes daddy Supe appears to be the same height as Lana. 10-Jun-2022
Jonathan didn't need to fashion a leather jacket and lace gloves to make us accept his coolness. A close up touch, a pre-alopecia treatment, a tattered t-shirt and some skinny jeans would have kept us onboard. Lois starves in both dimensions, Superman's crotch measures the same in every universe, Lana doesn't burst any bubbles in either, Lang's daughter pontificates lesbianism against a boy that fails in both dimensions. Old bitches are making it difficult for male heroes to survive. 07-May-2022
Danny Thomas Show, The (1953-1965)
There seems to be silence on the legacy of this classic sitcom. It started as Make Room For Daddy and mushroomed into The Danny Thomas Show. I saw all of the latter and only a handful of the other. The actress playing his wife, in the first half, had disdain for the man and it showed. Her composure did not scream nurturing, romantic or in love. Wrong place for the wrong actress. Danny played a version of himself. He was a singer/comedian who worked nightclubs. Jabbing at Danny's Lebanese culture was open, respectful and knowledgable. Lucy & Desi were his parents (friends) and Dick Van Dyke was his cousin (spin-off.) The show was blessed with energetic ideas, comic genius and non-stop showmanship. Danny must have learned how Lucy did it because he found his cute and sarcastic wit. Second wife was glamorous, vindictive, funny and hot. Marjorie Lord went shopping with Lucy Ricardo, cooked in fashion, got him in the mood and plotted her revenge in a very elegant and comical manner. The son is a scene stealer. Even when he made a mistake he diverted it with more funny. His adorability peaked in his tweens and crashed in his teens but he had a memorable run. Funny as fuck. The daughter was a prime teen that left before her character became unbearable. She had her moments. Louise was the household maid that was played by two elder pros. She got to hug white children, gossip with the wife, celebrate as a family member and sass the boss. A proud black woman. She isn't in all the episodes but the character remained til the end. The guest stars were numerous. The writers succeeded in incorporating them into strong storylines. The topics were basic, like feminism, how men can't do anything right, a woman can do anything men can do, a gift abolishes snarls and make-up sex is her way of accepting an apology. Penny from Lost In Space enters as a cute sister moppet that was supposed to bring adorability and sunshine. She was a work in progress. She laughs during line readings and when Mr. Thomas is doing his thing. She's cute and annoying. He was a great teacher, though. He hands a season to his working buddy and his domineering wife, played by the original Ursula from the Little Mermaid. It was an odd experiment giving supporting players full reign. They had to fill really big shoes and were no longer the sitcom air freshener. Ursula flopped around like she was getting paid to play charades on land. She was a bit too much. Danny was a ham. He sang in almost every episode. He shoved it down our throats but was so adamant and easy going that we learned to accept it and stopped praying that he didn't sing in the next episode. They had minorities galore and a successful run from the 50s through the 60s. Well-written, comical, consistent and timeless. One of a kind. Why don't we ever celebrate it? 06-Jun-2023
Queen Charlotte (2023)
The garden starts to grow as soon as we catch a glimpse of it. Characters bloom, the younglings master the post artists and the older generation is A-list. Storytelling is compact with cultural explanations and detailed mystery comprehension. When things unravel they make sense. Young Charlotte trained smartly. Young Agatha was sumptuously gifted. She gave great face. Princess Augusta wrecked as an anti-villain. Young George was a beautiful broken piece of perfection. When he didn't move he looked like a doll. Young Brimsley was the cutest thing. He did not look like his future self because one is a pocket and the other is not but he was so squeezable that I thought the blonde semi-God didn't deserve him. Queen Charlotte: half of her title is fact. Diction was created so Lady Danbury can splatter it with harmony. Beauteous, courteous fiction. 19-May-2023
Ms. Marvel (2022-) ![Arf](
It made a cool exit. 18-Jul-2022
The rest of the season doesn't have to do much but charm. 23-Jun-2022
It feels fresh but safe. It doesn't want to infect it's magical world with too much reality. Accents fail aplenty but its energy is appreciated. A worthy adversary would abolish any doubts. 18-Jun-2022
Love, Victor (2020-)
Finale. Giving a gay teen an award for coming out is not bravery, it's sabotage. Gay = pay. Victor should have been acknowledged and supported but never paid. We are gay because of our sexuality, it does't bode well to expect something for it. The show provided a point of view throughout, supplied the screen with cuteness, squishiness and hometown charm. Daddy Salazar obsessed the whole season about his daughter having sex for no sustainable reason. He didn't give two twats about Victor fucking all the boys in town but his daughter was unattainable? He needed to sit both of them down to have a sex talk. If he weren't such a squishy motherfucker I would have erased him. Felix made his Styles prettier. Lake is also part of the squish department. She muses life wittily while squishing. Isabel hit all the right notes. Pilar found her voice. Mason got prettier. Mia is growing. Rahim was hot and bubbly. Hotter when he was pretending to be straight. Nick has hair and abs. Yeah, you gonna fuck him! Benji is that beautifully delicate thing that is unattainable because his mental health breaks. Victor is stud boy in charge. It wraps with a bow that I saved. 19-Jun-2022
Papito got in touch with his inner slut. Thatta boy! 17-Jun-2022
S2E8. Mama wrecked. Humans named Raheim are the #1 cause of gay break-ups in the entire world. Did daddy give daughter a present? I don't remember. Might be why she's a slut. Felix needs to gain some Styles likability, Lake needs to liberate herself from pettiness, daddy needs to fuck a trans, mama needs to fuck a giant and Benji needs a sugar daddy. Mia is the noticeable surprise that can evolve into something. "Shake yourself off before every scene, watch how Kerry does it and you'll do great." 15-Jun-2021
S2E6. Felix' story was heartbreaking. (Nosey white people.) There is nothing more disagreeable than watching a privileged woman bear an interracial child. 13-Jun-2021
Do youngsters really obsess over sex before having it? I guess you do if you don't have any cousins guiding you through puberty. I slept with people before I greeted them so this is cloudy for me. Boys who wait for sex are imperfect. These darling boys look like they can teach sex. Lake is a quirky favorite whose matched with Felix and his sad mentally unstable life. I hope it strikes. Andrew settled into a personality to become a cool friend and woo the delightful Mia. Daddy needs a breakdown. Mama needs to break loose. I did not know that coloring your hair is gay, gay. 13-Jun-2021
S2E3. Snuggle daddy does like Oprah taught him and bought his sons' love with favorite things. 12-Jun-2021
S2E2. I know something Victor doesn't. It doesn't matter if you come out. It's a selfish act that's been ingrained in us like the opposite of conversion therapy. Nobody cares. You tell people you feel safe with and let the strangers guess. A mother's homophobia cannot be fixed. She can tell you she loves you, she can accept you and your husband but in her heart, she will never see it as true. Life is not a fairytale but a burden. We can't force mama into PFLAG "therapy" just because we don't want to hear her opinion. I don't like Victor's swag. The audacity of giving his mother an ultimatum was privileged. There is no believable romantic couple. Mia needs to avenge Victor by stealing his next boyfriend. For gay realism, Victor needs to date 10 boys per season, in between the molestations and rapes. Daddy has such a nice face. 12-Jun-2021
E6-10. Performer TV IQ is high enough to rise above the suds, convey the right emotions, make us addicted and not drown from the weight of the soap. 18-Jun-2020
S1E5. It observes and overprotects its subject. It theorizes that problems only graze and that all people are inherently capable of understanding. Fables only grant the curious teen, added hurt on their venture. I'd rather tell it, solve it and not wait for the miracle to happen. 17-Jun-2020
Superman & Lois (2021-) ![Woof](
A "special" episode of "Lois and Friends." Sarah canceled Jordan because he spent 15 minute intervals without her. She now can venture safely into lesbian land. Daddy Latino with a white boy name almost burned to death for cheating. Karma. Jonathan rocked biker gear. He might actually become "someone." Natalie chastised her father for forgetting her mother. Daddy succumbed by opening old wounds, bleeding and remembering a lost love again and again and again. 30-Mar-2022
Daddy Supe can hear an avalanche in Russia but not his son inhaling drugs or the locals plotting against him. The writers gifted the women "no responsibility" for the maladies of life. Lana's husband didn't cheat on her because she became a teeny bore, he did it because he felt like it. Jordan's girlfriend wasn't selling drugs to be a criminal, she wanted to look good for him. Lois' sister was married to a dancer, enough said. That lady with the pendant and the books, keeps on living. Why? Lana's daughter is having a hard time with her boyfriend Jonathan because she feels lesbiany. Sarah is super upset because daddy loaded all of his troubles on a barkeep and not the family. Jonathan's superpowers don't include a sixth sense of empathy. He's worried that he can't see through his curls. Mama recommends confiding in a friend to heal daddy's misconduct and her boyfriend's disinterest. How about the lesbian she was munching on all summer? Daughter is going to get over daddy cheating by cheating. LOL! Lois gets excused from everything. She lost her baby because men debilitated her not because she couldn't down solid foods. No one in the world deserves a free pass. It's either beautiful because we all chipped in or it's lousy because that's what happens when people chip in. 18-Mar-2022
Super. 16-Jun-2021
Lois sees a psychiatrist because she's allergic to meats, poultry, milk, eggs and bacon and she lives on a farm. The writers attempt to grab hearts with a refried miscarriage, making women swoon and men puke. Men don't cry over unfinished "things" or allow themselves to be defined by it for years. Puny woman. That's a dog's omelette. Fake Lex Luthor was a bust. How about a Martian Manhunter? Baby Supe is a ready-made Damien for "Omen: Oblivion." Prettier brother deserves better storylines before his hair falls out. If Superman is taller than everyone why does he only seem it in certain shots? Sometimes he teeters on his heels. 07-Jun-2021
My favorite part of the season is daddy breathing on son. 26-May-2021
I dipped in the CW DC waters before and I almost drowned. A loyalty to Superman waved me back. Tyler Hoechlin embodies the dutiful and conflicted alien come to earth to save the loathsome humans from themselves and to birth one or two with a lousy reporter. At least they're boys. Yay! Young boys get a storyline and maybe super powers! Awesome. We are not being ignored. I want to see all the deviant things we can come up with. Super orgasms would be a hilarious start. The sap is extra cum messing up our hair and it has the vibrations of a pusher but I liked the action and was happily surprised. I always wanted to see that. Superman is as boring as the person who recreates him. 25-Feb-2021
Academy Awards (2022)
Beyonce can't accomplish anything without an army. Her army's so tough that they should fight in the Ukraine. The hosts had nothing in common except vaginas and disdain for men. As a group they failed. A missed opportunity was lost when they panned away from Samuel L. Jackson's insulted reaction to their shitty jokes. It was a Cosby moment all over again. (Look it up.) The first capture of the legend was confusing. I thought he'd gone woke. Bitch, embraced his RuPaul and was rocking a bouffant! Oops. That was his wife. The ladies promised a gay, gay show and the director panned to Travolta in denial. Amy did her standup to guffaws. She won the night. Regina Hall was second, by kidnapping Timothee Chalamet and Bradley Cooper and sending them backstage to admire each other. A James Bond film dedication was so Errattic. I was almost embarrassed. It was cold. Bruno was just as bad live. The gayest black man in Hollywood won best actor. Sorry, Travolta! We will never hear the end of it. Smith called out the Williams sisters for being weak. His character was a necessity for success. He was so overwhelmed that he signed his two children to fight in the Ukraine War. Lady Gaga should be hired to wheel every legend onto the Oscar stage. Surprise, surprise. 27-Mar-2022