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Rifleman, The (1958-1963) Howl

A postwar generation that fought the enemy to insure that cell phones and toilet paper made it to the future. Respect for the law and its protection kept western towns reposed and progressive. Strangers would stop by with stories of city worlds, vast education and diversity. The contemptible came to cause a ruckus, crush everyone's dreams and takeover. Guns were a man's best friend because it was a contemptible's only friend. Death was also scientific in a world with very little of it. The rifleman assisted the Marshall by keeping people in line with threats, assistance, charm, height, beauty, and death. Death was an acceptable occurrence to be respected and expected. Even, the kids were savvy to it. You kill an animal for necessity, not sport. Death happens esp. in this town. Daddy longlegs was a widower, a rifle expert with a sweet boy whose devotion to daddy went beyond the screen. They heightened the father/son duo by being super. Connor was classic cowboy. The rifleman had gun skills, was a jean god, made money after every kill and was a fair man that allowed no one to fuck with his kid. They tell stories beyond the shooting. It had a contemporary mindset and there were plenty of useful life-lessons. Responsibilities of gun ownership included, when to point, shoot, run or put them down. 09-Nov-2023

Tags: 1950s, 1960s, Accidental Watch, Action, Action Fun, Adorable, Best In Western, Celebrity, Chemistry, Cowboy, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Director Art, Drama, Funny, Gay Swatch, Heart Writ, Hot Swatch, Nostalgic, Relationships, Sentimental, Star Watt, Sweet, Tough, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight, Writ Tough



Gen V (2023) Howl

The finale entered the Buffyverse and maintained its excellence. The massacre was surprisingly joyful. Creativity was active. The newbies accomplished. We like them, even the evil ones. 03-Nov-2023
I felt yesteryear's essence. When access is limited, you shoot for the heart. Creating superheroes with limitations makes them more susceptible to bleeding. Hurt is the crux of the Superworld because it is in every other world.The series mind-blows and sets the future of comicbook heroes by having heart, progressive CGI and identifiable respect. 22-Oct-2023

Tags: 2020s, Action, Action Fun, Chemistry, Comic Book, Daddy Squish, Director's Touch, Drama, Enthusiastic, Fantasy, Fun, Fun Acting, Funny, Gay, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Good Dialogue, Heart Writ, Horror, Hot Swatch, Kool Effects, Relationships, Sci-Fi, Sex, Star Watt, Suspense, Sweet, Tough, Twinkie, Words Spoke, Writ Funny, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight, Writ Tough



Chucky (2021-) WoofUpgrade

Jake Wheeler is becoming quite a twink daddy. Devon Evans is aging in reverse. He looks like a kid. Lexy is gutsy without a personal life to lift her up. Jennifer T. and Jennifer C. need to battle for best bitch titles. The writers toned down Jennifer's character and shenanigans and she beams because of it. Devon Sawa has the best character, up to-date. I kept seeing Sawa's name on the credits but couldn't match him to his character, until now. Wow. You mean he was the hot method actor who plays the President? He is as precise in his acting as the puppeteers were on Chucky. The lip sync is perfect, different movements are being explored and the bastard is as funny and wicked as ever. The focus of this season is The White House and aging. Love it! 03-Dec-2021

Tags: 2020s, Action Fun, Art, Brutal, Camp, Chemistry, Classic, Crapfun, Creepy, Daddy Squish, Director Art, Director's Slice, Drama, Enthusiastic, Fantasy, Fun, Fun Acting, Funny, Gay, Good Acting, Heart Writ, Hilarious, Horror, Hot Swatch, Mean Spirited, Nostalgic, Over the Top, Scary, Silly, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, Suspense, Sweet, Tough, Trashy, Twinkie, Twisty, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Funny, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight, Writ Tough



Fall Of House Of Usher, The (2023) Arf

I understood the excuses but I didn't get the obscurity. The finale was a realization of how much of a merry-go-round the production put us through. The Final Destination kills should have ascended from that. When you add magic to horror it teeters on fanto realism. It made my head overload...with questions. Where was Lenore when daddy redecorated her mother's room? She asks to see her mom 5 days later? I believe one of the Dupin's got taller? Bless you, Sir Hamill. Once his character clicks we look forward to seeing him again. The mumbo jumbo accommodated what was easiest for the storytellers. The merry go round speeds up, there are few surprises but the cast and dialogue are superb. What fabulous creature is Gugino's character supposed to be? Is Pinhead her boss? I hope it's the girl one. 21-Oct-2023
SE5. There are so many crisp performances to marvel at. The story captivates but the horror aspect diminishes it. Whenever he gets a vision, we realize how the next victim will die. Stretching the story doesn't mean much if it once ended up in the trash because it contained too much information. The flashbacks are served nilly willy. The saboteur has no meaning but I love her. Poe's themes are observed but not acknowledged. When a creator succumbs to the title of the story he is manipulating things to fit not click. 20-Oct-2023
S1E2. Succession musical score adaptation is too blatant and soon to describe rich family hierarchy. The actors play it well but the characters are as interchangeable as their sexual proclivities. The scares are great ideas that are poorly executed. The mother's beginning is a testament of that. It should be scary but it's not, it didn't grip or create empathy. Flanagan name drops everything but the art he's pilfering. The story does not flatter Gugino and her character is beyond mysterious. I heard Hamill do a Joker laugh and I was amused. Flanagan still hasn't figured out how to shoot in the dark. The admirable parts are the ones created by accident. 19-Oct-2023

Tags: 2020s, By the Numbers, Chemistry, Crapfun, Creepy, Daddy Squish, Director's Touch, Drama, Fatigue, Fun Acting, Funny, Gay, Good Dialogue, Great Acting, Heart Writ, Horror, I wish it could look better, Music Rocks, Overcooked, Predictable, Relationships, Revenge, Sex, Star Watt, Suspense, Vague, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ w/Possibilities



Ozzie and Harriet (1952- 1966) Woof

S1-8. There were no constant reruns of this classic for me to add it to my American history library but I heard it was corny and wholesome as fuck. Its claim to fame was family hierarchy, whining, beauty and pimping. As the parents' talents/fame wavered the prettiest twinks on television began to ascend. Rick was the teenage dream with dead eyes impersonating a musical talent. David's personality was pleasantly approachable and glistening. Ozzie was a grumpy Seinfeld who worried about everything and complained about nothing that mattered. In the beginning Ozzie had a buddy named Thorny. He lived next door but they never showed his family. I wouldn't want to be associated with that name either. Harriet's hair rarely moved but she had impeccable taste and versatility. She performed her chores like she lived them. She conveyed dismay with sarcasm, was not lovey dovey and enjoyed watching her husband suffer. The cast changes were inevitable and sometimes fun. It was nostalgic seeing some of Lucy's posse rippling for someone else. It's run lasted way longer because of the the adoration that horny teens lavished on pretty Ricky. He was on top of the world with daddy grasping the strings. 10-Oct-2023

Tags: 1950s, 1960s, Accidental Watch, Chemistry, Classic, Comedy, Comfort Food, Daddy Squish, Dance, Dating, Director's Touch, Drama, Enthusiastic, Gay Swatch, Heart Writ, Hilarious, History, Hollywood, Hot Swatch, Nostalgic, Relationships, Sentimental, Silly, Tough, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Funny, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight



AHS: Delicate (2023) Whimper

S1E1. Big K is horrific and almost interesting. Emma Roberts is avoiding the camera, lest it tell something. She only understands ditzy blonde characters. The idea is a respectful homage but production keeps hurting it. Fantastical coincidences are painful recreations and hallucinatory effects are weak. We can only concentrate on one big thing at a time. Ryan always wanders. It seems like we're counting down until a stand-in with plastic taped to her butt, creates the illusion that we are witnessing and recording K's magnificence, naked. 27-Sep-2023

Tags: 2020s, Bad Acting, Cliche, Disappointment, Horror, Preposterous, Silly, Timid, Writ For Short Attn Spans



Bear, The (2022-) WhimperEarly Exit

The pacing was slow but I was patient. The cast were trying to create authentic characters and the lead was stalkable. That helps because you have to follow them and little Nic Cage a lot. It veered seldom from work, concentrated on personalities and the history that made them toxic. I wished the repairs had finished. Bonds seem stronger at work because they are constantly there. Creation flows when your personal life loses its seeds. S2E6 changed everything. I couldn't bear it. The episode was a spectacle of questionable art. I woke up from my coma to ask myself if I was being fooled. Did the jar spill beans instead of pearls? Was the lead hot or just in need of a bath? The same problems kept arising. Repetition with an artsy flair. I couldn't finish the episode, the show or the dinner. 11-Sep-2023

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Almost, Chemistry, Daddy Squish, Disappointment, Drama, Early Exit, Good Acting, Grating, Overcooked, Psychological, Relationships, Repetitive, Showy, Slow, Talk, Tedium, Tired, Warbly, Words Spoke, Writ Funny



Deep Fake Love (2023-) Woof

S1E6. The hostess melted ice like climate change and gave a grieving contestant a much appreciated mom hug. Sweet. 09-Jul-2023
S1E5. Our European brethren don't fuck around. Fright and overreaction. The moment the couples landed on Lost Island they were jittering, twitching and sweating for things that they already had. The show separates partners into Venus and Mars locations, presuming Venus is for bottoms and Mars is for tops or they could be trying to trick us and its the other way around. The object of the game is to observe footage of their frolicking partners on another planet and guess whether the footage was real or faked for cash. The reactions were so hysterical that I stopped snoring so I could laugh. Latinos invented drama by spelling it. The first time they go into the White Room, they are shown footage of their counterparts in real or inappropriate interactions. Things get dicey when the real clips got racier than the fake ones and the tricks are on them. The test doesn't want to fix the relationship but the individual. Why does the gay couple only get one temptation? I'd expect two each, at least. The hostess is a chillmeister. The contestants were crying hysterically after watching shocking footage and instead of being motherly she pushed them to answer if they thought it was real or fake. She's the only one that got wardrobe money, too. 08-Jul-2023

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Bad Acting, Brutal, Camp, Crapfun, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Drama, Foreign, From Another Planet, Fun Acting, Funny, Gay Swatch, Hot Swatch, Over the Top, Reality, Relationships, Romance, Sex, Shrill Act, Squish Alert, Trashy, Twisty, Writ Funny



Witcher, The (2019-) WoofDowngrade

The half season was a trip down Xena memory lane without the charms of Xena, Gabrielle and or thrilling action. The action suffered from premature ejaculation. Over before it begins. GOT talk keeps reminding us how powerful Ciri is. Isn't three seasons enough time to finally see it and not constantly hear about it? I'd recast with more charisma and revamp with better professionals. Replacing just the main character is going to be wonky and talky and I want them all to feel as uncomfortable as I felt watching this season. I shifted interest in character to decipher if the actors really liked each other. 06-Jul-2023
S3E2. I'm savoring them/him. I hear GOT talk incessantly. That is not the cure for acceptance or sleepiness. 04-Jul-2023
S3E1: A toxic female can destruct a man's mythology but his heroism will reign supreme. Welcome back, daddy. 03-Jul-2023
Daddy dropped the hush a notch and it was sexy. A daddypalooza overwrote the overwrought female wokeness. The RPG "come to life" was fun. The mythology became a scientific equation instead of a scientific marvel. Can we find another solution to good girl being possessed by evil besides giving her a conscious? Bummer. Istredd. Boom! Dijkstra. Yes! Joey Batey. Lick, yeah! Neneke. Your highness. Daddy Supe speaks for itself. The females need more realism and the mythology needs better surprises. 27-Dec-2021
Daddy is something else but it was the ladies that kept me glued. 18-Jan-2020
Of course, I'm disquieted by the froggish whisper of the Witcher but he delivers comitted action moves and steady alpha charisma. Interspersed characterization maintains the show's freshness. (Is it part of its mythology that all pretty twinks get killed?) 15-Jan-2020

Tags: 2010s, 2020s, Action, Brutal, Comic Book, Daddy Squish, Director's Touch, Drama, Fantasy, Fun Acting, Horror, Hot Swatch, Kool Effects, Magnetism, Squish Alert, Star Power, Star Watt, Suspense, Tedium, Timid, Wit Snit, Writ Basic, Writ Tight



Below Deck: Sailing Yacht (2020-) Woof

Gary spent the night munching on blood and he did not appreciate it. WTF, he might become a bat or something. Serves the old man right. Food for thought: old ladies don't get periods. Colin and Daisy are still pretending. TG Gary is outlandish and goes with the flow. The charter turned the crew gay for money. The cameraman captured two shots of Chase's impressive hard penis squeezing into briefs and someone commented on the captain's green platano. Why was there no shot of Gary waking up with red paint all over his face? 27-Jun-2023
Daisy spars with men before she shags them. It's the only way to dock in her marina. A childhood thing, I presume? Did the surprise couple rub against Gary before the makeout session? Gary is becoming an old man manual. He wants to settle down before his cock dies. Little girls want to fuck. Everything. He wants to sabotage all young things. Not fast enough! Captain doesn't understand how laptops supposedly lay on laps. He laid it between his legs making it appear like a fancy menu at an expensive restaurant. He places it where he can admire it, record it, measure it or expose it. Chase's looniness never ends. He's auditioning for Gilligan's Island or oops.... I don't think he got a total examination. Poor thing. If Alex could talk he'd have a lot to say. The chef disappears into the background to keep her sanity but I always forget her until she talks. Chase jokingly asked a stew to expose how lovely her boobies were. WW3. Crew tongues can be salacious to charter, not each other. We were born to serve, choose and aggregate not mingle. 31-May-2023
Episode before last, the cameras lingered on a boy whose actions seemed questionable after his father's friend's accident. It was a creepy boy's 70s horror movie edit. The stews were impressed by the boy's manner, the camera was not. It surely wasn't inherited from daddy muscle charter. He was labeled a high school asshole as soon as he took his shirt off to expose massle magnificence. He may have been high strung but he did nothing wrong except demand what he paid for. Daisy is tired of slaving for rich people. Captain laid his balls on the table and reiterated that that was her job. Gary must have gotten some questionable treatment in quarantine because he kept competing for baby vagina with his cocky crew. The girl that burned the guest's dress: it was from Walmart. Chase's looney behavior is turning me on. He knows how to have fun by himself. In business, it always boils down to men vs. women, with the women always getting fucked. 19-May-2023
Gary's back. The girls stood in line waiting to make that move that catapulted Gary's fame and kept all the straight men hating. His lateness insinuated to his crew that someone should temporarily take over. Warning. Uptight decker on the loose and TG Gary pisses easy. That dumb hot piece of shit is undermining him. Everyone wants or has licked Daisy's face. I hope it's not because she fucked Gary. Big Jesus probably fucked her and the wet boatman got old and jealous. The captain is easy peasy as usual. I hope the decker bunking with the captain realizes that the captain is not a table. One more time and captain can retaliate. He could sleep on top of him. I could've sworn that Colin swayed his hips like Marilyn and I filed it. The men are pretty and gunning for Gary's attention, the girls are stupefied and frightened that their scary boss is really scary but always hoping that Gary notices them. Gary brought action back. 06-May-2023

Tags: 2020s, By the Numbers, Camp, Drama, Fatigue, NSFW, Overcooked, Reality, Relationships, Showy, Shrill Act, Stupid Funny, Travel, Writer's Peak



Black Mirror (2023-) Arf

S6E1. Joan Is Awful is fun until buffoonery steps in. I refused to change my brain frequency to understand it. S6E2. Diversity appeared out of sorts in a Scottish mystery that was dull, basic and predictable. I couldn't wait for it to end. E3. Beyond the Sea. I didn't have to pretend my mathematical rationality was misfiring. Perfectly constructed and understandable. The actors leant it broadway huff and puff. The watts illuminated emotional longing. Aaron Paul had an opportunity to steal and he took it, succeeding in hosting more than one spirit. Josh Hartnett plugs sweaty emotion into an astronaut whose reason for life has ended. Kate Mara is an other. The era suits Mara and her beautiful chops. S6E4. Mazey Day. Resembling Brittney Spears is not reason enough to grant a stranger mercy. S6E5. Trash that you shuck out the window after inspecting it. Beyond The Sea was the exception to mediocrity. It was great. 18-Jun-2023

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Chemistry, Daddy Squish, Drama, Good Acting, Horror, Predictable, Questionable, Revenge, Sci-Fi, Silly, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, Timid, Vague, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful



Married At First Sight UK (2015-) Woof

Reunion. I was put off that Hades and his minions had ceased to judge then I realized that not all foreign reality shows are made in the cryptic depths of Australia. The black judge is either gay or giddy. Jordan thinks that his supremacism won't show if he romances the same black subject five years later. George escaped from the Arkham Asylum. No George, you cannot control this chick because you can't sexually satisfy her. Kwame has James Bond issues. The lesbians are happy with any kind of pussy, even if it doesn't eat dog food. Hey judges, gay men can marry sisters but they fuck men. The pronoun starts with cis. If the lesbians can get one with a bow tie we can get one lousy butch. They exist. They made us. The supremacist stopped the show by being supreme. He dumped a weighty issue by adopting a more politically correct one. Thou mustn't abuse the power called race. We're running away together, bitch! If you complain you'll sound like a racist because she's black! Instant GET OUT OF JAIL card. 16-Jun-2023

Tags: 2010s, 2020s, Brutal, Crapfun, Daddy Squish, Discomfort, Egotistical, Fun Acting, Funny, Hot Swatch, Insulting, Juvenile, Lifestyle, Pitchy, Predictable, Relationships, Romance, Silly, Tacky, Trashy, Writ Basic



Superman & Lois (2021-) Woof

Invisible sister jumped off the screen, again. I couldn't see her, at all. The Amazing Valdez returned. Him and Lana found the cure for teenage angst... slave wages. Clark giving Valdez a super flick was everything. I'm sure his ass tightened instantaneously. Peia's dilemma kept us interested, the cast blended more and Superman is a dick for allowing anyone to cut Lois' tits off. I thought about his explanation for not using alien tech to save his wife. It's a privilege of consequences. He shouldn't save anyone, then. Ever. It's the same type of interference. I think I fucked up the mythology for myself. 07-Jun-2023
A magic spell not concocted with superpowers. Lana Lang and Sam Lane hooking up. Yay! 10-May-2023
The episode where I lost respect for Superman. Bruno one upped Clark's manhood by giving a million fucks for his dying wife while the Supe has technology that can save his but wont. The boys care enough to do everything to save their mom but she's waiting for Superman to become one. Clark Kent has become background wallpaper. Is Sarah's first lesbian affair going to happen with that Beppo woman? Ack! I actually felt sorry for Lana. The Amazing Valdez was missing and the invisible sister went invisible again. 05-May-2023
S3E6. It wrung emotions that overwhelmed the mythology. It's a well liked family drama with hillbilly charm. Like an aunt. Superman has no concerns about Superboy except teaching him how to hide for safety. A teen with superpowers of mixed cosmic race has no sexual malfunctions, ever? The Kents just want to be part of the team (earth). The boring part. They finally gave Lois a good excuse to not put food in her mouth. Lana's invisible child is given an abandonment storyline so a Kent can inspire her quest to save the world in the future and because the writers couldn't write another male fucking thing. Why does someone always know where the missing kid might have gone? That rose faced lady bothers me. Erik Valdez is auditioning for Jimmy Oleson, undercover. Wow, he has massles. He's hyped as fuck. What an adorable prick. He's fucking the town crier and the person Lana and the kids are most likely to bump into and he doesn't give a shit. Out of respect, he should try finding his steady fucks out of town. Why didn't they shave Chad Coleman and make him Lex? Why does Clark act like he's getting fired at a button's notice? Dude, kill it. I know they're not as cute as those wolf fuckers but fuck that, go wild. Touch Lana's ex latin prick's ass and make them pop. Laser the buttons off the snitch's blouse as she sits by the prick and have Lana and the kids show up. If the Kents start wearing cowboy hats and line dancing we know the button has been pushed. What's ok for the Ewings on Dallas is off base for comic book heroes. We devoured the comic adventures because it allowed entry into a world where fantasy science could inspire the gifted to take on the fight, leave real life misery behind and take our imagination to justice. We watched Dallas because they were fun, conniving, evil, drunk, violent, cheating, thieving, dreaming and killing assholes, like our families without the luxury, class or survival skills. The show is homebound. 29-Apr-2023
S3E6. Clark goes to death therapy to support Lois. Clark summarizes that his chances of death are kryptonite based and the threat of it doesn't happen often. He doesn't understand why his super sperm didn't save her. It helped Lana and she became mayor of Toontown. 27-Apr-2023
Oh, no. Are they going to change the name to "The Women and Clark"? 23-Mar-2023
I smell a Lana & Lois season. They already found a way to have daddy Supe lapse into comas. Lana banned all Kent men from her lesbian daughter and herself. They are toxic. She would have banned her ex-husband too but he needs to pay her rent. Sometimes daddy Supe appears to be the same height as Lana. 10-Jun-2022
Jonathan didn't need to fashion a leather jacket and lace gloves to make us accept his coolness. A close up touch, a pre-alopecia treatment, a tattered t-shirt and some skinny jeans would have kept us onboard. Lois starves in both dimensions, Superman's crotch measures the same in every universe, Lana doesn't burst any bubbles in either, Lang's daughter pontificates lesbianism against a boy that fails in both dimensions. Old bitches are making it difficult for male heroes to survive. 07-May-2022

Tags: 2020s, Action, Amiable, Chemistry, Comic Book, Daddy Squish, Director's Slice, Drama, Elegance, Fantasy, Fun, Heart Writ, Hilarious, Hot Swatch, Mystery, Nostalgic, Relationships, Sci-Fi, Sentimental, Star Watt, Sweet, Timid, Tired, Words Spoke, Writ Tight, Writ w/Possibilities



Danny Thomas Show, The (1953-1965) Full Moon

There seems to be silence on the legacy of this classic sitcom. It started as Make Room For Daddy and mushroomed into The Danny Thomas Show. I saw all of the latter and only a handful of the other. The actress playing his wife, in the first half, had disdain for the man and it showed. Her composure did not scream nurturing, romantic or in love. Wrong place for the wrong actress. Danny played a version of himself. He was a singer/comedian who worked nightclubs. Jabbing at Danny's Lebanese culture was open, respectful and knowledgable. Lucy & Desi were his parents (friends) and Dick Van Dyke was his cousin (spin-off.) The show was blessed with energetic ideas, comic genius and non-stop showmanship. Danny must have learned how Lucy did it because he found his cute and sarcastic wit. Second wife was glamorous, vindictive, funny and hot. Marjorie Lord went shopping with Lucy Ricardo, cooked in fashion, got him in the mood and plotted her revenge in a very elegant and comical manner. The son is a scene stealer. Even when he made a mistake he diverted it with more funny. His adorability peaked in his tweens and crashed in his teens but he had a memorable run. Funny as fuck. The daughter was a prime teen that left before her character became unbearable. She had her moments. Louise was the household maid that was played by two elder pros. She got to hug white children, gossip with the wife, celebrate as a family member and sass the boss. A proud black woman. She isn't in all the episodes but the character remained til the end. The guest stars were numerous. The writers succeeded in incorporating them into strong storylines. The topics were basic, like feminism, how men can't do anything right, a woman can do anything men can do, a gift abolishes snarls and make-up sex is her way of accepting an apology. Penny from Lost In Space enters as a cute sister moppet that was supposed to bring adorability and sunshine. She was a work in progress. She laughs during line readings and when Mr. Thomas is doing his thing. She's cute and annoying. He was a great teacher, though. He hands a season to his working buddy and his domineering wife, played by the original Ursula from the Little Mermaid. It was an odd experiment giving supporting players full reign. They had to fill really big shoes and were no longer the sitcom air freshener. Ursula flopped around like she was getting paid to play charades on land. She was a bit too much. Danny was a ham. He sang in almost every episode. He shoved it down our throats but was so adamant and easy going that we learned to accept it and stopped praying that he didn't sing in the next episode. They had minorities galore and a successful run from the 50s through the 60s. Well-written, comical, consistent and timeless. One of a kind. Why don't we ever celebrate it? 06-Jun-2023

Tags: 1950s, 1960s, Accidental Watch, Adorable, Amiable, Best In Comedy, Best In Variety, Celebrity, Chemistry, Classic, Comedy, Cultural, Cute, Daddy Squish, Director's Touch, Entertainment, Enthusiastic, Fun, Funny, Great Acting, Heart Writ, Hilarious, Music Rocks, Musical, Relationships, Romance, Sexy, Showy, Silly, Squish Alert, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, Sweet, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Funny, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight, Writ Tough, Writer's Peak



Muted (2023-) WhimperEarly Exit

As soon as I confused the boyfriend with the main character, I booked. Dude, I thought his marks were fake. Wow, he looked better in the past. Boo, I just insulted a person. They were both lovelies. I was watching on a different wavelength. I didn't want to have to rethink my imaginary flashbacks. The lady in charge of investigation hinted that it was schlock anyway. 31-May-2023

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Cliche, Crime Drama, Drama, Early Exit, Gay, LGBTQ, Mystery, Pretty, Sexy, Star Watt, Tedium, Timid, Trashy, Warbly, Weird



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