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The Fast Food Fried Chicken Anthony Bourdain Thought Was Finger-Licking Good

The Chain Restaurant With The Actual Best Biscuits In The Biz

This Iconic Fried Chicken Chain Is Expanding Fast

Reparations! For every Taco Bell there needs to be a Popeye's Chicken around the corner. I've suffered enough. 22-Jun-2021

Tags: Celebrity, Charity, Chef, Cultural, Experience, Food, Old Man Dying Wish, Poverty, Preference, Reparations

Filed under: Wisps



The Golden Bachelor’s Not-So-Golden Past 


She arrived the last weekend of July 2018. (THR has viewed mail that was sent to her at his house, and a background check listed his address as her primary residence for that period.) Then, the surprises started. Gerry told Carolyn that her share of the expenses would be about $1,000 a month, which Carolyn negotiated down to $850. They would go Dutch on all meals except on special occasions, she remembers him telling her. At restaurants, Carolyn paid her half in advance, and then when the check came, Gerry paid the whole tab, like the big man.

But Carolyn’s Big Long Lake idyll with Gerry was about to end.

She was packing for Gerry’s high school reunion, set to take place in October 2019. “I’m not taking you to the reunion looking like that,” Carolyn recalls him saying as he pointed to her body. She’d put on 10 pounds — from stress, she says — but certainly wasn’t fat.

The Golden Bachelor

Gerry Turner's True Intentions

MP writing to Netflix over Baby Reindeer evidence

Piers Morgan reveals if Fiona Harvey has “stalked” producers

Richard Gadd’s Former Coworker Claims Both He And Fiona Harvey Are Liars

There’s yet another exposé on Love Is Blind's toxic environment

Judge Rules ‘Baby Reindeer’ Was Not a ‘True Story’

Tags: Accusation, Celebrity, Court, Dating, Divorce, Experience, Heartbreak, Men In Charge, Misrepresentation, Opinion, Portrait, Reality, Seniors, TV

Filed under: Gay+



Ryan Garcia’s Most Shocking Claims! 


He reportedly said, “F*** Michael B. Jordan. F*** Michael B. Jordan. He ain’t say sh*t either. This dude’s a b*tch, bro. Literally, I met him in person. He’s a b*tch.”

Ryan Garcia’s Most Shocking Claims!

Freddy P Adds to Diddy Rumors

Ryan Garcia said he’s ‘gay’ if he took steroids

UFC champ Jon Jones just became ensnared in a very bizarre “gay” controversy

Millie Bobby Brown in Danger Following Drake Pedophile Allegation

AN intruder tried to break into Drake's Toronto mansion

Cuba Gooding Jr. speaks out on Lil Rod’s allegations against him

Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs seen physically assaulting Cassie Ventura

Justin Bieber Gave Odell Beckham Jr. Oral Sex At Diddy Party

Boosie Badazz Slams Rappers For “Playing Gay”

Tags: Celebration, Celebrity, Experience, Gay, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Swatch, LGBTQ, Men In Charge, Music, Pederasty, Relationships, Sex, Sexual Harassment, Sports, Threat, Video, Violence, Winning

Filed under: Gay+




Well, I wasn't going to learn how to read or write from gangsters. 16-May-2024
Having reading and writing skills allowed me to relax when I started kindergarten. I spent my extra time eating paste and drawing pictures that disturbed my teacher. I would proudly show her my work and she always said the same thing. The art was good but the atmosphere was depressing. Couldn't I add a sun somewhere? I added the sun once and it looked more depressed than the scary atmosphere. Adding a sun didn't add any to my personal life. The teacher wouldn't let it go and involved Pazuzu. She attended and I had to translate. I basically had to repeat an insult to myself in two languages. Mother made it worst. She didn't understand what I/teacher was saying. The teacher showed her my paintings and she didn't understand. She didn't see anything unusual. Then something dawned on her that changed her mind. My son is embarrassing me and everyone is looking at me like I'm Pazuzu. She didn't quite understand the conversation but she agreed with the adults to watch me closely and get me some help. I'm sure I got smacked a few times walking home. "...and don't ever bring me to these people again! They never invited her.

At home her mind raced between screams and, bingo... she figured out the conversation. There was something gay about that picture, I know it! And they know it! And I need to do something about it.

She labeled my art faggoty and never moved on. She would dump the pictures I dedicated to her from school and yelled that I would never make money off art. She had me fail art school by not providing me the tools to get assignments properly done. As adults Pazuzu thought it amusing to boast about my cousins' artistic achievements. They were different, though. One made signs and tombstones while the other wasted his art in jail. Manly stuff. She never mentioned our dilemma with art. It was Pazuzu popping out to stop me from dreaming. 15-May-2024
They were called novelas and they were available in every grocery store and pharmacy. They didn't cost much and the ladies felt they were keeping their favorite celebrities in their handbag. The stores also had drawn comic books, little books and Betty and Veronica. As not to look like an awful mother she would always ask me if there was anything to add and I always chose a comic book. Even though her hate for art was overwhelming she bought me the comic. They were only a few cent and it would keep me out of her hair. I eventually graduated to books and became fascinated with little books. They were palm sized books that didn't take up much space and were the original tales of famous folklore. The Little Mermaid's original story was heartbreaking and befit. Pinocchio origins were even scarier. I felt I was reliving my predator experiences all over again. Everyone wanted to fuck the puppet. I'm not sure about Moby Dick but I learned a lot about bears. When I unpacked my first comic book it was an orgasm of brain activity. My aunt had already taught me how to read english and spanish, I just needed to practice it, memorize words and their meaning. Mother acquiesced more than I thought because she would junk them if they felt untouched. Fuck collecting classics and making money afterwards for this child. Dude, before this I was reading the cereal box. Swanson's frozen meals had a pop-up story to tell and I devoured it. 14-May-2024
Our mothers had the equivalent, which was a comic book based on their favorite soaps with real pictures instead of drawings to make it look grown-up. 14-May-2024
Comics! 09-May-2024
But, there is hope... 09-May-2024
They can take their children to the library but they won't. There is nothing for a mother to do at the library. They can't even pick up a man there. Most of them are squeaky and the others are dusty, none can pay the rent, fix things or fuck. 08-May-2024
Single non-working mothers don't have the space or the money to buy their children books. Besides, they collect dust and they're not reading to babies! Who has the time? 08-May-2024
CC is the worst. I spend all my time correcting them and half the time abandoning them because I'm misspelling now, too. Am I here to "rate" them or rape them? 07-May-2024
Thanks to elite comic book shaming, americans can't spell. 07-May-2024

Tags: Environment, Experience, Family, Mental Health, Mother, Neglect, Opinion, Politics, Treatment

Filed under: Wisps



As a Gay Man, I’ll Never Be Normal 


I have pride. I no longer crave the comforts of normalcy because so much joy and insight has come on the other side of fear and being an outlier, even an outcast. I have divorced my comforts from those of people around me. I know now that our culture’s fringe is also its framework. That is the power of queerness. Normalization is, frankly, anti-queer. No amount of respectability politics can change that. Being normal is a lie people tell themselves to cover up the reality that they are merely common.

As a Gay Man, I’ll Never Be Normal

Shocking Details Emerge On The Gay TikTok Couple Convicted Of Murder

Detransitioning from Barbie to Ken

Ethiopia cracks down on gay sex in hotels, bars and restaurants

“Gay sex party” priest handed prison sentence

Gay Jewish teen met with neo-Nazi killer because he thought sex would be ‘legendary

Bill Maher mocks Don Lemon lamenting

Katy Perry photos show how far accused killer cop has fallen

Catholic school didn’t violate the law by firing gay teacher

Sicko worker filmed himself peeing in pickles, rubbing his genitals on meat

Tags: Celebrity, Chemicals, Clergy, Comedy, Confusion, Contamination, Court, Dating, Denial, Employment, Environment, Experience, Fetish, Food, Gay, Hate, Laws, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Limited, Murder, NSFW, Opinion, Portrait, Prison, Punishment, Religion, Restaurant, Safety, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Society, Surgery, Talk, TV, TV Gay Swatch, Vengeance, Video, Video Gay Swatch, Violence, World, Writer

Filed under: Gay+



Has the left 'cried gay' too soon? 


To my friends on the left, their use of hyperbolic messaging against this bill – regardless of their motivation – is a failure of democracy. For instance, the word "gay" does not appear at all in the text of the bill and the phrase "sexual orientation" appears only twice. Also of important note, the bill applies only to the youngest groups of students – kindergarten through third grade. Couple these facts with the onslaught of misplaced activism displayed on media networks, activists, leaders and media elites failed the American people by creating a faux crisis.

Has the left 'cried gay' too soon?

Black Lives Matter is just another racket

Mayoral candidate wants to abolish the police

Police say women can be strip-searched by trans officers

Med student who hurt patient for laughing at 'pronoun pin' placed on leave

Ex-Media Matters employee alleges sexual misconduct

Former trans influencer blames TikTok

Support for Same-Sex Relationships Plummets

Slight decrease in gay marriage support

...poster child Chloe Cole to challenge Disney bosses

Tags: $, Activism, Children, Education, Etiquette, Experience, Fail, Gay, Greed, Hostility, Laws, LGBTQ, Mental Health, Misrepresentation, Opinion, Parental Confusion, Parental Responsibility, Police, Policy, Privacy, Rejection, Religion, Representation, Safety, Self Interest, Sex, Study, Trans, Treatment, Voting, Women In Charge

Filed under: Gay+



Women ‘Know What They’re Getting Into 


“My mother would tell me — and I think this is the kind of feminism I grew up with — it takes two to tango,” Anderson said, attempting to explain the rationale behind her controversial #MeToo comment. “Believe me, I’ve been in many situations where it’s like, ‘Come in here little girl, sit on the bed.’ But my mom would say, ‘If someone answers the door in a hotel robe and you’re going for an interview, don’t go in. But if you do go in, get the job.'”

Women ‘Know What They’re Getting Into

Tags: Beauty, Celebrity, Employment, Etiquette, Experience, Hollywood, Interview, Opinion, Perception, Sex, Sex Symbol, Women In Charge

Filed under: Gay+




If you do not allow people to vent they will hurt you. 10-Jun-2022

Tags: Danger!, Equality, Experience, Politics, World Peace

Filed under: Wisps



James Marsters on 'Buffy,' Joss Whedon, and John Barrowman's Penis 


... he didn’t work with Joss Whedon that often after the second season because, by the time he was made a series regular on Buffy, Whedon had moved to Angel, and by the time he’d moved to Angel, Whedon had moved on to Firefly. Moreover, he said, the episodes that Whedon chose to direct rarely included much of Spike because Spike was not in Whedon’s original vision of the series. In fact, Marsters said, Whedon was incredibly unhappy that Marsters’ character had gotten so popular that Whedon couldn’t kill him off, as he had originally planned. It led to an altercation between Whedon and Marsters that he’s detailed before.

“This is my experience,” Marsters said, adding that he couldn’t speak for anyone else’s experiences. “What I experienced was a man who was so sweet, and so supportive, and so loving and so giving that nothing about his behavior — and I’ve seen his penis — made anyone feel uncomfortable.

James Marsters on 'Buffy

John Barrowman says flashing allegations were ‘exaggerated’

...why has the man Alice Sebold helped convict just been exonerated?

Tags: ?, Accusation, Backlash, Celebrity, Experience, History, Hot Swatch, Interview, Investigation, Perception, Portrait, Prison, Punishment, Rape, Sexual Harassment, TV

Filed under: Gay+



Youth Is Wasted on the Young 


Someone asked Bernard Shaw what, in his opinion, is the most beautiful thing in this world.

“Youth,” he replied, “is the most beautiful thing in this world—and what a pity that it has to be wasted on children!”

Youth Is Wasted on the Young

Tags: Experience, History, Intelligence, Writer, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Matt McGory Talks About Experimenting With Men 


“When I was young, like a lot of straight boys, I experimented with other boys, right?” he explained. “And that is something that’s so common, but nobody talks about it.”

Baldoni then asked McGorry to clarify by asking, “What does that mean?”

“Like physically,” McGorry responded. “I don’t think it was sexual, because again, I am straight and I never found myself attracted to boys, but there’s this thing where – and I don’t need to go into the full details – but you know, where you just try things.”

Matt McGory Talks About Experimenting With Men

Tags: Celebrity, Experience, Interview, LGBTQ, Nature, Portrait, Preference, Sex, Sex Identity

Filed under: Gay+



Former ‘Doctors’ co-host calls out ‘toxic’ conditions at show 


Racism allegations have rocked “The Doctors.” Insiders and a former host tell Page Six the environment at the syndicated daytime talk show has been so hostile, it makes working at “Ellen” look like a walk in the park.”

“The whole culture is toxic. The executive producer [Patricia Ciano] constantly yells at people. She even cussed me out once. There was also always something about my hair. They were constantly making comments, and harassing me about my hair,” Dr. Rachael Ross, who co-hosted the show for three seasons, told us.

“And diversity on screen was not encouraged unless there was a weight loss story,” she added.

Multiple sources claim she often shot down pitches involving African Americans and would berate producers for pitching non-white experts.

Former ‘Doctors’ co-host calls out ‘toxic’ conditions at show

Tags: Alleged, Business, Celebrity, Complaint, Cultural, Employment, Environment, Equality, Etiquette, Experience, Fraud, Hate, Humiliation, Offensive, Portrait, Power, Preference, Profiling, Propoganda, Questionable, Reality, Reckless, Toxic, Treatment, TV, TV Gay Swatch?, Weird

Filed under: Gay+



‘I Love Lucy’ Guest Star Barbara Eden Revealed How Lucille Ball Treated Her on Set While Desi Arnaz Was ‘Actively Pursuing Me’ 


During their 20-year marriage, Ball and Arnaz experienced their share of tumult due to the spotlight of fame as well as Arnaz’s infidelities. When future I Dream of Jeannie star Barbara Eden had a guest role on the show, his obvious advances toward the young star didn’t deter Ball from seeing the talent in Eden.

Barbara Eden had to hide from Desi Arnaz

When Eden portrayed the Ricardos’ neighbors’ gorgeous young niece in 1957, life ended up imitating art. With the storyline of “Country Club Dance” showcasing how all husbands had their eyes on the stunning blonde, Arnaz made it clear he found Eden attractive even when the cameras weren’t rolling.

‘I Love Lucy’ Guest Star Barbara Eden Revealed How Lucille Ball Treated Her on Set While Desi Arnaz Was ‘Actively Pursuing Me’

Tags: Celebrity, Cheating, Daddy Squish, Employment, Entertainment, Environment, Experience, History, Marriage, Portrait, Sex, Trivia, TV, Women In Charge

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