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Video captures boy, 12, being bullied, choked on bus by a girl 


A Virginia mom has shared horrifying video of her 12-year-old son being attacked on a school bus by a female classmate — who left him with red marks and bruises after choking him in the shocking display of bullying.

Video captures boy, 12

Teen Girl Kills 12-Year-Old Brother

Mom demands to know why 19 month-old daughter came home 'mauled'

Man obsessed with pigs killed own dad

Dad charged with murder after son, 7, succumbs to injuries...

...passed out, drunk on beach while kids wandered off alone

Christine Quinn's 2-Year-Old Son Taken to Hospital After Husband's Assault

Parents allegedly suffocate baby in couch cushions after passing out

Boyfriend allegedly assaulted girlfriend’s baby so badly he had a stroke

Stepdad who forced kids to sleep in ‘igloo-style doghouse’ in yard before killing 10-year-old boy

Tags: Celebrity, Celebrity Children, Child Abuse, Child Burden, Choices, Environment, Family, Hate, Heartless, Hostility, Mental Health, Murder, Neglect, Parental Burden, Parental Confusion, Parental Crime, Rage, Safety, Travel, Treatment, Video, Violence, Women In Charge, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



How the 4B Movement Could Change America 


How’s your love life? She keeps her ballcap pushed down low and presses her lips into a tight line.

“I’m not interested,” she says. “I just don’t trust men. You don’t know what they’re thinking these days — whether they’re one of the guys with misogynistic thoughts. It’s so normalized. Why would I even risk it?” she says.

How the 4B Movement Could Change America

Two trans women beaten in train station while bystanders cheered

Rio Tinto report shows increase in sexual assault

Vasectomy appointments see ‘unprecedented’ increase

...lawmaker, 30, 'bullied male aide into sex then made him run her errands'

Pole-dancing city manager Kimberly Judge is fired

Teenage girl plotting mass shooting at high school is arrested after gun misfires

Pizza delivery woman stabbed a pregnant customer 14 times over bad tip

‘Crazy to me’

Taliban bans windows to stop women from being seen at home

Tags: Attack, Ban, Children, Fraud, Hate, Injury, Laws, LGBTQ, Medical, Parenting, Protest, Rage, Reaction, Relationships, Sex, Violence, Woman's Rights, Women In Charge, World

Filed under: Gay+



Drunk mom abandoned severely injured 9-year-old son in crash 


The 9-year-old son of Monica Tutt, 39, received a gash so deep his skull was visible, and he also had air in his brain, bleeding in his brain, and a fractured skull, officers said.

Drunk mom

Woman pissed about being jumped in line chokes 12-year-old girl trying to play peacekeeper

'Delusional' mayor Tiffany Henyard dubbed the 'worst in America'

Dad ties noose around neck of son’s friend when teen shares that he’s gay

Convicted killer clown released from prison

‘This isn’t the Jerry Springer Show’

FEMA woman who 'told workers to avoid Florida homes with Trump signs' is fired

Progressive duo in crime-ridden Oakland are fired following decisive elections

Black CEO Who Was Once Featured in Forbes Could Be Headed to Prison

DEI trainer recorded bullying beloved gay principal who then committed suicide

Tags: $, Accident, Activism, Alcohol, Backlash, Children, Court, Crime, Entertainment, Etiquette, Friendship, Gay, Greed, Harassment, Injury, LGBTQ, Misconduct, Mother, Neglect, Offensive, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Politics, Priorities, Rage, Self Interest, Suicide, Termination, Theft, Threat, Violence, Women In Charge

Filed under: Gay+



‘Below Deck’ star arrested and charged with domestic violence 


While passion and volatility can lead to reality TV fame, Kate Chastain is learning that those traits have very different consequences in the real world.

The “Below Deck” star, 33, was arrested for biting and choking her girlfriend in Melbourne Beach, Fla., on Monday, Page Six has confirmed.

‘Below Deck’ star arrested

JoJo Siwa rages on stage after she’s booed

Ashlyn Watkins is charged with assault and kidnapping

Woman who streamed murder on Facebook Live arrested for enticing girlfriend to kill photographer

Power lesbian Corey Burke murders her father with an ice axe

Florida mom took away 14-year-old daughter’s insulin, watched her suffer before...

Tags: Abuse, Bi, Celebrity, Entertainment, Family, Illness, Kidnap, Lesbian, Murder, Parental Crime, Rage, Relationships, Sports, Torture, Toxic, TV Gay Swatch, Unruly Child, Violence, Women In Charge

Filed under: Gay+



Angry dad loses it as workplace says stop using the words 'father' and 'mother' 


The lobby group has suggested the words 'mother' and 'father' be replaced with 'primary caregiver' (asshole) and 'secondary caregiver' (cocksucker).

'This is a group that doesn't want anyone saying 'mothers' or 'fathers'. If you're taking advice from this mob, you need a check up"

"Pay them out of your own pocket. Because we don't consent to our money being spent on this crap"

Angry dad

Federal 'Don't Say Gay' Bill Introduced

Then came the outrage

Parents now want ‘deprogrammers’ to turn their estranged kids

School Board Meeting Erupts in Chaos Over LGBTQ-Inclusive Policy

Proving my point!

Bill would require teachers and schools to report student requests to change names

UK Government Blocks Scotland's New Pro-Trans Gender Recognition Law

At last! Diocese of Des Moines bans preferred pronouns in schools and parishes

Mom sues school district for secretly using child’s preferred pronouns

Tags: $, Anguish, Art, Backlash, Ban, Chaos, Children, Controversy, Court, De-programming, Education, Enforcement, Extinction, History, Identity, Laws, LGBTQ, Misrepresentation, Name, Opinion, Parental Burden, Parental Confusion, Parental Rage, Priorities, Privacy, Protest, Rage, Sex Identity, Training, Trans, Trending, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Dave Chappelle rips transgender activists who use violence 


Dave Chappelle has ripped the apparent hypocrisy of trans-rights protesters using the very violence they accuse his comedy of inciting.

Dave Chappelle rips transgender activists

Police investigate sign threatening to 'decapitate TERFs'

Sam Smith spat at after changing pronouns

Big Brother Star Proposes to His Boyfriend, Loses Thousands of Followers

Trans activists clash with masked protestors in violent brawl

Fired Gay Judge Breaks Silence

Transgender Militant Violently Attacks Man

Trans teen is arrested over plot to shoot up THREE schools and churches

I was hit in the face by a man dressed as a woman and threatened by a racist mob

Chilling video urging LGBTQ people to buy guns

Tags: Anguish, Bullying, Celebrity, College, Comedy, Comics, Criticism, Harassment, Injury, LGBTQ, Music, Opinion, Politics, Porn, Protest, Rage, Rampage, Rejection, Respect, Termination, Threat, Trans, Treatment, Video, Video Gay Swatch, Violence, World

Filed under: Gay+





The cluster of anti-Indian and anti-Hindu incidents come soon after the release of a recent study from Rutgers University’s Network Contagion Lab that found that anti-Hindu feeling is on the rise. In a briefing on Thursday hosted by the Coalition of Hindus of North America, Joel Finkelstein, the project’s lead researcher, pointed to memes and online social cyber signals referring to perceived “dirty” and “scamming” qualities of Hindus, as well as depictions of Hindus being brutalized. Many of the memes, he said, were manufactured out of commonly used tropes against Jewish people, using tilaks, swastikas and bindis to signify Hindu culture.

Recent incidents from New York to California buttress concerns about Hinduphobia

U.S. concerned about India's participation in Russia military exercises

'Werewolf killer' stabbed 65-year-old stranger 50 times

Kim Burrell claims Jamie Foxx defended her after her notorious anti-LGBTQ rant

White Lives Matter shirt goes viral

Black academic claims rapper's views ARE supported in African American communities across America

... Ye's Right About 'Scam'

Antonio Brown backs K West

CA kidnapping: Suspect worked for family, baby was left to die...

Indian government accused of rewriting history

Tags: Celebrity, Community, Cultural, Education, Enforcement, Fashion, Hate, History, Hostility, Leaders, LGBTQ, Murder, Nuts, Opinion, Parental Burden, Racial Tension, Rage, Relationships, Religion, Termination, Threat, War, World

Filed under: Gay+



Cab driver, 52, beaten to death by raging teens 


Porter faces gang assault and theft charges. Investigators are still looking for the three other teen girls, through to be aged 13, 15, and 16, involved.

Cab driver, 52, beaten to death by raging teens

NYC thug, 55, put on gloves to knock out diner

Gov. Hochul personally orders ARREST of NYC 'gloved beast'

Progressives have spawned a bloody war on the streets

Man steals $250 from 64-year-old victim in wheelchair

One-punch attack


Fox News Weatherman Severely Beaten

El Paso mall shooting live updates

Tags: Attack, Concert, Cruelty, Cultural, Greed, Injury, Journalism, Minors, Murder, Parental Crime, Rage, Rampage, Seniors, Theft, Travel, Violence, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Theme park fights escalate into a nationwide problem 


“People are uptight. They’re on edge with COVID,” Roseboom said. “They’re just now getting out. This is the first full summer people are finally getting into the parks after a couple of years.”

Of course, short-tempered adults and unruly teenagers aren’t a problem exclusive to theme parks.

“Theme park guests as well as the public in general have changed,” Aldrich said. “Our society doesn’t penalize like we used to. The kids think they can get away with it and they normally do.”

Theme park fights escalate into a nationwide problem

Wild BRAWL breaks out at NFL

Disney Theme Parks Increasingly Violent

Tags: Anguish, Children, Entertainment, Etiquette, Family, Fear, Fight, Hostility, Mental Health, Parental Crime, Parenting, Rage, Rampage, Safety, Sports, Surge, Violence, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Union condemns parents as ‘extremist’ 


“When extremists start attacking our schools, that’s not who we are,” the video says. “People who only want to fight to score political points should take that somewhere else.”

Union condemns parents as ‘extremist’

Her child ‘looks like a Columbine kid’

Parents Demanded School Check the Gender of Girl

Moms want LGBTQ students separated into special classes

Christian school asks gay and transgender students to leave

Female teacher arrested for 'hiding' a 15-year-old

Tristan Thompson Dragged

School board investigating controversial vocab list

Drivers shoot each other's daughters, aged five and 14

Tags: Advertising, Celebrity, Celebrity Children, Children, Education, Guns, Inappropriate, Injury, Leaders, LGBTQ, Neglect, Parental Crime, Pervy, Policy, Punishment, Rage, Rejection, Religion, School, Sex Identity, Takedown, Teacher, Travel, Unruly Child

Filed under: Gay+



Hero leaps onto subway tracks to rescue man who had fallen onto electrified third rail 


'I don’t think I was thinking about what could happen to me at the moment. It was more of what do I have to do to make the situation peaceful. I felt a little shock. I felt it all over my body actually, and then I just didn’t let that stop me.'

Hero leaps

Teen Saves Police Officer And 3 Others From Drowning

Mother Jumped onto Hood of SUV

NYC bodega worker, who stabbed gangster to death in self-defense, tried to defuse argument

Social justice warriors turn victims into killers and criminals into saints

NYC bodega worker has his murder charges FINALLY dropped

Jessie and Woody go out of their way to greet black kids

'My Son Is a Hero'

Hollywood restaurant owner tackles, detains robber who punched senior

17-year-old shoots, kills 2 suspects

Tags: Affection, Argument, Business, Carjack, Celebration, Children, Death, Entertainment, Family, Heroism, Inclusion, Investigation, Parental Pride, Police, Priorities, Rage, Respect, Sacrifice, Safety, Self Defense, Support, Sweet, Theft, Video, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Carnival cruise passenger seen in video moments before reportedly jumping off ship 


In the cell phone video obtained by FOX 8, the woman, 32, is seen being pulled to her feet by security guards on the deck of the Carnival Valor ship on Wednesday.

Rage Girl

Kyle Rittenhouse adds LeBron James to list of famous people he's suing

Tags: $, Business, Celebrity, Counter, Court, Mental Health, Misconduct, Privacy, Rage, Representation, Retaliation, Travel, Video

Filed under: Gay+

