Movies Posts Tagged as 'Director Experiment'
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Blink Twice (2024)

The wait for resolution is interminable. Channing Tatum didn't menace enough. Naomi Ackie seemed too woke to fall for a Peter Pan man. It would have been fresh if the girls had just said "no" to the leery invitation to a private island with no transportation back. Peter would have to arrange a deceitful method to get them there. That's menacing. A beautiful palette and luscious atmosphere held the key to my interest but when the climax happens its a compilation of memes that spoke volumes and represented very little. It's a harsh topic that needed to play out so the audience can understand the reasons people do anything. 29-Jan-2025
World Without End (1956)

Astronauts propelled into an apocalyptic earth have to encourage a frightened future society that sun and violence is necessary for survival. Rod Taylor wastes no time getting undressed and that was a good thing but somebody chopped up his story. Future women were equipped with beauty and a desire to experience a man at his most sweaty. Cavemen were created from an atomic blast that made them violent and gave them the capacity to rule the environment. It's a film with good ideas that are jumbled. Future woman was the only realistic effect. They were gorgeous in skimpy space suits. The film couldn't expand on why the cure for everything is to fight. 16-Jan-2025
A Quiet Place: Day One: (2024)

A movie where silence is golden only resonates with "good face" actors. Lupita is characterized as an unpleasant doom manipulator. The cat that doesn't meow really pissed me off. By making the cat mute they missed out on fresh ideas and unforgettable scenes. Hounsou was relegated to extra. The action repeats but it doesn't refresh. More monster exposition would have added coherence and sustainability. What is their backstory? What happened to the crying babies? Deaf people who can talk? The rules of the game were acknowledged rather swiftly and the setups were obvious and corny. Pizza, really? 08-Jan-2025
Afraid (2024)

The A.I. was too sparkly and bubbly. Action was stagnant. I had to look up the actors names to remember who was in it, even though I just watched it. The tension it built should have burst the story into the air but it got stenched with TV type trite that makes a farting sound. 30-Nov-2024
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (2024)

I've outgrown this franchise. Only a kid's imagination can enjoy it because the ideas no longer allow adults to unwind. There isn't much to distinguish the brother from the sister. They are still rocking Ripley curls, their gender is unidentifiable and the girl has all the brains. Carrie Coon comes off as a side of beef instead of a serious actress. Paul Rudd was floating in the multiverse. Either nobody wanted to be in the same frame as Bill Murray or he really wasn't there. He was missing in many key shots. Patton Oswalt didn't sound like a mythical bird and cannot replace Rick Moranis. Ernie, Annie and Dan are safe. Movie ghost technology hasn't evolved since Casper and reviving a demon doesn't satisfy the theme. It had no whimsy, imagination or heart. 24-Jul-2024
Die! Die! My Darling! (1965)

Soon to be married, a people pleaser decides to accept an invite from a mother-in-law that never was. Her ex-fiancee died and she moved on but his mother is still devastated. Mother thinks his ex-fiancee was the cause of his death. Ex-fiancee is in danger and they are making her diet! Tallulah embraced her part like Davis did in Baby Jane and blow-horned it to death. Stefanie Powers was spot-on and rocked great hair. The film is vindictive and cruel. I would have left the moment that maid answered the door. It's a sorta fun drip. 06-Jun-2024
Maestro (2023)

Bradley Cooper is an uncanny Leonard Bernstein. The nose is art even though it makes Bradley nasal. Carey Mulligan is taught and achieving. She is the wife that halts her personal goals to stroke his. The genius is obsessed with calculating music and all boys pretty. The wife accepts and waits. Cooper positions the camera at different angles to add distraction to incomplete scenes. The film intellectualizes its subject and limits its margin. Dialogue is careful not to apply too many emotions to our lead for fear that they may not be true. It also, makes his actions appear nippy. Lovers come in and out of their lives without much exposition except beauty and sex. Mulligan is the film's disposition, Cooper is its center, the cast puts on an haughty appearance, everything is lush but the man remains an enigma. 22-Dec-2023
Scream (2022)

I was surprised by the comedy horror tag. I saw nothing funny except for all the situations that put Ortega in harm's way. She was one of the bright things.The ghost costume needs an upgrade. The voice actor for Ghostface sounded like a harmless prototype. It's nice to remember the past but it didn't adhere to logic. The newbies were social media born and nothing more. I applaud Neve for bringing her original face and showing us she can act. She looked great. Cruel deaths are only delegated to males. The director did well with horror but the wink, wink trivia isn't cool anymore. That joke only works once then it becomes annoying. 13-Nov-2023
Fright (1971)

It predated classics that trumped it. It was a template for the future. It was also a piece of junk. It was a film full of ideas that had to bombastically announce them. Michael Myers lived in a multi-verse where Laurie Strode "is" his sister. He kidnaps her, a baby, rapes her in front of the child and recoils until he's horny again. Did she give birth to Michael Myers, Jr. from multi-verse Halloweens? There was a glimmer of Joker's "dance with the devil" choreography. It made babysitting a shitty job. The privileged are forced to hire child haters. The child was adorable even when being manhandled by all sorts of creepy adults. The house is where you want to film it, Susan George didn't need to act and everybody needed to tone it down. 04-Jul-2023
Promises, Promises (1963)

Two wives wake up pregnant on a cruise ship after a blacked out incident with other men. An elegant woman infantilizes herself by marrying a muscleman that delivers but has no sperm. A sex bomb is married to a nerd who can't produce but keeps trying. A doctor intervenes with drugs and mind manipulation and all we can see is that magnificent bombshell married to a dork. Jayne Mansfield was an extraordinary presence. She can't lip synch. She was way off. Milli Vanilli off. She immersed herself in a Marilyn image that was hard to shake. Marilyn took everything seriously and Mansfield's rendition of Marilyn pokes fun at her. She can dance. I think she can sing. She takes a great bubble bath. I forgot what real tits looked like. It's okay. The director kept providing proof. An outrageous drag queen did her act, was a constant and didn't seem out of place. Her act was fun. Mickey Hargitay was man art. There was an old lady with a Spanish gigolo who kept feeding her food she was allergic to so she would die. He was cute. The film plays mind tricks but it puts on a great show. 05-Mar-2023
This Woman Is Dangerous (1952)

History lends the movie charm. Joan's precision was in full bloom. A gangster's mole with looks of steel, going blind. A jealous gangster can't fathom his girlfriend going out of town to get her eyes fixed. A doctor that performs miracles and spits sunshine saves her. Romance ensues as he keeps spitting sunshine and performing miracles to encapsulate her. Boyfriend heads towards her destination as the clouds start rolling by. He's rampaging, killing everything that gets in his way, even the sun. It drools and pants more than it deserves but Joan is a centerpiece worth watching. She saved the day by using woman's most cherished accompaniment, her purse. She was so focused that she portrayed blind even when she could see. Why isn't she looking at the other actors? She keeps looking towards us. Who the fuck is she talking to? She dotes on doctor's adorable child like she meant it! The crime drama finds movement at the end but the melodrama sort of killed it. 28-Feb-2023
Float (2022)

The best thing about the experiment is the music video at post end. Not for the music but the courage the singer had by being the only thing in the water worth watching. Youths have nothing identifiable to say. They're screaming because their friends keep getting mysteriously killed but have time to gleefully reminisce about partying while continuously drinking. There is no finality or viable explanation. The man holding the camera just drops it at the end. 19-Feb-2023
Orphan: First Kill (2022)

Our lead actress was not properly lit to fool us into believing she was a child. The trick only works once. The horror is supposed to be a child doing very adult naughty things. If she had consummated with her crush it would have propelled the horror and daddy would have had a different stupid look on his face. The twist is exciting but very Ozark. It stalls, characterization falls apart and all is as it was except more unbelievable. 10-Feb-2023
Drop, The (2022)

I felt like it was written by someone that constantly cancels therapy sessions. Married lady who is attempting to bear child with hubby goes to a lesbian wedding, holds their kid and drops it. They react as you would expect and not. Everything that leads to the wedding is patronizing. Married lady who can't have no children and dropped a kid becomes an unworthy ally, mother and wife. All the characters are cuckoo, babbling about the latest politic that social media hypnotized them with. They're all talking with little connection. Jermaine Fowler had the chops but they didn't let him charbroil them until the end. Utkarsh Ambudkar played a fuck you rendition of an asshole. It was humiliating and brilliant. The ladies stood back as if they were auditioning for high rated TV. What's the point of cataloguing a trip that doesn't matter. 22-Jan-2023
Woman King, The (2022)

Not only were the true Agojie violent cutthroats they were also responsible for the massacre and enslavement of millions. According to historians the women were discarded third wives that husbands no longer found worthy of sharing a bed with. King Ghezo was one of the biggest slave traders of his time and trained the discarded women to massacre, sacrifice, enslave and sell men, women and children, no matter the tribe. The film fantasizes that the amazonian women formed their own empowerment group and conquered the white people that invaded them. White characters are sketched with no humanity which makes the action appear cruel instead of intoxicating. In the world of the living, the white people being fought were trying to abolish slavery and succeeded in killing the women instantaneously. Production was handed a bold cast to portray male versions of themselves. What a pity they couldn't find real women to emulate. 05-Jan-2023